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Acceptable Losses?


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If a couple of Rookies bite the dust, it's acceptable. If one or two of my highest ranking men die, it's acceptable. If my entire upper ranking staff is nuked to hell by one blaster bomb, it's reload time. I normally don't reload, though. If my team is large enough to finish the mission without much difficulty, I'll keep on going.
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Hey veteran...


When u play in superhuman lvl... Ur guys r really bad and usually the sectoids use Heavy plasma gun... So it is why i always get heavy losses in my 2 first missions... Until I started to use the same type of weapon than the alien (i love :inlove: the heavy plasma gun :inlove: :inlove: ).


Umbriel the small veteran

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Because of the way I play Umbriel I had heavy plasmas by the second mission I flew. Plus the fact that by the time I flew that mission I had two cannon tanks to guard my men against anything nasty. With the tanks as cover I could send my men to nail me some sectoids and they soon got better. It's now October '99 and as soon as my avenger is built I'm ready to win the war! I must've lost between 10 and 15 men in the whole thing so far... That's down to a horrible terror mission and a slightly screwy base defence when I lost one of my tanks. That's when I upgraded to hovertank plasma. Since then? Not a single casualty!
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All depends on mission. If its an alien base assult then i say 1/4 losses is ok (not good just not bad) anything else 0 is ok. If the PSY GUYS are in action 1 death means eather i didn't play it in the right frame of mind or im having a very VERY bad day.


-PSY GUY- :confused:

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I normally go for =<25% losses.....much more than that, and you start running into problems with mutual support, at which point losses start to go up even more. Basically, if I can't scrape together enough guys for a door breach in one turn, then I've lost too many men.


(FWIW, I use 3-4 guys to assault a door.....figure the PBIman who opens it'll get shot dead, then you gotta clear the room behind it).

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Actually I haven't thought about it until now but I haven't lost a single man from assaulting a door in this whole game!

The closest I came was in a large scout when the assault had blown a hole in the roof before it had crashed. Having already got flying suits I had one of my men hover directly over the hole and duck down inside. There were two aliens in front of him in the control centre. I presumed they were the last two and both were facing away from me so I auto shoot the first on the left... He dies but my agent is shot twice in the back from behind.

Somehow he survived and I took him up to the roof again. When I went down again next turn I checked the whole ship where I saw the last two aliens that actually were the last two aliens! The one by the UFO navigation and the one who had shot me. He'd now turned around so I autoshot and killed him then turned again and finished the last one.

He has 27 days to recover from his wounds...

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I can accept any casualities as long as the character named after me doesn't die (Who is also the Commander) Plus I generally prefer to use as many infantry units as I can transport plus 1 Tank which is always the first off and usually my first loss, and as for my UFO assualt tactics mainly involve every single unit surrounding the door(s) with their guns pointing at the door, wait a 5 turns then I storm the UFO.
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Yes, roll out the brand new deus ex machina device! *it blows up* Argh! Retreat!


Yep, that would put a dent in my morale for sure. :confused:


Same goes for mind controlled units or subvertred chryssalids. Seeing your ace-in-the-hole failing miserably is rather depressing.



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Early in the game I suffer horrendous casulties, the life expectancy of a soldier is about 4 missions, then this rises as I get power armour, Although recently I played an mission against a downed etheral terror ship, and then I lost loads and lost the mission, I spent more time firing at my own soldiers than the etherals
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Well, I see that some people here has actually feelings about the hardware used in the missions.


My morale would never decrease, as I consider the tank as an asset. It can't take soldier's place, in my honest opinion.




Casulties in early times of the game are quite frequent. Tht's why I reload it. Seeying in advance where the aliens are, maximize the chances to take them down in the reload. Always works for me.


I've finished the game using pretty much the soldiers I've acquired at the beggining of the game plus 12 others recruited along the game. Of course i've made a selection to keep the good soldiers and desmissing the bad ones.

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Well, in real life, you would lose morale if your nigh unstoppable tank got blown to bits. In the game, it won't affect you all that much, but it will affect your soldiers' morale bars, which can get annoying it the level goes down too far.


I like my tanks alive, but if they're lost, well, as long as they saved the lives of my soldiers in the process, it's okay. Just get another one. You cannot replace a lost soldier.


If everything's gone pear shaped, i.e. a blaster bomb into the Skyranger on turn 1, well, I'd reload, but not play the in the same map. Hence my save before a mission policy. If I reload while in the same map to give myself an edge in combat, I'd feel like I'm cheating. Better pretend the last mission was a simulation and get over it. It's fairer for both sides.


As for losing good officers, well, I'll not be happy. Not one bit. But what can I do? It's my fault they got shot. Hence why I now try to evenly disrtibute experience among a larger number of soldiers so that there aren't any particular uber-soldiers. A few uber-soldiers are nice, but the rookies should have a chance at improving.



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If I were a x-com soldier and happened to witness a half million dollar tank go down after one plasma bolt, I would be a little scared but not sad. One tank death shouldn't affect the moral of your squad at all (hey it dropped 8 points big deal) if you think about it a tank is the size of four people and when killed it drops your moral the same way a rookie's death does so concidering (size) tank = 4 rookies and (moral drop per death) tank = 1 rookie I say the moral drop is about right. (Back to the main topic for a moment) I don't concider a tank to be a "Loss" due to 2 facts.

1. Tanks don't grow. (Old Bertha the 50 kill veteran Rocket Tank is just as good as that brand spankin new HWP Rocket Tank you bought off of e bay last week)

2. My tank's purpose is to find the enemy and aid in the killing of it. (If it was killed by a hidden Snipertoid then it served its job by finding the bugger's location.)

Summary: Don't like to loss tanks but its not a big deal if i do (unless im low on money because of that brand new research base i just built during month 3.)


-PSY GUY- :confused:

(Apoc with tanks?.....)

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Apoc has tanks! The Griffon AFV. Just not in tactical missions, because tanks are HUGE! All missions in UFO are all either in farms and such, or in an entire city. Apoc takes place in one city, and missions in Apoc are inside buildings. Tanks don't fit inside buildings.
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Ied like to see 8 x-com operatives fit inside that tiny x-com tank (Clown car with HE rockets :devil: ). Besides the Griffon isn't a tank.... its more of a big ass SUV with plasma cannon for those slow traffic days :confused: (When i talk about tank im takin bout a HWP.)



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