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A flash from the past - NAARO


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You know what happens sometimes when you're just surfing for one particular piece of information, and a couple of minutes later, you're caught somewhere completely different. This is basically how I got here. I was trying to look up some info on a game I was interested in, when I suddenly ran across IGN's "Top 25 PC Games of All Time"-list and found my ol' favourite game snatching the NO1 spot. I immediately had a flashback and a melancholic strole down memory lane and soon I was back as my character during the days of simming in NAARO, the simming division me and a friend created.


I googled NAARO and came up with, besides the official but since long dead homepage, this place. It's fun to see that X-com simming is still going on, even though I definately don't wanna take any credit for it's creation (we just created a knew story but the ground work in simming was laid with predecessors such as OLS/TDF). I have no idea if any of you were active back then and whether you remember our sim, but if so, I hope those memories are fond, because mine sure are. Check out the website at: https://hem.passagen.se/redvenom/naaro/


Good luck in the future with your sims!




Anders "Stephen Davies" Halvarsson

XO and co-founder of NAARO

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Thank you for the well-wishes, Halvan. :D As coincidence would have it, I had just seen the IGN Top 25 game list a few days ago.


One of your comrades (I almost postiive he was in NAARO) was part of XCAS a long time back, but as we expanded beyond the boundaries of the X-Com universe he chose to move on to different projects. Skonar still does come around these boards though in the X-Com fanfiction section; send him a PM if you have time, as I'm sure he would love to hear from you. Skonar was a great help in getting us started in the early days, still maintains his roleplaying skills, and gives us some advice from time to time.


Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and the best to you in the future. :)

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I was a member of TDF once, about three years back. Played for a few months, then the whole thing just vanished. Website went offline, nobody sent anything on the mailing list, chatrooms empty. Darndest thing I ever saw.
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  • 1 month later...

What the ... If Dmitri (how can we forget the death of Dmitri Samusenko?) can say hello - I can say hello, I guess I also qualify as a NAARO oldtimer ... Nice to see that people still remember it ...


Best greetings from Mattias "Scott Wright" Blennow

CO and the other co-founder of NAARO

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ehh, it goes. How come you don't reply to email, nerd? Granted, I haven't been sending any lately...


Life/work is busy, but the new project for the summer is ETG, in the off-topic section. I'll start sending out emails about getting together to discuss simming more towards September when people are more knowledgable about their schedules (for you school people).

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  • 8 months later...

Cheers from way back when :eh:


I was in OLS/TDF and ASG(i think it was ASG). Good to see that people are still doing this... its been what, 10 years?


BOSMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahaha, good times.


See ya!


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