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UFBO (unidentified flying black objects)


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Hey, I installed this game today and it's being a real pain, not only does the tutorial crash when asked to throw a grenade, but in urban missions the who maps often gets filled with huge back triangular shapes which make the game unplayable - it crashes quite frequently too. I've tried setting the configuration to lower Hz but it doesn't really seem to help, I've also downloaded the lastest patch (v.1.4). Anyone know what the problem is, and importantly, how the hell I can fix it! much appreciation.
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Thanks for the friendly welcome, My graphics card is a ATi Radeon 9600 126mb, I think with the lastest drivers (my friend installed it about 2 weeks ago) and I'm too much of a computer incompetent to know how to check. I've got the last version of DirectX (9.0c isn't it?) and I've windows XP professional with service pack 2. Bloody game just crashed on me again, and now every time I load up that save it crashes within seconds! Arrrgh!
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Okay, sounds good so far. Do this: Start->Run... and then type dxdiag. Look through the report you get to see that everything is okay, meaning no errors on any of the report pages (the bottom). Also check the display tab to see what version drivers you have. Then report back.
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Jawohl Herr Oberleutnant! Right, no errors on any of the pages, and under devices it says

ati2dvag.dll, version 6.14.0010.6505 (english). Does that help? Just tried a bit more gaming. Crash crash crash, erm, 7 times before I gave up, one after the other after the other, straight to the windows error message! Sheeeesh...

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Hmm, you have the 5.1 version of the drivers. There's been one update in the meantime. You can try to add it (5.2). I'll see if Kret know something (he's the expert on these things), and if not you can contact ALTAR at support@altarinteractive.com


Schnell Soldat! :huh:

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How the heck does one get branded an "expert" in an area that rarely touches but luckely finds the problem.


Anyhow, downgrading the drivers might be an option you could try, but this is considerably tiring if you really don't know what're you doing.


It has been proven many times that newer drivers tend to loose stability in some games than older drivers. Heck I remember reading they recommend using pre 3.x ati drivers for some cards to remove video shuttering during the briefings in CnC Generals.


It's all down to finding the most suitable dirver version for your current graphic card and games.


An option you could try are the omega drivers. For me they've proven to be better than the original ATI drivers. Remember that these drivers are not officially supported by the card manufacturers.



Oh, Slaughter, what was the force old VA compatability mode option again? This might help here with at least the crashes.

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