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Satsh not troooue! Ivvve nevr, ah, never been drunk everrr and... *puke*


Well, no. Albeit the pic in my driving license looks like i had smoked some weird things before i took it :huh:


And no, i don't smoke :lol:


The next poster has "accidently" shot the easter-rabbit!

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in school i did fencing for sport for 4weeks so it was kinda lessons. Had this good game where everyone is put in a large square and if u get stabbed in the back your out....


next poster will have beaten NetHack will give me tips on how to do so...

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Good old Wizard Rodney... I mean Yendor. I think I beat it only once as the Samurai.




- Don't kick your dog.

- Eat well. Also you are what you eat. Try to find a tinning kit. It's rather handy. Nothing like tinned storm giant to start the day.

- Always carry a towel or blindfold

- Mutate your pet dog (or cat) into a black dragon or something... It helps. Trust me, it helps - if perhaps a bit unethical. Actually that D&D thingyamus - the Cthulhu copies that suck brains out. That's a better thing to mutate your dog into... again, a bit unethical.

- If you get a wishing wand - make your wishes count. Don't go wishing for bread like I did.

- Remember to get the right amulet

- Remember to scout most of the earlier maps. You may recall the map and you may even find the corpse of your previous adventurer there. Just remember to bless everything before using it, as all your old equipment will be cursed. Watch out for the ghost of your old character too. I scored a few extra wishing wands that I'd scavenged in a previous game this way (and a previous game before that) .

- Watch out for sectoids while hallucinating (And the Bugblatter beast of Trall, Klingons, etc)

- Make sure you've got something to destroy boulders. I especially hated getting trapped and not being strong enough to kick or push boulders away.


The next poster will have a much better life than the one I'm leading now. :huh:



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mmmmmmmmm nope the white witch would miss us too much :huh:


the next poster will ... think that troll is obsessed with all things 'sexual' ....hold on too easy, hes male...mmmm.....next poeter will think that troll is lovely and want to take him home to meet their mummy :P

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Nope no poster here. But would you please come back in the closet, i'll show you what's so "sexual" about spoons then :lol: :huh:


The next poster will know that women are much more sex-orientated than men (which mostly think about italian food and dumb car-drivers that they've met on their way to work)


Hmmm, Lasagne..... :P

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How about lasagne body paint? mmmmm meaty goodness!


Next poster will be thinking about one of their objects of desire covered in lasagne body paint by the time they finish reading this post, you will, go on, dont think about it dont think about it . . Ha got ya!! :huh:

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guilty as charged..tho i refuse to say wether it was a good or bad thought! :huh:


(thats sneaky, you have to think of it before you can tell yourslef not tho think of it!)


ok, next poster will have painted there fingernails at least once in their little life :P

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