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Hidden Base Unit

Bomb Bloke

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I'd just finished implementing animation into my map viewer last night, and I was looking over an old save game of the final brain-base map (it had a certain alien type I wanted to check was displaying correctly).


I came across this base module in a corner:




Now, the colors are a bit out 'cause I still haven't solved that palette issue, but you can see that that is a module that doesn't get out much.


Note the lack of a purple dot on that power module: there isn't any elerium there.


I think I might have heard of this module years ago. Interesting to actually see it. I suppose if you came across it (unusually long dead end corridors), you could punch your way in with weapondry. *shrugs*

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Could this be the coveted ubase_12 module NKF mentioned a while back in one of the Elerium threads? :)


I have never seen it before, but your module does have an unpowered power source that is inaccessable without a Heavy Plasma or a Blaster Bomb. This is consistent with NKF's description, though I think he said it contained "a number" of power sources. In any case, that module would be an exclusive structure to the Cydonia base mission, and you wouldn't see it popping up in a "normal" alien base. :)

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Wait a minute, those red thingies with the blue legs are alien entertainment? I thought the alien entertainment was the bloodshot eyeball on a stem.


Anyhow, today I had to finish an alien base mission because I needed to do some research in the Geoscape. On my way out, I saw the module containing the Power Source and decided I might as well grab some Elerium. Since my Commander was carrying a Heavy Laser, I sent him upstairs to blow out the Power Sources. Blocking his way to the door was one red thingie with the blue legs and an alien entertainment "sphere". Trying to cut down on the amount of walking my commander had to do, I had him shoot out the red thingie. *BOOM!* Then I decided to shoot out the alien entertainment too. *BOOM!* Hmmm.. I never knew those spheres could explode! Kinda stupid why they should, but nonetheless it surprised me.


Looking through the MAPS folder in the UFO directory, I found 3 filenames with UBASE_12. Each had a different file extension. One was a "MAP", another was "RMP", and the third was "XCU". My first question is what are the three files used for. My second question is what program can I use to open one of those files up to view the module. I tried with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, Microsoft Photo Editor, and Paint Shop, but not one of those three files was supported. I'm sure someone has written a program to do this, but I don't know where to look. Any help would be appreciated! :)

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The MAP file is a bitmap style (kinda) map of the module. Each and every tile in the module is made up of four elements, and thus takes four bytes in this file.


The RMP file contains unit spawn point information. I get the impression Hobbes knows how these files work, as does DiaShiva and Scott Jones. I'll have to bug them for their info some day.


The XCU file is created when you install XcomUtil, I believe it's a backup of some sort. Or something.


If you check the terrain folder, you'll find the actual graphics and tileset information files. Keep in mind that a module might use more then one such tileset.


Tilesets are made up of MCD files (which contain tile properties), PCK files (which contain the image data), and TAB files (which point out where each image is in the PCK files).


You can get a module viewing program from over at DiaShiva's site. All you gotta do is install it, and you can have a good hunt round through the modules with that. :)


Anyways. I never thought of those red glowing things as entertainment modules. I thought they were just fluff. DiaShiva's viewer can actually clear that one up, as it shows the properties of all tiles.


Bloodshot eyeballs on stems? What? Never heard of them. :)


I thought the entertainment modules were simply the glowing wall panels.

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Thanks loads, Bomb Bloke! That was really helpful!


Do you think that the RMP files give the locations and number of spawn points for that particular module? If so, I would really like to get a hold of that information somehow, because then I could compare my spawn point results to what the game files say. :)

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Well, the map viewer I mentioned seems to have some RMP related functions, but... I haven't messed with them. Rank seems to play a factor, though.


I'd advise going to the modding section and starting a thread requesting such info. DiaShiva and Hobbes still roam that area, so that would be the best place to ask.


(What bloodshot eyeballs?!)

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I call the bloodshot eyeball thingy the upside down disco ball. :)


My guess is that all three devices are alien entertainment, as you obtain plenty of entertainment sets off a battleship, and there's plenty of the red canisters with stilts on them.



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Cool! I have an (outdated) version of my project here, and that just so happens to include DiaShiva's map viewer, set up and ready to go.


Ok. As far as I can see, the only things which are aien entertainment are the flashing screens. The big red glowing things on legs are nothing at all (you get as much stuff off them as you would dirt). I've found the 'eye' thingy, and that too is worth nothing.


A few other intersing notes while I've got my web browser going -


See those nav units on UFO's? Well, The two pink desk things are the nav units. The screen between them is not. That counts as an alloy unit.


