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Who Loves UFO The Most?


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I like pie.


But then again, I wouldn't spend so much time here, at XCommand and reading alt.game.x-com if I didn't. :)


But I haven't actually 'played' any of the X-Com games for so long. Odd isn't it?


'tis an obsession, right enough.



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hehehehehehe only joking, can anybody get the PS1 version of X-COM Ufo and up it to me, i will up the two towers to the person that gets the playstation version and ups it to me!!!!!


and oh yeah, I F**KING LOVE X-COM UFO!!!!!!


:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:



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I actually totally forgot about X-Com for years until about a week ago, so I guess I can't claim to like it the most. I bet I'm in the running for Biggest Star Control 2 Fan though.

This is off topic, but do you know about the remake of Star Control 2? Toys for Bob, the creators of Star Control 1 and 2, have released the source code for SC2, and it's being made to work on modern PCs. It's called The Ur-Quan Masters because they don't own the copyright to "Star Control", but it's the exact same game.

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I recommend downloading the Ur-Quan Masters, it's great playing SC2 again.. and yeah, I kinda remember hearing something about what you're talking about a while ago. All I remember is that they said they were doing a fantasy/medieval game and that SC2 fans would like it. That's all I know.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The first UFOs you down in apoc are unmanned scouts. Wait a few weeks and believe me, the harder UFOs will come, and you will curse. Oh yes my friend, you will curse. But I'll shutup now since this is an apoc thing.
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I can assure you im a major fan of UFO and of the x-com series. As for the one who loves x-com the most i can honostly say i am not the one. (When it comes to psi that a diffrent story)


-PSY GUY- :)


Edit (For the board game try making it like D&D with the "Game Master" (In this case "The Brain") With a game master LOS can be a judgement type thing.)

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D&D... dungeons & dragons, the role playing game.


one person would be the dungeon master (or game master, whatever you wish to call it), the rest players... the players would be a band of heros, who wonder around, go on a quest, that sort of thing...


the dungeon master would be the one who essentially does what a computer would... they play all the NPC's (non player characters), tell the players what is going on, so on & so forth. also, they do things like if one of the characters has say... i high awareness skill and they have a chance of noticing something the others wouldn't, the game master rolls some dice (in secret) to determine wether they see it or not... if they do, the game master whispers in said players ear "you notice such & such" or something like....

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