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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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*A Truck aproaches AT bridge*


"Okay, heres the monthly paycheck. (Truck driver)


*The truck driver's partner aproaches the back of the truck and get a couple of very heavy bags, with $ on them*


2 millions of cash, I will be visiting this bridge every moth to bring 1 million or 2 millions, it all depends on luck of the sender. (Truck driver)


*The truck drives away*

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Bless you DC. Being your henchtroll is remarkably profitable :thinking:


One question: do you think I could have my monthly kickback in gold bullion? The international currencies have been rather unstable over the last few months, so everybody has been investing their money in gold. Not fairy gold though; trolls can tell the diference :eh:

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* Runs up to AT *


Did you see a truck cross this bridge? The Imperial Guard's paper clip has gone missing along with a barrel of single malt scotch whiskey. They were last seen on the truck heading this way.


There's also 4 million missing from the Imperial Guard's emergency fund that's only to be used to buy my food and more whiskey.

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Gold bullion, no, not for the first five weeks, tough my corporation has very high profits, it's still weak for a week, I have to be sure that it will be full able to stand ground.


Probably you stole that, Kernel, and you want to make me responcible for your actions, so dont even try.

Please be a good boy, or you will end up in my torture room, if you contine to harass me with the false information.

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*scans Kernel with a metal detector*


Erm, the paperclip was in your pocket all along. And the other scanning devices I secretly installed on the bridge let me know if anybody is trying to smuggle scotch into Tamriel ;)


I'm more concerned about your admission that you have been embezzling funds. I'm going to have to conduct a massive audit of the Imperial Guard :)

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Hey remember that fund also paid for your new bridge that replaced the old rickety wooden one.


Without that fund you wouldn't be able to tax the tourists that enter Tamriel, you'd freeze to death with the cold draughts of your old home and you'd be without your yearly supply of scotch. I would also be without my food... and a hungry gremlin is not something you'd want around. The result would make WW2 seem like a minor argument between neighbours, and the atom bomb tests look as if an ant sneezed. ;)

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You only get a tithe of the money I have just seized off the Imperial Guard if you promise to spend it on constructing an elaborate Bishop's Palace for yourself (in order to reflect the glory of the Queen, of course...) ;)


Does anyone else suspect that DC's business interess include controlling all the ticket touts at the World Cup?

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Nice Fireworks display, Eh?

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