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"When was the last time you played a turn-based squad-oriented tactical combat game? Okay, but when was the last time you played a GOOD turn-based squad-oriented tactical combat game?"


Good question. :):)


While we ponder upon that Avault is recommeding we check out the (currently beta) game called Gunrox.




Information is a bit scant: you create a squad of soldiers, gameplay is head to head or coop skirmishing. If the above tickles your fancy you can download it from Enkord here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
remember back when Blizzard used to produce original games instead of endless sequels...


When was this? Blizzard has been making endless sequels for fourteen years. Even back then, in the beginning, Warcraft and Starcraft are not exactly "original" in the exact term. Both games were originally going to be based directly on the Warhammer and Warhammer 40K games respectively. Though this is 100 times more obvious in Starcraft.


The only non-licensed game, besides Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo, would be the Lost Vikings from 1992 and the sequel in 1995. Which was a cool and original game, but I think it was the only one that fell under the "original" category.


Blizzard is just "Craft" games at this point.

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It's a shame too. Of all the developers, Blizzard would have the least trouble making an original IP. Even if it failed commercially, I doubt it would hurt them all that much. Well, as long as D3 delivers, I won't complain.
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Have to say that Diablo 3 looks very promising! :) Like the fact that you can jump, and that enemies come climbing up the walls.


That being said, I would love to see something original from Blizzard too! What they produce is quality, so something original from the would be fantastic! :)

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When was this? Blizzard has been making endless sequels for fourteen years. Even back then, in the beginning, Warcraft and Starcraft are not exactly "original" in the exact term. Both games were originally going to be based directly on the Warhammer and Warhammer 40K games respectively. Though this is 100 times more obvious in Starcraft.


The only non-licensed game, besides Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo, would be the Lost Vikings from 1992 and the sequel in 1995. Which was a cool and original game, but I think it was the only one that fell under the "original" category.


Blizzard is just "Craft" games at this point.

Do you always have to argue about everything? :)


I do remember a bunch of Blizzard games that were different in their times, WarCraft 2 was very special for me, despite the already existing genre, from other RTS, same as StarCraft (though I never enjoyed that one nearly as much as WC2); There was this fun little platform game called Blackthorne ^_^, and AT THE TIME, Diablo was different from them all...

Yes, I still remember the times when those games were new, that was the time I enjoyed gaming the best, with excellent games such as TIE Fighter, Monkey Island, etc

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Do you always have to argue about everything?


Unfortunately, challenging people's thinking and beliefs is one of my hobbies. I always enjoy a good debate because it gets the brain juices flowing for all parties involved. It's exhilerating enough that I sometimes even challenge someone's thinking, even if I agree with them completely, just to understand 'why' other people think that way. And unlike 99.9999999% of my home country, I do not mind being proven wrong. It means I learned something. And if I prove someone else wrong, it means I've taught someone something. Win-win, as far as I'm concerned. If nobody is proven wrong, it means I grow to understand the thinking of others a lot better. Either that or someone gets PO'd and makes a savage tantrum post, (See Kratos in the DRM thread.) those just amuse me.


Also, I responded that way because I've always believed Blizzard to be an extremely unoriginal company. To be honest, I think Diablo is the only game I can say that I can't think of anything else similar to it... Warcraft and Starcraft were, as I mentioned, originally going to be licensed property. Not bad games, but not quite original either.


But I guess a lack of originality is a good thing. It means they can improve upon the things we already have. See Starcraft 2, for example... The games seems to be exactly the same, just with a bunch of tweaks and a serious graphics overhaul. It may not be original, but because they don't need to spend time being original, the game comes out quicker and with greater quality.


RE: Diablo 3. I actually am not sure if I will get into Diablo 3... I got tired of click-fests years ago. But I will most definitely give it a chance if it makes a different attack interface, such as a single click to have your character go nuts striking his target.

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I have to agree. There hasn't been an original license coming out of Blizzard for too many years. Everything's basically sequels, or sequels of sequels, or sequels of sequels of sequels ad infinitum...
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Diablo 3 is hardly a surprising announcement. Blizzard is very much playing it safe in keeping with this direction, and a couple million copies is going to be an easy score with this one.


However, much like Strong Bob, I feel my button mashing days are well behind me...


