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WargasM 1.0 - Mod Release.


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I posted a thread a week or so ago, in which I showed a handful of features in a mod I was working on, and checked for general interest, to see if I should bother releasing it or not. The response was good enough that I've decided to get to a halting point (in anticipation of the bug-fixing patch) and release what I've done so far.


As I stated beforehand, the mod focuses on increasing the amounts of violence and general carnage already present in the game. I made it without seeking to make the gameplay more 'in-depth', but rather more frenetic.


For the lazy (including myself), a quick paste of features listed in the readme; it's grown rather long since my last posting.


-   A preceding 'x' denotes a feature that is on hold until the change can be

   made, presumably due to a bug or something akin that's out of my hands.

1.  Modified PKs to reduce their overbearing strength.

-   Small arms still stand no true chance of damaging Panzerkleins, but heavier

   weapons do.  The larger machineguns and sniper rifles should be able to pop

   them for a fair amount of damage.

-   Drastically reduced moving cost in a PK.

-   Slightly raised sensor range of all PKs.

-   Removed chance for bullets to ricochet.

-   Increased PKs' maximum VPs by 50%.

x   More to come as I romp through the database.

2.  Made weapons, in general, more vicious.

-   Straight, base 2x damage across the board for all weapons.

-   Increased throwing range of grenades.

-   Doubled blast power of HE grenades (total effect: 4x damage) and raised

   their damage versus structures to a whopping 400% (rough total: 16x).

-   Increased the range of frag grenades' shrapnel.

-   Doubled range of rocket launchers.

x   Doubled range for rifles.

x   Halved AP cost per shot of pistols, SMGs and MGs.

x   Dramatically reduced reload AP for MGs.

x   Removed targeting cost for all pistols, halved targeting cost for SMGs.

x   Each MG now has 1 extra round per short burst.

-   Increased bonuses for MGs while prone, launchers when crouched and rifles

   when crouching.

-   Swapped stance bonuses for SMGs and pistols; they now gain a greater bonus

   when crouching, as opposed to laying prone.

-   Removed 'prepare cost' for pistols.

-   Increased the spawn rate of grenades.

-   Increased rocket launchers' blast radii.

-   Changed the explosions for the various mine types.  Antipersonnel mines now

   use fragmentation explosions, while anti-tanks use HE.

-   Changed the Prototype 8M1 to a "Railgun."

   Lowered its clip size from 50 to 5, raised its ShotAP to 30, and removed

   burst-fire mode.

3.  Retooled the tools, so to speak.

-   Standarized and quadrupled the uses for all tools & lockpicks; they now all

   progress evenly as quality goes up.

-   Increased spawn rates of both tools and lockpicks.

-   Raised healing values of all medical supplies by 50%.

4.  Structure resistance has been increased, to stop conventional firearms from

   breaking them apart as often/easily.

5.  Fixed odd instances where some ammunitions had higher minimum than maximum


6.  Edited some perks/abilities.

-   Raised the point advantage for all specializations from 10 to 15.

-   Raised the "Increase Ranged Damage" bonus from +5 to +10.

-   "Longer short burst" now adds two bullets.

-   "Better careful shot"`s bonus increased to 10%.

-   "Inspiration"`s bonuses for To Hit percentage and Evasion increased from 5

   to 10.

-   "Resist critical" raised from 10 to 15%.

-   "Increased Area Effect Damage" raised from +20 to +25%.

-   "Increased Melee Damage" bonus raised from +10 to +15.

-   "Hide in the Dark"`s bonus increased from 25 to 50%.

-   "Solo"`s accuracy bonus raised to 25%.

-   "Disarm Traps" and "Burglar" both raised to 25.

x   More to come, in time.

7.  Fixed some typos and instances of "staggered English" as I've found them.

-   Stuning & Stunnig to "Stunning".

-   Meduim to "Medium".

-   Black Jack Club to "Blackjack".

-   SSA Dagger to "SS Dagger".

   (I could make a point, here, about censorship being wrong, but this is just

   a mod, and I have no political agenda.)

-   Katana Sword to "Katana".

-   Machete Knife to "Machete".

-   Luftwaffe Machete Knife to "Luftwaffe Machete".

-   Flack 38 20mm to "Flak 38 20mm".

-   Nytroglycerin Charge to "Nitroglycerin Charge".

-   Lee-Enfiled 10-round Rifle Clip to "Lee-Enfield 10-round Rifle Clip".

-   Enemy Turn to "Enemy's Turn"

-   Allies Turn to "Allies' Turn"


The mod's website is located here.

I've never been one for fancy sites; I also don't believe there's much need for one, with the current scope of this project.


Direct links:

The readme.

The mod's archive.

A mirror for the archive.


The mirror exists as a 'just in case' method if the first, and original, site becomes unreachable for whatever reasons. I do urge all interested to examine the readme, as it tells more than just changes I've made.


I shall consider this thread as the 'official' thread for things relevant to this mod; suggestions, bug reports and other ideas for changes are welcome.


