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The problem with the games industry is...too many to mention. Takes itself too seriously, no proper reporting, etc. As an example, EuroGamer did this bit, originally titled ""Uncharted is like a porn film - Quantic Dream." where David Cage compared the narrative structure of the game to an, ahem, adult education film.


Cue humourless twat David Cage throwing his toys out of the pram, and EG having to do this. Otherwise, they'd be getting nothing from Quantic in the future. Instead of getting a grip, and/or a sense of humour, throw a tantrum, demand an apology, and hold future news/interviews/exclusives to ransom over it. This is why the gaming press is emasculated.

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... This is why the gaming press is emasculated.


Actually, the problem you've stated is something that has infected media in general. However, as much as I agree more people need a sense of humor, we need to understand the concept "Time and Place". I do not think that any form of news coverage is a place for that kind of humor... Mostly because calling something like "Uncharted" akin to a porn movie will not likely yield positive reaction from those that haven't played it.


And god forbid any uber conservative sees that, and Jack Thompson appears in order to sue Uncharted for it's pornographic content. (Which Take Two is obviously responsible for!)


Frankly, I think the greater problem is in the gamers. But that is for another topic. Would rather not discuss it in here.


So far I've loved all the Bioware RPGs I've played, so I'll definitely try Dragon Age. Enjoying Mass Effect a lot, not too bad for a console port


I agree. I've been playing Bioware games since I was in elementary school. (Which makes me feel old, since I'm quite a ways into college at this point.) It's amusing to look back on how almost every Bioware game was ahead of it's field at the time.


It's too bad, though. I felt Mass Effect, while a fantastic game, took a giant step backwards on the RPG front. I hope they recognize this and do a better job in their sequel.

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Nice strategy game package from Strategy First.


That looks like quite a good deal. If I didn't already have all the titles from there that I wanted, I'd be in like Flynn.


Don't let your DRMs turn into nightmares (clever, eh?).


Hur hur.


Interesting, hope they succeed.

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In her report, the referee states: Over a very extended period of time involving a number of totally unrelated cases and individuals, [r]espondent has demonstrated a pattern of conduct to strike out harshly, extensively, repeatedly and willfully to simply try to bring as much difficulty, distraction and anguish to those he considers in opposition to his causes.


He does not proceed within the guidelines of appropriate professional behavior, but rather uses other means available to intimidate, harass, or bring public disrepute to those whom he perceives oppose him.


Tasty justice.


* [Thompson] made false statements of material fact to courts and repeatedly violated a court order

* [Thompson] communicated the subject of representation directly with clients of opposing counsel

* [Thompson] engaged in prohibited ex parte communications

* [Thompson] publicized and sent hundreds of pages of vitriolic and disparaging missives, letters, faxes, and press releases, to the affected individuals

* [Thompson] targeted an individual who was not involved with respondent in any way, merely due to "the position [the individual] holds in state and national politics"

* [Thompson]falsely, recklessly, and publicly accused a judge as being amenable to the "fixing" of cases

* [Thompson] sent courts inappropriate and offensive sexual materials

* [Thompson] falsely and publicly accused various attorneys and their clients of engaging in a

conspiracy/enterprise involving "the criminal distribution of sexual materials to minors" and attempted to get prosecuting authorities to charge these attorneys and their clients for racketeering and extortion

* [Thompson] harassed the former client of an attorney in an effort to get the client to use its influence to persuade the attorney to withdraw a defamation suit filed by the attorney against respondent

* [Thompson] retaliated against attorneys who filed Bar complaints against him for his unethical conduct by asserting to their clients, government officials, politicians, the media, female lawyers in their law firm, employees, personal friends, acquaintances, and their wives, that the attorneys were criminal pornographers who objectify women.


The Court also upheld a fine of $43,675 against Thompson.


From a transcript of the trial:


JT: Judge Moore, did you bring a libel action against me?




JT: Why not?


MOORE: Well -


TUMA: Objection to relevancy.


DT: Overruled.


MOORE: Why not?


JT: Yes.


MOORE: Mr. Thompson, I want to have the least amount of contact with you I can have. I don’t know how to put it any other way than that. I don’t want to see you…


Thanks to Game Politics, who are sexy.

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Not your everyday "unthinking" man's game, Romance of The Three Kingdoms XI is a turn-based game with a reputedly intricate nature and deep learning curve. There is a reward, it seems, should you travel the right path and prove yourself worthy...




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