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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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*Injects a syringe into Kernels bloodstream*


There, now you are not drunk and cannont sleep for a week, oh and dont try spleeping pills or anything similar to that, because the substance that I injected in your bloodstream has some side efects like, you will start shiting mountains of shit or peeing oceans of urine.


Okay, I'am very bored. B-Ram ram that door. *Points at Krabjuice's basement door. The B-Ram acelerates to to light speed and rams the basement door.*


WAH? :P Imposible, only a dent. Well I'am pissed of. *Teleports the B-Ram right in the sun* Bah, i dont need that junk.


*Teleports out*


~11 hours later~


*DC Teleports in, carrieng a heavy plasma that is half the size of sun* Now lets see, will your door stand to a super sized heavy plasma. *Tries to shot the plasma* Damn it, i forgot to load it.


*Teleports out*


~22 Hours Later~


Teleports in, while holding a huge heavy plasma clip* Time load the weapon. :devil:


~1 Hour Later~


*DC climbs to the trigger, sweating* Wow, never knew how hard it is to load a large gun. *Pulls the trigger*


~*A very large flash*~ *The recoil sent DC and the Heavy Plasma to outer space*


~Exactly 30 minutes later~ *DC teleports in*


Wow, *gasp* nev..... *Takes a large breath* er kn *gasp* ew that recoil can b *Large Breath* e so big.


*DC spends 12 minutes gasping, wheesing and taking large breaths*


Okay now for the bussines. *Walks to Krabjuice's basement door* WHAAT? IMPOSIBLE.... wait a minute. *Touches the basement door. The basement door crumbles to dust.*



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With hindsight, it may have been a mistake letting Krabjuice have access to the Church Security Unit's datafiles. Still, it was a very nice bottle of scotch.


*Watches as DC swaggers down the basement steps*


Erm, why didn't you try pulling the door open instead of pushing it? Krabjuice hadn't even locked it :P


Anyway, Tammy is now safe and sound in the fortified gatehouse I added to the bridge last month. She is currently being given plastic surgery to make her look like a troll :P


Oh, for a more trollish atvar. Orcs just aren't in the same social class :P

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* snort * Gahhh... whe ... where was I? Oh yea'... I f... found some *hic* ... some form of w... whiskey in this *hic*... in this br.... br... *hic* ... place.


* falls asleep again *


*DC Takes out a blue pill*


Blue pill time! :devil:

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*DC activates Anti-Stasis*


Krabjuice, do you know, that taking my things, makes me angry. I think i'm gonna take you to my torture chamber.


*DC takes Krabjuice to the torture chamber.*


Well lets see. Oh, i know. *Takes a small syringe an injects in the substace withing into Krabjuice* Say hello to my Ms. Hellfire mix, basicly it overloads your pain receptors, in other words, you will feel a lot of pain.

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*DC walks out of the torture room, while Krabjuice is screaming because of the hellish pain*


Damn, i shoul have bought an ear plugs. Okay, anyone wants to buy some Ms. Hellfire mix, selling one syringe filled with Ms. Hellfire for 500$.


I also have many not needed old torture tools, so if anyone wants i can sell the whole old torture arsenal for 15000$

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* wakes up *

Oh man... what a hangover.


Ms. Hellfire mix you say? :P I'll take it.


* drinks the whole lot *

* runs off *


* returns 2 minutes later *

Woah... I dunno what that stuff was but it sure cures a hangover fast! :P You should sell it as a premium hangover cure.

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Great, i have been torturing the wrong preson, i think. Okay here's your other self. *DC puts on ear plugs and takes out the screaming Krabjuice out of his torture room.*


Now for one thing, you both dont try any ivasions or takeovers or anything similar to that, or I'm gonna shove up something more that 1000 blue pills, like the red pills, that a much bigger.

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We've missed something here. Since Matri is currently asleep in Tammy's pocket, all we need to do is to track down the location of the snoring.


DC, you'd better keep torturing both Krabjuices. I think he must be cloning himself so he can build up an invasion army without having to pay any licence fees.

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Okay AT. *DC Grabs both Krabjuice's and puts them in the torture room*


Let the torture begin! :devil:


~15 seconds later~


*Screams of pain and agnoy from the torture room. DC walks out of the torture room, smoking a cigarete*


Well, my torture room asistants wanted to torture them. It seems that they were in a very boring situation.


*DC finishes his cigarete and the goes back to the torture room. A new burs of screams of pain and agony, this time going louder and louder*



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