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Version 1.1 of my mod soon up.


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Well heres what i have changed (off the top of my head... man i really need to write down as i mod)


1. all heroes (hireable characters) have individual looks and uniforms

2. all player characters have new looks

3. changed the german soldiers, elites and saboteurs to look more like soldiers in the army (more of a difference between different types like gunners, riflemen and grenadiers)

4. changed the UK soldiers (mixing different uniform types to give a more varied look)

5. changed the UK Elite into US soldiers

6. changed terrorists... cos i wanted too ;o)

7. changed almost all units weapons and inventory to be more realistic.

(for example i have added knifes (or similar) to most soldiers as well as first aid kits in the form of plaster. i also replaced illogical wepons with more logical ones... like UK troopers armed with a PPS 42 are now armed with Sten guns instead.)

8. removed all sci-fi weapons (lasers n such....) and replaced them with more acceptable weapons.

9. made the panzerkleins tougher.

10. fixed some small sound issues

11. changed the heroes starting equipment to represent the elite squads they are. (nothing over the top... just slightly better guns and more ammo, grenades and knifes)

12. changed the player character just like above.

13. anything i might have missed in the above list :)


oh and i put in some nice treats in the axis starting mission...

and if you activate my mod and type Autoplay in the console (or just wait in the main menu for a while) you can see terrorists fighting eachother with and without panzerkleins.


ps. im still polishing the mod so it wont be sent to the webmaster for at least 20 hours (have to go to bed and to work too)


planned additions (if i have the time before uploading):

more options for facial damage such as scout masks (if i figure out how)

more detailed key story figures. (adding equipment and changing looks)

oh and screenshots of course.


if you like my mod please tell me... i love feedback... even negative ones... just means someone tried my mod...

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its to much for a single mod, as long your are not planing to do a tc.


for example 8+9 will render the game unbeatable. whats the sense of improving the pk's AND removing the only weapons which effectly harm the soldiers inside?


you really should split it into a "realistic-modells" mod and a "tweaked game-constants" mod !

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Well im finished with the polishing now...


heres what is added to the above mentioned list:


14: removed ALL sci-fi weapons (forgot the ground mounted plasmagun)

15: changed the Thompson M1 to use .45ACP ammo instead of .45Thompson ammo (wich meant you couldnt load ammo from a Thompson 1928 into an M1)

16: changed the ammo in the Vickers to .303 british (wich it should be) and changed the name from Vickers 12.7 to just vickers.


im sending it to s2hq as we speak.


about change 16: this only affects the ground based vickers. The PK vickers still uses 12.7mm ammo, but it uses the russian one.


and darth? dont worry about me making the PK "too tough". I just upped the riccochet value from 40% to 60%.

it shouldnt make the game unbeatable. Ive seen PKs fighting in the autoplay and they get the crap kicked out of them by normal soldiers from time to time, but you have to use more tactics. you cant just run up and shoot at them. you have to use what you have: speed, stelth and shitloads of rockets or grenades 8)

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Sounds promising oddball :)


I've been too busy to play the game for few days, so I havent seen any of the sci-fi weapons beside the prototype destroying the car in pre-mission..


Maybe this mod of yours gets me to play all night :)


ps. Does your mod cause crashes as I have read that mods do that?

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cause crashes?

i havent heard of that... but ive been using my mod for quite some time now and the game has never crashed... it did once, but that was before i even started making my mod... didnt have any mods at all then...

maby the game just crashes from time to time no matter if you use mods or not...


i have a new version coming out soon, but there are no major changes in it. just some fine tuning so you can all go ahead and start playing the game anyway.


ps. what i have changed (yes im done already) are the "important" characters in the game like the german field agent and so forth. ive just added some items to them and changed their uniforms (editor uniforms that is... the stuff that decides where ammo and grenades go. not the actual uniform)

and tomorrow i will change all the autoplay characters to mafia gunmen fighting with colts, nagant revolvers (S&W), thompsons (both types) and a rifle or two... all for a good laugh (might even throw in a german officer or two as "policemen")

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OK, I've uploaded v 1.1 file you sent me.


I'd like to put a specific page on the website for this mod (and others) but I need the author to do the content, as i really don't have the time to do this.


I'm going to start a thread on what I need from mod creators.

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my english is not so good, please excuse me about that.


first of all i want to thank Oddball_E8 for his awesome mod. so far it's just great and there is a lot of space to improve it further.


i 100% agree with with you to delete all sifi-weapons. i want to handle with weapons which a typical for this period of time. the same i think about the "panzerkleins". this sort of equipment cost a lot of feeling and a atmosphere in silent storm. of course they are a elemental piece of the story line so the can't be moded away. and again, im very sad about that fact. i hope there are ways to mod the "panzerkleins" to a more historical correct solution.


i have myself some suggestions for a more "realistic" mod. in my opinion the are a lot of weapens are not realy good ballanced:


- semi-automatic rifles

* a bit more accuracy

* a bit more cost of actionpoints per shoot

* reloading weapons should cost a lot more actionpoints (near a whole turn)


- full-automatic rifles

* a bit more accuracy on "burst shoot"

* a lot less accuracy on "fullautmatic shoot"


- mg's

* it should be near impossible to hit a target while standing or crouch

* accuracy of shooting should be a lot better while prone

* weapon should cause a lot of critical wounds

* reloading weapons should cost a lot more actionpoints (near a whole turn)


- granade's

* should be thrown longer

* fragmentation of frag-granades should be larger and cause more damage

* exploive granades should cause more damage to the center of the explosion


- melee weapons

* target should be better to hit

* should cost a little less actionpoints

* a hit should cause a lot more damage (1-2 should be deadly) and critical wounds


- dart/poison weapons

* if target is hit, it should be immediately out of action


this are some of my ideas of a more historical realistic game. of course the correct values must be tested but silent storm will gain a lot more feeling for a true combat simulation.




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first of all, thanks for goin in advance modding s2 !!!

i installed ur FirstMod by adding it to the Mod.zip archive in Mod directory, but when i use the AddMod tool it doesnt give me the choice to activate the FirstMod features..... and when i use ur game.db instead of the original one the game crashes. so what do i wrong???

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I noticed a bug in the latest version of Oddball's mod : the Finnish grenadier (Olli i think, Axis side)... well his medals and all dont fit him, it have visual bug (visible only in the inventory screen... the window where your character is, not in the game).

But great work indeed!!


PS : tient un français ! salut Darth :wink:

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Well that problem has something to with the game itself since im only using the standard german uniform for olli.

I dont think that the inventory screen is suited to displaying medals.


on a sadder note i have to say that my 1.2 version of the mod doesnt work. so ill stop modding now for a while... but in a couple of weeks ill probarbly release a brand new mod incorporating the changes already included in this mod but a bit more refined and thought through.


if its ok with M1911 ill include some of the thougts from his mod, like having scouts dressed in the enemy uniform.


but since i havent been able to play the game properly (havent played more than 4-5 missions) i will concentrate on that for now... ill probarbly do the mod over a weekend sometime soon... but i dont know when.

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hmmm... it seems i might have solved the problem with my 1.2 version of the mod.

i had turned on "headshot always kills" and "always critical" in the difficulty menues and now that i have turned them off the game havent crashed (altho i still havent played the map that crashed last time. the one in n-britain with the scientist in the cellar. it crashes when the door blows up)


if this version works i might be releasing the "final" version soon.

i say final only because i still want to change the weapons data. but i cant right now. too complex for mee... but i might set myself into that during the winter holidays.

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