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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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Since I can't use my mangonel to catapult cows onto Aralez's head anymore, I wish to announce that I am moving into the budget airline business. Troll Air can easily undercut its rivals as their corporate strategies involve spending money on unnecessaries like aircraft fuel, and indeed, aircraft. Not only are we cheap, but we are also the most environmentally friendly aviation company in the world!


We have plans to build mangonels across the world, so soon it will also become possible to make the return flight to Tamriel as well!

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brrrrr, suddenly it's sooo cold, hey what the...: who stole my cow-blanket?! (: What, Tammy ordered it? Oh, well, can't argue with that. :((: (:


*buys all available Stinger-Anti-Air-Missiles to celebrate AT's airline business.* :(


uriaheep, i demand an Cat-Avatar WITH an arqebus in it! Where would we end if anybody could post Avatars as he likes?!


Oh, wait...

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Wee, a rollercoaster ride? *tightens his parachute* (:


Uriaheep, that looks more like a sawed-off shotgun from Jagged Alliance (the one with the huge muzzle attachment), but i appreciate your good will! (:


Anyway, look at this and all hail the hypno-cat:


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uriaheep, that looks more like a cross between a Sectoid and a cat.


Who's been making genetic experiments again with the captured Sectoids we have in the dungeon? (:



Kernel , you are right, that..."thing" looks creepy. eek! (: I can almost hear it say "Bring us to your leader"


Here some hundred spare missiles, AT! :(

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