Regarding original games I always hoped they went through with the post-apoc game they sneak-peeked on Warcraft II's CD. It was a strategy game called 'Shattered Nations'. If you're curious the teaser trailer they put together then can still be seen on YouTube



From the CD:

Shattered Nations, a futuristic strategy game in which players must save humanity from extinction in a post-holocaust world, is another exciting title coming from Blizzard Entertainment.


Key features of Shattered Nations


> Rebuild and maintain the basics of survival while striving to advance humanity

> Detailed economic system grows as technological advancements of the past are rediscovered

> Advisors allow for improved control over the increasing amounts of resources and people

> Command numerous units that range from steam-driven battle wagons to gattling-laser infantry

> System is designed to allow varied stages of control, from micro-management to grand overview

> Multiplayer mode via network, modem or direct link options

> Unique "Spawning" technology that allows head-to-head play by installing multiple copies from the original CD-ROM

> Unique game structure allows for unlimited replay value whether in single or multiplayer games

> SVGA enhanced graphics with rich three-dimensional rendered scenes



Say... are those Hyperworms on D3's gameplay clip ?! :blink:;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Far Cry 2 E3 info at IGN


Somehow it seems trendy to mention X-COM these days.


"Half-Life 2 is a game we talk about a lot. Look at the interactions you have with Alyx. Even though it's kind of like gatekeeper kind of stuff, it's still like you care about Alyx, that relationship is important to the game. The counter-point is something like X-Com and the original Rainbow Six where I have these characters who are like, in X-Com they were literally a list of first names and a list of last names...'You are playing Frank...Thompson' or this character you hired is Frank Thompson. Here are his stats and his stats get better the more you play with him and pretty soon you care about Frank Thompson and eventually Frank Thompson is like the last man standing on that mission where the aliens raid your main base and it's like he kills five chrysalids with a laser pistol and everybody else is dead and it's like, 'If it wasn't for Frank Thompson, I would have lost.' You build an investment in these characters."
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Regarding Dragon Age


What I like from what I've read about the game thus far:

- It's a game with a single-player focus

- It's a game developed with the PC (as in Personal Computer here, not Player Character :blink:) in mind

- Camera allows for isometric-style viewpoint when zoomed out

- Pause and play tactical combat

- Dynamic party-member control scheme (you configure AI stance / let it self-managed)

- Spell interaction

- The possibility of character customisability


I've downloaded and watched the gameplay footage you kindly linked to as well.


Having played BG and BG2, Neverwinter Nights and a few expansions I'd probably have to say I've got some mixed feelings at this point, SV. The question is really what is this game going to do for you.


The draw for me would be the pseudo tactical combat (which is the core gameplay), alongside character customisability (what the term Role-Play actually gets down to more often than not).


Now allow me to verge on the Chaotic Evil a little bit here: where does the fun of tricking out your character with special skills and equipment ultimately express itself ? Combat.


Show off with that flick-of-the-wrist freeze spell, blink, and then break the man (literally) to pieces with a swing of your staff, have an arrow expertly placed through a brute's throat at 26 feet, slam the broad side of a war hammer against the broad side of a mongrel's head, let loose the vile beast that was in chains for three hundred years and let it be your pet or perish, find yourself the last man standing after a raid by venomous spider worshipers, command the raucous cheer of villagers as you enter town with a hag in a cage.


Now there's something to make someone misty-eyed... :)


I think your payoff is the bottom line (as much as the empty wallet). And if nostalgia has little to do with that, is it worth going the way of Origins ? I suppose we'll find out.




Is it me or are you seriously thinking of selling off all those high-powered telescopes and alien capital ships you keep on your terrace in order to get something capable of running Far Cry 2, SV ? ;)

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Is it me or are you seriously thinking of selling off all those high-powered telescopes and alien capital ships you keep on your terrace in order to get something capable of running Far Cry 2, SV ? :)

No no, I was thinking more in the lines of a kidney or something... :blink: I keep postponing the buy. I was actually ready to buy one a few months ago, than my uncle called and said he has a car for me. He's a mechanic so I trust his judgement, but my choice may still turn out to be pretty expensive. I bought 8 years old Subaru Legacy for 6,5k

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