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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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Clearly your forgetting the entrance critera for joining the Imperial Guards.


"All inductees are to have their brain removed for safe keeping in the Imperial Guards secret headquarters. The brain is to be replaced by a bomb that explodes soon after removal from inductees head to kill any would-be brain snachers."


* Watches large mushroom cloud appear on the horizon in the center of the krab army's camp. *


Hmm... anyone smell fried krab meat?


And no... no-one knows where the Imperial Guards secret headquarters are... they are secret afterall. :lovetammy:

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I still want to know how much you paid for Kernel's brain. And do your Krabs have ANY weaknesses?


Kernel, are you saying that you have placed the brains of the entire Imperial Guard into storage? In the hands of people like me? I can't even remember where I keep my keys, never mind something like this!


Incidentally, what did you guys do with the brains of everyone in the British Ministry of Defence? Our soldiers on the front line would be very grateful if you gave them back :lovetammy:

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"And if you gentlemen (?) would care to examine the DNA evidence, you will note that Kernel has used the paperweight recently."


Ah, you mean the (D)ata (N)ot (A)vailable evidence ? I saw to that myself, you know. Quite proud of it, too... :D


"Also, if you note the angle of the blow, you can see that it was clearly committed by somebody shorter than a troll."


Come on! How naive do you believe us to be ? All you'd have to do would be to lie down and strike upon the unsuspecting victim...that doesn't seem to recall who the vile attacker was - or much of anything else, at any rate.


"It was clearly Kernel who carried out the attack, however Krabjuice has admitted that he is controlling Kernel's mind and is therefore culpable for any action Kernel commits while under the influence."




"Thorondor, are you sure you haven't been subject to mind control? I've got pictures of you worshipping the Krabs"


Since I can't fine you to any good effect, AT, I accept the motion to divert the blame of such actions to Krabjuice (you's in trouble now, boy! :mad: ). He's clearly the one controlling your brain, since you've never laid eyes on me and so couldn't possibly recognise me in a picture.


Besides I have a covert device that keeps me from showing on pictures, and radars, and... well, you get the point.


I therefore sentence you to life-long community service on, say, a bridge of your choice provided you release the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guard as of now.




"Kernel, are you saying that you have placed the brains of the entire Imperial Guard into storage? In the hands of people like me? I can't even remember where I keep my keys, never mind something like this"


Secret storage location ? :lovetammy: Last I've heard the containers had been accommodated for at the officers' mess... :D

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I still want to know how much you paid for Kernel's brain. And do your Krabs have ANY weaknesses?


I won bid against some guy from Kanses who wanted it for 20 dollars. Approximatly, with shipping and handling, worked out to about $34.99.


And yes, we do have weaknesses. We can only walk sideways.

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He's taller, but he weighs the same. Maybe if you gave him several layers of clothes?


I've identified another important weakness of your species. Like most species with an exoskeleton, a krab has to shed its shell every now and then so it can grow. It takes several hours for the new shell to harden, during which time you are all nice and vunerable :D


*Puts on over sized snow shoes and starts stomping*




Incidentally, is it my imagination, or is the LOVE nest a lot more violent these days?

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Just like the sandwich filler.


Are we going to witness a krab emerging from Kernel like a chrysalis in X-Com? Have I identified the reason for Matri's massive attack of indigestion? :lovetammy::D And have you thought about selling tickets to witness the transformation?


Happily, we trolls are silicon based life forms, which gives us immunity from chrysalis and krab attacks.


Incidentally, I'm assuming that you are well aware that you need to have a krab license for each member of your species in Tamriel. Licences are available from the state treasury for the token sum of £250,000 each :D

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Incidentally, I'm assuming that you are well aware that you need to have a krab license for each member of your species in Tamriel. Licences are available from the state treasury for the token sum of £250,000 each :lovetammy:



You forgot TAT - Troll Added Tax and then there's the Temporary Tamist Membership Card, that will take it to .......


*scratches head*


Errr ......


*points finger skyward*


Well why don't we call it £500,000 each.

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Krabjuice, you have failed to pay your taxes on time. That means that you have to pay a rather hefty penalty, plus interest on the outstanding amount (including the penalty) at 500% per day.


Of course, if you can reduce the population of your species, your tax liability will decrease proportionatly...

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Maybe, but they have to dress in normal clothes, not be almost naked.


I talked with Adrian Sheperd, and he agreed to give me some fully charged PCA's, a.k.a Powered Combat Armor, he had them many, so he gave them to me at a low price 1000$ each, i bought 14 PCA's, oh and Gordon Freman retired from Black Mesa, he wants to work here in Tamriel, he asks 2500$ salary, or 1500$ salary. Gordon also gives his HEV mark V suit to Imperial Guard, IF he's hired.

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