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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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Sounds good to me, I think the extra sins are a good idea and as the greater workings of the Tamist Church are secret we should raise a few bob.


Where we going on holiday this year? looks like I may be able to afford a new charriot too.

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Holiday? I believe the proper term is 'overseas missionary activity'. It's like a holiday except that it's paid for out of church funds :drink:


I've heard stories of some of the decadent things young British women get up to when they go on holiday in the Greek islands. Perhaps this would be a good starting location for our church :drink:

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Pfft... A submarine! Id rather buy a Ion Cannon satelite that GDI so fond is. Onserve an demonstration.


*A robot walks in and starts yelling I don't love tammy*


Okay, any minute now.


/Ion Cannons point of view\


HERETIC found... Powering up.

HERETIC Targeted.




\Everyones point of view/

*The Ion cannon beam strikes the yelling robot and disinegrates him*


It has some advantages over the submarine. You don't have to pay for electricity, only for 50 tonns of rocket fuel to make the satelite reach the planets orbit. Don't worry about that, I'll pay for the fuel.



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In view of all that money we've saced by cutting back on the Imperial Guard's budget, the State of Tamriel can afford a proper nuclear submarine. I've just brought HMS Astute off the British government - when it gets launched next year, the Astute (and its sister boats) will even outclass the American Seawolf class link.


Ultimately, this will be self-funding. The Astute is bound to have some teething problems, so we sue for a big pile of cash.


We also need a Rear Admiral and a Vice Admiral (these are genuine Royal Navy ranks). Any volunteers?

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My company is currently has some money overflow problems, so I donate most of it to help Tamriel.


*Gives 95 billions*


Okay, now I have to check money accout of the company. ~minutes later~ ARRGH the accout is still overflowing with money. somewhere 567 billions.



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DC, go to the bank and get all that money changed from US dollars to Euros or UK Pounds. The dollar has been rather weak in recent months because of the massive trade and budget deficits in the United States. It will also create a run on the dollar, which is necessary for the next stage of our Plan.


My policy of taxing the citizens of Tamriel to the hilt and refusing to spend any money means that Tamriel now has a massive budget surplus. I propose that we lend the surplus money to the United States, at a healthy rate of interest. This will enable us to effectively control the economy of the United States, and hence the world. Why bother with military conquest when you can quietly take over the world this way instead?

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Well, I suppose using your hugs as currency isn't going to be enough now that we need to consolidate our control over the world. Also we can make a fortune out of the currency exchange market :drink:


I'm afraid that I am going to have to authorise building a Bishop's Palace and a Chancellor's Palace to prevent all the extra money coming into the country from increasing inflation. Maybe an Officers Club for the valiant leaders of the Imperial Guard...

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Here's a tip: don't eat at MacDonald's on a Saturday :)


Ahem... given the fact that the Imperial Guard has been using Mc D's for it's toxic waste disposal for the past few years you might want to change that to "Don't eat at MacDonald's EVER"

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