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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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Nice work with the smiley; maybe you need Cilla Black to kiss you better?


Do you have a sore hroat as well? I once came across an 18th century medical textbook that has a cure for that when I did some voluntary work as an archivist in a museum. The cure was powdered dog droppings - I swear I am not making this up. I suspect that the author figured that it must work because nobody ever asked for any further medicine...

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The cure was powdered dog droppings - I swear I am not making this up. I suspect that the author figured that it must work because nobody ever asked for any further medicine...


If you don't mind I think I'll stick with the alchohol - I'm not sure it actually works but it must taste better than dog sh..... *sneezes*.


At least I know why I wake up with a headache.

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*Takes out a Molotov coktail*


I myself mix a lot of flamable alcohol into this. The Cosmopolitan drink tester died of alcohol poisoning (To much alcohol in the blood) when he drank my mix. That guy can't even drink a pint of vodka.


This stuf will make your flu/cold (I don't remember what dissease exactly) run away screaming.


Drink up

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*Pours Aralez some milk*


100% natural, no preservatives and now left over condoms. *bleck* Also all viral organisms cleaned out of it.


*Snifs some spice from Dune*


Now, I'll probably live for 250 years or more.


*Teleports to his dungeon. Moments later the fremen painful screams are heard*

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You sort of sat on it?


On one hand you may have almost sat on it which means that just as you were about to contact the unfortunate crustacean it moved quickly away.


On the other hand the exoskeletal cat-snack was caught napping and you loaded your full Troll weight on it's carapace.


'Sort of' infers that there is something in-between. I suspect that you are not telling the whole story. :D


If it's a case that there are shards of broken shell inbedded in your green, wart covered buttock then I can tell you that my Religious Hat has been thrown away and my special Running As Fast As I Can For The Hills hat is firmly ensconced upon my head. :)

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*Walks in with a profesor look*


First thing, that was a crab not a krab, like Krabjuice defined the name of his species. Even if Krabjuice would be able to hire them, they would be the weakest forces.


If noted, the krabs are the next step in evolution after the crabs. Remmeber the battles with Krabjuice and his krabs, Tamriel's forces and some of it's very loyal subjects, pulverized the krabs, or merely cooked them for food.


Now what would happen if a weaker opponent would try to attack a baby in Tamriel, totall pwnage of the opponent.


*Walks to his dungeon and resumes torturing*

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I just realised what this board is missing! A hug smiley!

How can this love nest have gone so long without a hug smiley! :)


Luckily I have one here, only the background needs editing, and I don't have time to do it right now. :D



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