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Weird bugs


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uuuuhhhhh....how should i put this?When i play UFO defence, there are some weird bugs. First of all, when i use a blasterlauncher, when i make it go up or down it flies toward the left side of the screen. all of the time. another one is when i get up to a random point in the game, than it shuts off. I finally got a certian facility and when it is finished the game turns off. The last one is really weird. When an alien shhots my man with a heay plasma, nothing happens. My dudes have taken headshots and not died, whats up with that?
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1) the blaster bombs.... for this i think there is no cure... just don't go straight up or down. always take it at an upwards diagonal.


2) i dunno about the crashing... check the support section.


3) dont complain about you men not dieing be happy! *chuckles* :)

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About the CE blaster bomb bug, I answered a similar question over at XCommand. I'll copy and paste my reply:


Bought the X-Com Collector's Ed a while back and have been playing TFTD. The problem I have occurs when I try to use the Disruptor Pulse Launcher. I set my second way point above any obstructions (especially my squad members' heads) and continue until I can rain hell on the enemy. But when I launch the Disruptor it stays on one plane, usually plowing into a large number of my squad. This hurts my strategy quite a bit. Is this a glitch, or just a different weapon design than that from UFO Defense to keep people like me from using it as a crutch?


It's a problem with the Collectors Edition in particular, and is exactly the same in UFO Collectors Edition.


The missile has trouble navigating between elevations IF it's on the same x, y coordinate. That is to say, it cannot move up and down on the same tile (why? I don't know, it just doesn't). However, you CAN move it at slight angles! This isn't too bad, as you can make the missile glide through one tile wide holes, but it might be a bit tricky, so experiment a bit.


There is another way. You'll notice that every time the missile hits the pivot waypoint, instead of flying down it flies off to the south? Every time. And if it doesn't hit anything, it'll go right off the map. If you place one more waypoint just after the destination point and if the missile flies off the map, it will mysteriously reappear at it's proper location and fly off to its next target. So, place the pivot high up on elevation level 3, where there's practically nothing up there that'll block the bomb from flying off the map, then place more waypoints after its vertical movement. Try and get these ones to slam the bomb into a wall, or get them to slam into the ground at an angle.


There's also a bug with the proximity mines for the collectors edition that causes them to pass on their proximity traits to random items in the next battle if they are armed but not spent. Practically anything might explode in the next mission. Could be harmless, like a simple flare, or dangerous, like a grenade.


There are a few ways around it, but the best suggestion is to save your game just before entering combat then reloading it if a random item that shouldn't have exploded does, or just pick everything up off the floor and hope that you hear a mysterious 'pop' on the alien's turn.


- NKF, hurled a curious object that turned out to be The Curious Object of Doom™, and forgot about it promptly afterwards.



Additional: Notice that the aliens in the collectors edition also have the same problem with flying blaster bombs between elevations on the same tile. So, if you're afraid of blaster bombs, just hide up or down a one-tile wide grav-lift, like those in the stilts of the battleship and a lot of alien base modules.


- NKF, redundant, isn't it?

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thank you all for the advice. But for the one where the plasma hits do no dammage, that works both ways. Don't try to prove this. If you soldiers are like mine, they literaly cant hit a muton from one square away.
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Luckily, it only seems to be a problem with the CE edition in particular. The original dos version works fine.


By the way, does the vertical-grenade-through-the-ceiling trick work on the PSX version as well? If the rockets-or-grenades-through-corner-wall trick works so should this one, but it would be nice to know.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the BB problem only occurs in Xcom: Collectors Edition...


Was the error occuring on a copy of collectors edition or a normal copy...


Cauz i noticed that also with the Blaster Launcher co-ordinates that when i waz on a roof and the directed the bomb forward and then downwards it went off into the left direction...


But in the Normal PC and PSX versions i hadn't noticed the problem...


Maybe someone #@$%ed up and forgot to fix it in the Collectors Edition

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