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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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With regard to tourist hugs, of course they have to be taxed. Considering how much the loyal citizens of Tamriel like to be hugged (including this crusty old troll), we can make a fortune if we charge tourists for the privilige of being hugged by the Queen. It's a seller's market! Members of the Imperial Guard, the Border Police and the Tamist Church will retain the privilige of tax free hugs, which will simultaneously spread the Tamist faith and resolve the recruitment shortfall the Imperial Guard has been having since my shortsighted budget cutbacks.

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Double post deleted.


Members of the Imperial Guard, the Border Police and the Tamist Church will retain the privilige of tax free hugs, which will simultaneously spread the Tamist faith and resolve the recruitment shortfall the Imperial Guard has been having since my shortsighted budget cutbacks.

Phew!! good thinking AT - I forgot about that. I think I should be taxed on good ideas, that will prevent me coming up with anymore.

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Do I sense a note of discontent ? We can't very well have that in Tamriel, now, can we ? Allow me to suggest a...


*handily lands a pie on Kernel's forehead setting off an enthusiastic IG riot*


...food fight !! :) :)




*back to the recesses of his secret passage, chuckling at the thought of the ensuing subversive entertainment* Heretics!... :)



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Ok... so there I was driving home from work wondering if anyone's posted on the Love Nest recently when on the radio the host says:

"..and we have an e-mail here: 'Listening to you over the internet, love the show' and that was from 'Tammy in Texas'. Thank you Tammy......... "







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Yet another great idea!


As for being retired staff, I don't exactly like the sound of it myself, but I don't really have time to moderate forums at the moment. I suppose having my own group is a bit much to ask, even for me. :D

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In view of that military coup in Thailand, we should ty to keep the Imperial Guard busy so they don't sit around thinking about how great it would be if they were to run Tamriel. Let's look for a country for the Imperial Guard to invade :D


Umm... we're the Imperial Guard... as in, we GUARD the Queen and other important people of the state. Technicaly, guarding doesn't involve invading other countrys... well unless your name is Mr Bush and the country in question is Iraq... but that's a different matter.


As my signature says: "Any rumors of a military coup by the Imperial Guard are greatly exaggerated.".


Besides, last time I checked DC was incharge of Tamriel's military.

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I only command the armored battalion. And that meas that i control, tanks, helicopters and some heavy assault infantry... plus an mercenary team.


And that means that, If there will be a war, the batallion is gonna crush any enemy that tries to hurt the queen or plunder/pillage Tamirel or hurt it's civilians.

Because of that the armored batallion and the mercenary team does not go outside boundries of Tamriel.

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I think all this teleportation has affected your brain DC. I knew it must have a downside.


The Imperial Guard are the ones who protect the Queen, a bit like secret service protect's the presedent in the US. We also protect other important members of the state such as AT, hence his bridge is built using the Imperial Guard's money. Wheather AT actualy NEEDS protecting is another matter, considering he's a troll.


Your job is to protect the country in general, which may or maynot involve invading other countrys.

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I think you're right, about the teleportation, but that can be corrected.


*Takes out a mind correcter*


I only invade if provoked by those countries. I have a request, do someone know where Krabjuice is, because my torture chamber is getting dusty, plus Im hungry for some krab burgers.



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