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Happy Birthday!


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Some more birthdays to report. S.. turns 23 and WolfJaguar is 27. :)


And I'll bet you guys I know what Slaughter is doing today. :) That's right, he turns 27 also! Happy birthday, and don't bust too many doors! :)


- Zombie

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Thank you guys! :) Looking in the mirror today, I wonder where those wrinkles under my eyes came from. I am positive I didn't have them a few years ago...


Anyway, went to watch hockey live for the first time in my life yesterday. Sweden has a proud tradition for this, and Djurgården kicked the pansies called Modo's arse! After that we drank way too much beer, and I ended the evening "charming" blondes half my age (feels that way at least...) on the dance floor. No broken doors however... :)

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Happy birthday, Olav ! :)


"I ended the evening 'charming' blondes half my age (...)"


Well, on the bright side of things, in a few years you'll be able do just that without worrying about facing penal charges... :) :)


LoL, yea in 4 yours actually if they have the same age restrictions in sweden like here :)

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