Erm. In an alien base, it would seem even the vegetation also counts as alloys. As does the dirt blocks. Yes, the blocks of dirt have the alloy flag set. It seems to me that there are no food units in alien bases at all - Just about everything is set to alloy. Power supplies, nav units and entertainment screens are the exception, and *most* destroyed stuff is worthless.


However, if you damage a floor tile, it still counts as an alloy.


In your bases, there are a few tiles set as 'start points'. (Not sure what that means). Everything else is set as a 'tile'. That includes destoyed tiles. Make of that what you will.


The four units in abduction ships that make up the three tables on the lower level are the only bits which count as examination room units.


The four different vat type things you get in harvestors or supply ships seem to be the only alien food units.


Alien surgery units are the two drill looking things, and four of the units that make up the dead deer.


Then you've got the power supply units, and that about sums up the what everything is.

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Do you think that the RMP files give the locations and number of spawn points for that particular module? If so, I would really like to get a hold of that information somehow, because then I could compare my spawn point results to what the game files say.  :)

Daishiva's Mapview program shows the spawn points, or nodes, and the RMP info when a node is clicked upon.

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I downloaded Daishiva's MapView from his website, then tried to run it. All I got was an application error. So I went back to his website and found that I need the .NET Framework to run it. Now I follow the link to the correct page and start the download. Holy smokes! That's a 24 MB file which would take roughly 5 hours to download with my dial-up connection! I dont think so. I tried to see if I could order that package in a CD-ROM version from Microsoft, but it doesn't offer that option.


So, is there any other map viewing program out there that doesn't require a separate 24 MB application to run? I'm at a loss.




Bomb Bloke: Could you show a picture of those entertainment "flashing screens" so everyone knows what you are getting at? Or at least tell us where to look for those screens. That would help.


I hate to nitpick, but since when does an Admin have the right to add something in someone elses post? I don't know what you were trying to do (maybe edit your post #9), but you ended up adding to mine (post #8):


Anyways. I never thought of those red glowing things as entertainment modules. I thought they were just fluff. DiaShiva's viewer can actually clear that one up, as it shows the properties of all tiles.


Bloodshot eyeballs on stems? What? Never heard of them.

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I downloaded Daishiva's MapView from his website, then tried to run it. All I got was an application error. So I went back to his website and found that I need the .NET Framework to run it. Now I follow the link to the correct page and start the download. Holy smokes! That's a 24 MB file which would take roughly 5 hours to download with my dial-up connection! I dont think so.

I thought the exact same thing at first, but then gave in and just downloaded it anyway :)


So, is there any other map viewing program out there that doesn't require a separate 24 MB application to run? I'm at a loss.

Not that I know of. The ones I have seen in the past don't show you the RMP data. Daishiva's is the only one I've found that does.

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Thanks loads, Bomb Bloke! That was really helpful!


Do you think that the RMP files give the locations and number of spawn points for that particular module? If so, I would really like to get a hold of that information somehow, because then I could compare my spawn point results to what the game files say.  :)


The RMP files contain exactly that. They have the number of spawn points for that map, their locations, how they are linked to other nodes, etc.


What are those spawn point results of yours? Stats about the number of times aliens are placed on a particular locations?


Btw, Map View is really great if you are interested on this. Downloading .NET is a pain with a dial up (I went through that experience when i first tried it) but it's well worth it.

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So the consensus seems to be to download the .NET software anyway, despite the huge file size. All righty, I guess I'll download it overnight when I'm sleeping! :)


Hobbes Posted Today, 06:53 AM

What are those spawn point results of yours? Stats about the number of times aliens are placed on a particular locations?


If you are interested, take a gander at the Two Quick Questions thread. My data primarily deals with where your soldiers (and/or tanks) spawn in an X-COM base defense mission. Although, some alien spawn point data is also intermixed throughout my posts. :)

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I apoligise, Zombie - I wanted to add a quick comment to the end of my own post, but accidently edited your own. I've moved the comment to it's correct position.


Admins need to have the ability to modify other peoples posts due to many reasons. For example, given that there's no censorship mechinisms built into the forum, there needs to be a human override. :) It does lead to mistakes sometimes. (The worst of which are when we mean to hit the quote button, and end up re-writing entire posts. I'm not guilty of that one yet, though! :lol: ) As a general rule, if an admin or moderator changes another members post, he'll add a note saying what he did and who he was.


I think you'll find, however, that those with admin rights are bright enough not to try to 'frame' other members, and won't retain those rights for long if they do.


Anyways, where was I? Ah, yes... The glowing screens.


