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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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So you are a long term citizen of Tamriel and Tammy's pocket then? That makes you eligable for the new cat fur tax.


*Fishes out old fashioned cut-throat style razor*


DC, be careful when you subject Aralez to unspeakable torture. We can sell on his intestines to a violin maker, but only if they are intact. Normally the catgut used for violin strings comes from sheep instead, but I think it is time for a revival of the traditional methods :D

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DC, be careful when you subject Aralez to unspeakable torture. We can sell on his intestines to a violin maker, but only if they are intact. Normally the catgut used for violin strings comes from sheep instead, but I think it is time for a revival of the traditional methods :D


*DC turns around at the door step of his torture room*


Don't worry about the intestines, worry about Aralez who is gonna suffer my taitor torture methods, they're epsecialy painful.


*Turns back to the torture room and enters*

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*fans Aralez brow*


Wake up quickly. Normaly when people say catgut it doesn't bother me but we need a suitable victim nowww..... wait a minute, that isn't Tammy blown to bits in the corner. It's certainly made to look like the queen but for starters there's no Matri, just a pie painted white.


*dramatic music* Dah - dah - dahhhhhh.

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*wakes up and realizes that uriaheep is right: Somebody kidnapped Tammy from the kidnapper revolutionaries!!!* :D

*Examines the remains of the fake Tammy which appears to be a robot, made by AT enterprises.....*


Accounting Troll!!! :D:)

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Just be careful - I watched Terminator 3 over the weekend, and I've designed a number of Terminators that look like Tammy. I wouldn't want you to be taminated. And that's before we get on to the matter of the laser fences and the psionic devices guarding my distillery.


And Matri is going to be in *REAL* trouble if he tries to get into a terminator's pocket by mistake :D

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Okay, you know how some people say lol when they don't really mean it? Well "taminated" got a real one. :D


As for being blown to bits, I assure you that the Queen's person is incapable of anything of the sort. Might want to wrap this up soon, though....the fumes are getting to me.... :D

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A ball of energy appears in the distillery (see beginning of the Terminator films) and the T-1000 liquid metal bot in it begins to form a cat shaped object...


*HI THERE! Anything to drink for me? :D *


Matri, you actually DO have a GPS, albeit not WITH you, but IN you! Remember that suspiciously crunchy Pie i served you some days ago? :D


No, i do NOT want it back :);) eew!



QFT: :)

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A ball of energy appears in the distillery (see beginning of the Terminator films) and the T-1000 liquid metal bot in it begins to form a cat shaped object...


*HI THERE! Anything to drink for me? :D *


Oh dear, that means that Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to turn up in a minute and finish off anything that Matri and Aralez haven't drunk. After he finds a pair of trousers of course...


I'm just glad that I hid all the good stuff and replaced it with anti-freeze :D

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Noooo, they are really easy to tell apart. The robo one is the one running around playing with balls of string and scratching up the furniture - the real one is over there in his 'secret lair' sipping cocktails watching re-runs of Tom and Jerry cartoons.



:D :D :)




Hey Kernel - in cat years that makes you about 140 or somethin'.

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I'm more concerned about the robot Tammy that Aralez kidnapped. I designed the Tamminators to kill by getting the victim in a bear hug and then squeezing. Since I'm the only one who can differentiate between my robotic creations and Tammy, I will soon get a monopoly of the hugs issued by the true Tammy :D
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Not so fast oh warty one, all I have to do to tell the real Queen from an imposter is this ...........





A fake Tammy has no emotion but the queen ..... ahh the queen has but to smile to tease the petals from out of thier buds....



No real doves were harmed in the making of this dedication.....

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