To Biggles, site admin: I thank you for the offer for hosting, but such may be too cumbersome to keep up with; updates may be sporadic, and go from rapid to slow, and it ultimately might become more trouble than it's worth to keep up with what might amount to a new version every few days (depending on the frequency of bug reports and general interest). If you wish to provide a mirror on this site, you're more than welcome to, however. ;)

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An excellent and comprehensive list of changes. I'll hold off on mirroring the file for now, but if it seems to stabilise I may put a copy here to help spread any load :(


When the patch has been released I may be doing a 'Spelling & Grammar' mod myself. One that has no changes other than corrected spelling & grammar so that it can be used with any other mod.


But it's good to see your attention to detail.

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I don't think that doubling the range of rifles is a good idea. With the maps as small as they are rifles will dominate the game even more than they do now. By increasing the range that much you pretty much give riflemen the ability to pick apart any foe not armed with a rifle long before the enemy can close to an effective range.
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I don't think that doubling the range of rifles is a good idea. ...

Might you have another suggestion, or suggestions, as to what other ways they can be changed? The 'purpose' of modifying weapons in such a fashion is to over-emphasize their uses (even faster automatic weapons, more destructive explosives, and farther-reaching long-range weapons), and doubling their range was the first idea to come to mind. Any suggestions are welcome.

i found a bug.. there isnt a standing animation for shooting a mg anymore

MGs--the weapons themselves--are unedited at this stage; I've only changed their ammunition's damage values (which are used in other weapons) and the bonus for laying prone. I just tested in-game by summoning every MG and firing in each mode, and had no problems; I also compared the database's original RPGWeapons table to the one in my mod, and saw no changes whatsoever between the default and my mod's. Might you state the other mods you run, as well as your version's language? For reference, I only run the Axis reskins and my own mod, and mine is the English version.


Given the amount of changes I've made, ones that edit similar facets of the game are bound to have a conflict. I would suggest unloading other mods one-by-one, to see if the problem resolves itself. If this fixes things, do report back to me on which it was--I may add an incompatability list to the readme.



In other news, I've already made a slight tweak to my local copy--SMGs are now able to tear down doors again, albeit with more difficulty than by default. In the uploaded version, they simply cannot. I'm waiting for more changes to come about before uploading a new version, though.

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If you just want to raise the power level then double the ranges of all guns. Doubling only rifles will make the other weapons useless except in confined spaces.

With the (planned) increased volume of fire from the automatic weapons, their range would effectively be increased solely due to the amount of firepower they'd be sending the target's way.


MGs, as they are, already have a decent range due to the aforementioned 'cloud of bullets' effect, and such would increase once I'm able to lower their AP cost per single shot. I'd rather not increase the range of pistols or SMGs, both because their rate/ease of fire is going to be raised as it is, as well as the fact that they weren't designed to be used at anything more than short to medium range. If I raised their effective ranges, they'd put machineguns out of business.


I may look into increasing the per-shot AP for rifles, but I seriously doubt I'll double the range for every weapon.

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if a mod is updated you need to use Addmod to remove it from your savegame and then use Addmod to add the updated version to the savegame.


AddMod is a tool you can find on S2Hq, it was written by a guy called Novik.

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Dawnrazor: i would make one sugestion... reduce the damage of nades to thier original damage and then just increase thier blast radius... right now grenades have become overkill weapons... i run in.. throw a nade and nuke whoever was standing on the small radius... double the blast range.. that will fix it i think :cry:


thanks again for the good mod.. im playing on impossible right now with ur mod.. mucho fun.. really hard and i actualy have to think about running around...


well i cant think of anything else to add....


come to think about it grenades were good how they were... they just needed further throwing ranges and a larger blast radius... oh and try playing around with the pk morter shells.. (they count as explosives too)

same with rockets and other explosives.. larger radious.. original damage.. same range :(


thanks again.. keep up the good work!

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(suggested grenade tweaks)

My thanks, for both your suggestions and your praise.


I'm going to assume that you're speaking of HE grenades, as they're the only ones with excessively increased blast damage.


I may look into changing the blast radii and damages of HE weapons around, so that their damage is focused primarily against structures and not so.. overbearing.. versus regular units, but I make no promises. I doubt, however, that I'll outright double their initial blast areas, though I may increase said radius for each.


Increasing the radius values by even a few points has a dramatic effect, so I've found through grisly experience. In one of my initial tests some weeks ago, I doubled the frag range for a handful of grenades; thrown even their max distance by a skilled grenadier, they tended to reduce characters several dozen yards away to a crimson mist.



Also: I've made two more tweaks, mainly to the use and nature of melee weapons, increasing their chances to hit and inflict critical, as well as somewhat reducing AP cost per swing.


I'm worried enough about this release as it is, what with not being able to edit a majority of the weapons due to that bothersome russian text bug. Due to such, I find myself reluctant to make too many changes.. for now.

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