Ok, go to your UFOpedia, and look up the entertainment. See that weird orange swirly background? Look for wall panels that look like that. The similar looking purple wall panels are also entertainment.


Concerning map viewers, I know of only two - my own (which requires the 15mb Java SDK) and Diashiva's (which shows RMP info, and requires the 24mb .NET platform (which also has an optional service pack which is around 20mb as well)).

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Ohhhh... I got it now! I think those panels surround the Command Center of an alien base, if I'm not mistaken. The Battleship has some of those panels on Level 1, on the north-east room. I think The Terror Ship has some of those panels surrounding that small room with 3 doors on Level 1 too.


The only reason I thought that those "bloodshot eyeballs on a stem" were alien entertainment was because what the UFOpaedia says about it:


The most likely function of these spheres is recreational. The psionic circuitry stimulates the various centers of the brain. The effect is similar to hallucinogenic drugs. This is the only evidence that aliens have any cultural or recreational pastimes.


See the picture of the alien entertainment? There are colorful "eyeballs on a stem" in the foreground. Those spheres have "veining" over it's surface. Looks pretty close to a bloodshot eyeball to me, especially in the tactical view. Stupid game. Why didn't the programmers just make those spheres the entertainment like the (UFOpaedia says), instead of making it wall panel? Perhaps it's for the quantity of Entertainment: it's a lot easier to add another wall panel to increase entertainment, rather than making that sphere hold a variable amount. :)

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I never made the connection between those spheres and what was in the 'pedia. They just seem to big to me, and that metal plating kinda takes away the effect... I did at times wonder why I never saw those sphere things in play, though. In the end I just figured they were left out.
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Or we can look at it this way: The upside down disco ball and the red canisters are empty. All the 'entertainment' is plastered on the walls - giving us the psychedelic orange/cyan flashing effect. What we are seeing here folks is alien entertainment in use.


Would've been so much easier and a lot more logical to just assign one unit to to one pod, to tell the truth.



Zombie: Now I've got to remember to update that guard savegame. Been far too distracted lately.


One suggestion, rather than adding the base modules, how about I edit the base module information (which is oddly enough stored separately in each savegame so it won't affect the rest of your games) so that each base module is free and only costs 1 or 0 days to build? You'd end up with a sort of base editor.



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I think that Bomb Bloke said that those purple walls in an alien base also have alien entertainment in them. That makes two wall "types" with the same properties. Like you said NKF, it would be more logical to just assign the entertainment to one thing. Problem is though that you would need lots of those spheres if each one was one unit.




That's a thought NKF. But how long for a module to be built? 0 days, or 1 day? Can you do either? See, that retaliation ship shows up pretty quick after you end the guard mission. I didn't check how long, but it seems like shorter than a day. If you are able to make each structure be built immediately (0 days), then it will work. 1 day probably wouldn't work because I need those defenses like, now!

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I see what you mean. That ethereal battleship shows up pretty quickly!


Right, I've checked and 0 days works fine - at least it'll be fine for the task you want to perform. I've also updated the research file so you can now build any facility you wish.


As usual it's at:




The only problems with the file are the number of soldiers. There aren't that many, nor are there many tanks.


But if you've got any other game that you want the ability to edit your base easily, just copy the astore.dat, research.dat and facil.dat files from the new guard save file into any other savegame. Astore.dat clears out containment, research.dat gives you all the research so you can build any facility and facil.dat changes the costs and build times of the facilities.


Oh, by the way, with the obdata.dat I made for the test games: Don't use it in the normal game. Especially in the collectors edition. The aliens don't seem to be able to cope with the extremely rapid heavy plasma, so the game tends to really get unstable and might even freeze the system (Well, it did that to me several times). The dos edition tends to be more forgiving.


Now back to our regularly scheduled discussion on alien recreational products.



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The only problems with the file are the number of soldiers. There aren't that many, nor are there many tanks.


Doesn't matter really, because once those base defenses are set up, I can order as many soldiers/tanks as I want. Those defenses give me the time to get the game the way I want it! :)


Oh, by the way, with the obdata.dat I made for the test games: Don't use it in the normal game. Especially in the collectors edition. The aliens don't seem to be able to cope with the extremely rapid heavy plasma, so the game tends to really get unstable and might even freeze the system (Well, it did that to me several times).


I found that out the hard way! The game locked up on me quite a few times, but I was able to recover by hitting the windows button on my computer. That at least got me to the desktop where I could manually close X-COM and restart it. I just gotta be extremely careful to switch the obdata.dat file back when I'm done with those tests. Otherwise the Damage Modifier trials I do will be "tainted". Thanks for your help!

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