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Anyone for a cooperative fanfic?

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Is anyone interested in participating in a cooperative fanfiction like the X-Com cooperative fanfics? The same sort of rules would apply - no killing off each other's characters, anyone can post, etc. The main characters would be people assigned to Phoenix Company, and it would start at the beginning of a new campaign, i.e., 1st January 2005.


If so, I will post a few character profiles and an introductory chapter in a few days.

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Character-wise, are you looking for lucky survivors with a slight to moderate military background, or for troopers-for-life?

A bit of both. There will be a core of hardened US Marines type professional soldiers, some civilian volunteers who have shown resourcefulness and want to have another crack at the enemy, and civilians who aren't very good fighters but who have valuble skills and knowledge, ie the platoon medic. In time, civilians with good psionic skills will be needed.


If a character isn't a professional soldier, there will need to be some background information as to why he or she volunteered for such hazardous duty. Perhaps the reason would be lost family members or the character was once abducted by the aliens...

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There is a RPG thread going at the official boards. Maybe some of the people there would like to join? Could mention it there.

They're welcome to join in at any time if they are interested. This is going to be concentrating on an entire campaign, so individual missions won't be narrated in the same detail as in the RPG threads.


I also want to have some interaction between the characters. For instance, how will the Old Greys get on with soldiers who have a good reason to hate their kind? Maybe two characters could have a romance and then one gets killed on a mission, leaving the other one to try to cope with the loss.

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How about that for a start?

Name: Mira Geffen

Callsign: Mira or Mirushka

Speciality: Medic, Pistolero and, later on, Psionic

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Pre-Fall Nationality: Israeli

Character Controller: Shades of Green


Background: Growing up in the somg-choked worker-class suburbs of Haifa, Mira was a quiet, yet curious child who saw little happiness in her early life. Her mind, however, was quite sharp, and her imagination was solid; what she could not satisfy in her material life, she made up to from books, daydreams and quiet friendly chatter. Her intellectual abilities eventually led to a relatively successful graduation from high school and to her drafting to the IDF as a semi-field medic (this is where she had her military experience: training with the M16 Assault Rifle, and more than that - the Galil MAR carbine, which should count as a "handgun" in UFO:AM terms, as well as sone experience on the Uzi SMG - which is used only for traing in the IDF these days - but mostly medic training).

After her military service she applied to the Hebrew university in Jerusalem to study biology, which she graduated with fine marks; she marked the completion of her Bachelor's Degree by a cross-Europe trip, in the spring of 2004, with a few of her friends (Olga, Ariella and Avram). The Fall caught her in the Paris metro system, where she hid out with other survivors in one of the less contaminated segments of the system; her friends, who staid at the hotel while she took the metro, did not survive. She signed up with the Council of Earth in early December 2004 out of despair and in the hopes of revange.


Personality: Mira was, most of her life, a dreamy but unhappy person. Thebest parts of her life were in high school and in the university, two worlds which are now far behind her. With three of her best friends (especilly Avram who was slowly becoming her boyfriend) dead, she is quite depressed, however she finds ways out of that depression by cooking (one of her two favorite passtimes), reading/daydreaming (her second favorite passtime), by helping others in a "motherly" way and by swearing revange - and serving in the organization which is the instrument of that revange. She speaks Hebrew and English well, and could handle herself in French (living a few months with French survivors in the Paris metro will teach you the language).


Physical Description: Mira is a short, somewhat round young woman standing 1.66 meters tall and weighting 81 kilograms. She has shoulder-length smooth black hair (which she wears loose) and deep green eyes; out of uniform she dresses causally (usually jeans and a T-shirt).


(now, the Skill Tool comes into use :D)


Strength: Poor

Agility: Avarage

Dexterity: Good

Willpower: Good

Intelligence: Excellent

Perception: Avarage



Markmanship: Good

Rifles: Avarage

Handguns: Good

Launchers: Avarage

Throwing: Poor


Psi Power: Very Good

Hit Points: Avarage

Speed: Avarage

Dodging: Avarage


Observation: Good

Stealth: Avarage


Aliens: Very Good

Medical: Very Good

Capacity: Avarage


Hmmm... fell in love with that character. I gotta see if I can use her as a starting character rather than Melcolm.

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Excellent! I'm glad to see you used the UFO: Aftermath skills and attributes.


It would probably be helpful to include a little section saying what each character's specialities are to help other people write their sections - for instance, a good sniper/psionic isn't going to be the first choice for taking out a plecton with a grenade.


Overnight I'll write up my main character, add Malcolm and Brian as characters anybody can control and do that intorductory chapter.

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It would probably be helpful to include a little section saying what each character's specialities are to help other people write their sections - for instance, a good sniper/psionic isn't going to be the first choice for taking out a plecton with a grenade.


Ok, added the "Speciality: Medic, Pistolero and, later on, Psionic" line to my description.

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  • 2 months later...

Sound nice.. if i got some time over.

A lot to do at work and at home now, but I'll book a psi-char for as long as noone else want's it. I'll have to read the things written already before I can get going.

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