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Cool, an X-COM comic!


There is an email link to the left of the calander underneath the comic.


I'm sure the author knows that X-COM can be played on XP. All he said was that he couldn't get it to work under XP! :huh:

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Seems as though those X, I mean Z-COM comics are a regular occurrence. Me likes how the Sectoids are "standing" on the chairs inside the larger/Medium Scout UFO!


Wait, our very own Pete wouldn't be the author of said comics, would he? Be honest Pete! :huh:

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According to what I read there, they weren't so much regular as he just came up with the idea and so made a bunch of them to use as filler, when he's unable to draw a 'proper' strip for his comic. I guess they'll be a bunch of them turning up a over the next little while.


Talking of taking screenshots, I can only get them out of my Windows 98 box. Under XP, I simply can't get the print screen button to work in the DOS VM, nor when running the CE version of the game.


These days I can cheat, my map viewer looks very much like the original by now, and since I wrote it - I can make sure the print screen button works. :huh:


Of course, when improving my code, I still need to boot up my '98 machine whenever I want screenshots of the actual game for referance. A tad annoying.

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The "print screen" button will not work under the CE version. You must press F12. After that, go back to your UFO Defense directory. At the bottom should be some file names with a .tga extension. That is your screen shot. To view it, open with a photo editor or picture viewer. :huh:
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If someone is already writing mails to the guy at least invite him to the boards. If X-COM 1 is still one fo his favourite games, he must be just as addicted as we are.


I admit I don't play it any more (ok, once every two-three years), but - clearly - I need at least a "written dose of X-COM". Which you guys provide, he he he! :lol:

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