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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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It's time for me to give the annual budget for Tamriel.


Unfortunatly, the administration costs of the treasury and the border police were slightly higher than anticipated, so taxes are going up again.


Income tax is going up slightly to 200%.


Value Added Tax is being increased to 50% and will now be imposed on beards and eyebrows.


The Imperial Guard is having its annual budget increased to three paper clips and the contents of my pencil sharpener in order to better protect the person of Queen Tammy.


The rest of the arned forces will be maintained through plundering neighbouring countries, like the English army did in the Hundred Years War.


Krabs will be allowed to join the army because I read somewhere that an army marches on its stomach.


The health service is having its budget reduced to zero. Extracting the gold fillings from patients and selling their internal organs on the black market should make the healh service self funding, and may well return a taxable profit.


Education is being abolished because educated citizens only go around complaining because of the money I'm siphoning off and questioning Tammy's divine right to rule. A new law will be passed requiring educated people to repeatedly bang their heads against a wall. As with other laws, the Royal Family and the Chancellor of the Exchequer (me!) will be exempt.

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Oh, forgot to tell, there is a hidden temple of Sirius somewhere in Tamriel, the cultists keep their money, well part of it, there is somewhere 100000$ in there, that money will have to got to tax collectors, why? becaause they are on the teritory of Tamriel.
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As the head of Her Majesty's Secret Services, I can't be bothered with taxes (hey, I officially don't exist).


Besides, AT has an uncanny knack for intelligence gathering when people try to sneak past his bridge Scotchless; and, as long as he holds 'office', there shall be no mystery to civil unrest...




*smoothly attaches silencer to his automatic weapon*

Only those in higher positions need fear this humble emissary of the Royal House.



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The Imperial Guard is having its annual budget increased to three paper clips and the contents of my pencil sharpener in order to better protect the person of Queen Tammy.


Awsome!!! Just think of the damage I can do with that!

The enemy will never know what hit 'em.

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I just hope our inreased defence budget doesn't set off an arms race.


We have a secret service? That would explain why I keep seeing some bloke wearing dark glasses, a trilby and a raincoat carrying a copy of The Times and having conversations with a plastic rock. I thought I was just getting a bit paranoid...


The continued existence of a secret religious group with lots of untaxed money in Tamriel is intolerable. As they worship aliens instead of Tammy, I am authorising the Imperial Guard to destroy them and give me the money for safe keeping :lovetammy:

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"I keep seeing some bloke wearing dark glasses, a trilby and a raincoat carrying a copy of The Times and having conversations with a plastic rock.(...)"


Hmm, I'll have to look into that - by your description it appears Bomb Bloke is moonlighting again... Oh, and, should you be wondering: I'm strictly a black tie kind of guy, so don't be fooled by gumshoe types, AT.




By the way, it's ok to get a little paranoid when you hear me speaking inside your head like this...

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*Crawls out from beneath large plastic rock*


Can't a man get any sleep around here? And has anyone seen my pet Alligator? I keep him in an old large money sack with a $ sign on it.


Hey, these things look like land miIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*UH going up*

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*UH coming down - sees loads of crabs and tries to climb back up ................ with little success!*






Err . .... sorry about the krabjuice, Krabjuice - but thank your bro's for me.


*Walks off to change underpants*

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