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Surely if a child has a screw loose, they're going to end up doped to the eyes in a laughing academy no matter whether they get good or bad parenting? I mean a big let's-go-on-a-killing-spree screw loose, not a small everyday screw loose.
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I don't think it helps when parents are happy for their kids to spend their leisure time playing computer games simply because it keeps them quiet. If you let your children regularly stay up half the night playing computer games, their studies will suffer and they will end up with the social skills of a hermit.


A good parent will try to make sure that children not spend so much time playing computer games tht they are unable to differentiate between computer games and real life.

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If computer games were that bad, we'd all be killers by now. I would have shot about fifty people in a spree of violence heretofore unknown to mankind.

I played computer games a lot and I learned how to handle guns, both at an early age. I'm no genius, but even at age eight I knew games and guns were more fun than school.

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@Strong Bob: Good points! Now I don't think young kids should watch Terminator, but the way the mother treated that other kid is the most ridicules way of raising a kid I know!


You'd be surprised how common it is. This topic caused me to discuss this with someone else I know...


My next door neighbors also enforced complete restriction of violence, sex, and vulgarity in their household. (Anything beyond "crap" is considered a swear, despite one kid being in college and the other still in High School.) The daughter is an age old enemy of mine and has great difficulty functioning as a productive person. The son has been known to frequently beat his girlfriends frequently.


I am of the opinion that a personality is not influenced by what you see as you grow up, rather it is unlocked.


If a person is a violent type, then they will take to violent things more in life. If a person is more pacifistic, then they will take to more pacifistic things in life. (I mean that in a literal sense, being that a pacifistic person may still enjoy fragging things to pieces in a game of Unreal Tournament. But may do things like join the Peace Corpse... While the violent guy may draw flowers in his spare time, but enjoy hurting people through beatings.)


In real life, I'm pretty pacifistic. In my life, I have walked away from more fights than anything else, and never started one. I know I'm partially bragging from this, but it's true. Though I love to watch violent, vulgar, and sexual movies. (Yes, I am the type to surf porn. And yes, for those who haven't guessed, I have looked at pornography since the age of 12, and have yet to be irresponsible with my sexual habits.) So why am I not killing anyone, having rampant unprotected sex, voting for Bush, and being an overall asshole?


I have one of three theories... 1) Maybe my unrestricted access to these subjects at a young age allowed me to be exposed sooner and learn to understand it faster. Meaning, I understood that people weren't impervious to bullets before others because I saw Terminater before anyone else and was taught that it's just entertainment. While others, whom grow up watching children educational films based on facts, will sometimes see these new and amazing movies too late under the mindset that what they see is how life is. This won't attribute to violence later in life, of course. But it may result in the child doing brash things. (Like trying to fly by thinking of happy thoughts.)


2) It's also possible that my exposure to said content acts as a type of "relief" to my violent and sexual tendencies. When I feel like punching my boss in the throat... I play a little System Shock, watch some people collapse under gunfire, and my rage is replaced with harmless fun. This tactic is frequently suggested to young children, but more along the lines of "punching a pillow" than "shoot up a bunch of demons with a rocket launcher."


3) It's how we are. Seriously. We all have opinions, do you really think we choose them? Does the gay and lesbian population really choose their sexual orientation, despite how it alienates them from society? Can you really dictate what games you do and do not like? No. It's you, your taste, and the unique personality you were born with. I am under the belief that a person who grows up to be violent is just the person he or she was meant to be. This can be changed through rehabilitation of course, but the fact remains that no sociopath can ever get over the urge to cause pain, but rather they supress it, be it through drugs or psychiatric aid.


Maybe it's a combination of the three? Maybe we should be exposed to such things at a young age so we can grow to understand them sooner. (Under proper adult supervision of course, so children can be taught what's the difference between real and unreal.) All the while, exposure will help to ventilate our barbaric tendencies and desires, or just make us entertained enough to forget them! But in the end, some of us may have a screw loose... Or hell, some may even be missing a whole chunk of hull. Those cannot be taught and helped in the same way, and so far, to me, appear to be the only exception to the previous two theories I mentioned.


Does anyone disagree?

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I'll take examples from Strong Bob's previous story.


He was allowed to watch violent movies under supervision, and taught right from wrong, his parents taught him the consequences of actions through the movies.


His friend on the other hand, was given a list of Don'ts and pretty much sheltered. There's no way he would know the consequences of his actions, and his parents didn't exactly teach him right from wrong. "Mom says I musn't touch guns, I wonder what would happen if I threw this rock at the birds instead?"


Its a natural reaction, when you ban or restrict something, people will find loopholes. It's natural curiousity in kids. Children are not born mini-adults, they can't automatically tell right from wrong. It's up to the parents to teach them that.


Passing the blame to others is just plain irresponsible.

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"I don't think it helps when parents are happy for their kids to spend their leisure time playing computer games simply because it keeps them quiet. If you let your children regularly stay up half the night playing computer games, their studies will suffer and they will end up with the social skills of a hermit.


A good parent will try to make sure that children not spend so much time playing computer games tht they are unable to differentiate between computer games and real life. "


As a parent, I totally agree to this. Balance in life is what everyone should aim for.


I am serious about not allowing my kid to play computer game for one reason only.

Addiction and not because of violence. I myself had suffered addiction and had a hard time getting out. Maybe it is just me, but I do not wish my kid to make the same mistake.

