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I suggest reading up on some reports across America. Sex-educators are, in fact, physical education teachers, (Gym teachers).


Reports are practically daily, on how these teachers deploy hidden cameras in locker rooms, bathrooms, etc...


Teachers in general are there for the right reason. But when it comes to sex-ed, there are plenty that aren't. (I make no implication that ALL are not. Just a select amount.)

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I didn't get any sex education at school until I was nearly 15. This is how old the biblical Mary was when she gave birth and how old Shakespeare's Juliet was when she made love to Romeo.


After allowing for the teenage boasting, I think that about a quarter of my classmates had done some practical experimentation, which was potentially dangerous because of their lack of knowledge of contraception. At the time there was a news story from another school in which it was revealed that school children had started using Mars Bar wrappers as improvised contraceptives, not something I would reccomend.


When contraception is discussed with 12-13 year olds, the newspapers get outraged because they think that children are being encouraged to experiment with sex. However since they are probably going to experiment anyway whatever you do, making sure that they know about contraception seems to be a good idea to me. Especially since a recent survey claimed that 25% of 18-24 year old women in the UK are infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

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I rmember pissing myself with laughter when I found out teachers weren't allowed to even mention gay relationships. I told some friends and pretty soon our entire form class was cross-examining our tutor on the finer points of gay sex.

Ah, those were the days.

There are whole multitudes of stupid people out there who think talking about somthing is promoting it, like you could promote homosexuality, or even sexual experimentation.

Pretty much everyone gets round to it sooner or later (sexual experimentation, not homosexuality), and it's better to know the risks than be ignorant, whatever you're doing.

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i taugh sex ed to some year nin groups who knew this was a no go topic...so they asked me questions...and i answered them best i could. i got called up by the head and told offf....next time a differnt class asked the same questions (to try an embarass me i guess) i did exactqally the same again. the head teacher was non to happy..but hell to hjim!


its just as important if not more so. we are trying to get rifd of prejudice arnt we?

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Look, what are we talking about? Computer games or something else? Choose and stick to it, please, my head hurts.

Of course computer games are biased. Why? Because they're made by human beings, and they pass on, or at least display, bias.

Example: Most computer game heroes are white males. Why? Because the market is mostly white males. There are some notable exceptions, e.g. Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, say, but that plays up to white males, just offering them a sex symbol. GTA San Andreas is another, with a black protagonist (or possibly antagonist? :huh: ) but again, this is playing up to white males, given the attraction 'ethnic' (ahem) has these days, along with the whole 'it's cool to be black' ethos.


P.S. Anyone who takes this post seriously is an arse.

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Violent films were briefly censored in my household when I was but a boy of eight. My favourite was Predator, by far, and often could I be found playing in the back garden, generally shouting "Go! Get to the choppa" in my thickest Austrian-accented English before leaping off the roof of the shed.

This all came to an end one fateful morn, when one of my flailing limbs snagged on the clothseline and not only did I bring the morning's washing down, I upended myself and landed on my head.

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i take your post seriously!!! the term....... na who am i kidding.


i agree, and on some violent games when there are women players as options there 'skills' base is worse than useless. i am not a feminist so please don not write in or ring to complian.


computer games are biased...so how asking this particular group of people is that biased....

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I don't think it is sexist if the player has to combine this element into the game. For instance, in X-Ccom Acopalypse the player can combine human, android and hybrid soldiers in his/her squad. Each type has advantages and disadvantages so the player has to work out the optimal combination. And the optimal combination changes as the game progresses.
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