I remember my mum trying her best to ensure balance in time spend on computer gaming. But the addiction was just too great. End result is keyboard in duty bin. Study result is bad. Parent’s fault? I do not think so. I is more like my fault, lack of control.

Games nowadays are design for addiction, so the risk is there.


I believe in teaching right and wrong, hidding what is wrong or evil from my kid is not an option. But showing evil things too early will lead to wrong ideas being implanted into kid’s mind. With their incomplete wisdom, they may action wrongly.


Ever see a 7 years old boy trying to have sex with his 4 years old sister? That is incomplete wisdom. Parent’s fault? Yes in this case, his parent watch x rated movie often with guidance. But cautiously kills the cat, and this boy try it on his sister.


Wisdom is the key, Right thing Right Time. Hiding is no longer the option.

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Ever see a 7 years old boy trying to have sex with his 4 years old sister?


I can actually attest to "knowing" about such a situation. In fact... Both parties knew nothing about sex and were not given a lick of information. So they experemented...


Once again, I am personally under the belief that filtering/censoring information is the wrong way to teach. I can't think of a good result that has come from it.

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Probably because people think the earlier kids know about sex, the earlier they will experiment. A lot of parents get very old-fashioned when you mention sex education, they seem to want to just leave it be, perhaps it's the old fear of their children growing up? Or perhaps they just think it's some strange form of paedophilia? I don't know, really. We must have some parents on this site, surely?

Come forth and speak freely, those with sprogs.

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I think it may be due to religion. I don't know... All I know is, keeping sex away from kids until their pre-teen/teenaged years is dangerous. I mean christ... My friend knows a 12 year old that's already having sex. And she's scared witless that she may get pregnant from felatio.


Now, I know people that young shouldn't be doing anything. But her restrictive upbringing from sex has likely dulled her to the real benefits and consequences from sexuality. It's depressing that people never see this.

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Having just had a mishmash of loosely interconnecting thoughts on this subject, I thought I'd somehow string them together into something semi-coherent and chronicle them here before my mind wanders off to do something else:


Adults, of all walks of life, may think that children, being very receptive to new ideas and also being at a very experimental age, cannot be responsible. They may think that children don't have the knowledge, experience, wisdom and maturity of adults. They worry that arming children with 'adult' knowledge will cause untold disasters and outright chaos.


Certainly, the fears of adults aren't unnecessarily unfounded. Children can be incredibly irresponsible (but on that same note: so can adults). On the other hand, there are some very responsible children out there as well. Some very bright young sparks that can sometimes show more wisdom than a seasoned adult by way of simplicity itself.


I guess it's just a matter of trust. Adults just don't trust children. They don't want children to get funny ideas without at least having the knowledge to know right from wrong and to know the consequences. Parents also want control. Goodness knows children are hard to control - I was a child once.


So What are adults? Just bigger children who think they've grown up - and have forgotten most of what it was like to be small.


Oh, there is goes. Shiny object...



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I watched the news some time ago, and apparently they have banned sex education in one of the states in the US. Can't remember which one. The reason was that they though sex education led to earlier debuts and so on.


So, did this stop the youths from having sex? No, but it made sure venereal disease and the likes exploded. You can't suppress hormones by pretending they aren't there. Ridicules! What state is this again?

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i think your right, if people are unaware of what is happening to them (hormones ect) then they surely cant fully understand the consequences of their actions....


(i think this makes sense, and i think its wot im trying to say !! lol)

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Simple fact. Children are naturally curious. They WILL satisfy their curiousity one way or another. They will either learn from the adults, or experiment with peers.


As a parent, which will you choose? As an observer, what is actually happening.


I rest my case.

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There's a TV show on the BBC called "Child of our times". It follows a group of childeren from birth to when they are 16 years old. It's currently on year 5.


One of the episodes this year showed one of the 5 year olds playing Halo on the XBox. He was literaly beating the crap out of the AI opponents. During the show the proffesor who hosts it joined him at a game... and instead of fighting with the proffesor he actualy helped him and often showed him what to do during the game. Even when the profesor accidentaly killed him by shooting him in the back. :lol:


Later on they tested the kid against the others the see what his hand-eye coordination was like. IIRC he discovered a simpler way to do the test that none of the other childeren found. Although one of the childeren cheated. :huh:


During the same episode they showed various short TV clips to the childeren. One involving a bowl of popcorn sitting on a desk. The childeren were all asked what would happen if the TV was turned over. All but one of them said the popcorn would spill out of the bowl. ;)


Another TV clip was to do with anger and viloence. They had one actor push another off a ledge to kill him. Nearly all the childeren thought that the actor that fell was now dead in real life. ;)

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and instead of fighting with the proffesor he actualy helped him and often showed him what to do during the game. Even when the profesor accidentaly killed him by shooting him in the back. 


Stupid kid. Whenever someone does that to me I make a point by whipping them with the controller. They never make that mistake again.

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Hmm, I dunno about that SB. Most people seem to have fairly free attitudes to sex thse days, whatever their religion. It's just when the young get involved they seem to think sex ed+children=peadophilia.


The problem here, is that they're right sometimes. Sex-ed teachers sometimes end up being in that line of work for the wrong reasons.


Which is one reason I think parents should be more responsible and show their children instead of relying upon public schools.

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strong bob, that last comment was (i feel) seriously misplaced!


most teachers are in the job for the right reason!


Parents should however be responsible for their childs educatrion. if you cant talk about it you shouldnt be doing it!

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