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Winter War


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Im not a modder myself but have anybody intrested about Winter War mod? As you propably know Winter War was Finland vs Soviet Union.


If intrested i can help with Finnish language problems and other thigs related to Finland/winter war

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Also implementing skies and sleds might be a bit tricky? I think also that there should be very limited amount of weapons but the men should be talented. "Yksi mies vastaa kymmentä ryssää" - kind of meininki. Manholes = Poteros, Trenches, etc.





Mora (have you noticed "Finnish knife" in weapons already?)

Mines, a lot of mines

Panssarinyrkki (Panzerfaust)





etc. characters from the movie "Talvisota"


Ideas for storyline:

At the beginning Germany should act as an ally and at the end of the campaign they would turn into enemies. "Lapland War"


Some history: https://hkkk.fi/~yrjola/war/finland_wwii.ht...ml/summary.html

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Im currently working with mod for Ghost Recon so i dont yet have time for another project. But it is indeed a good i dea for mod and there is already some useful components in S^2.


I will help when i have time if somebody starts to make this mod.

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Now this is really interesting!


Joo, mutta kuten tuolla todettu on, pitäisi ensin saada tutoriaaleja, ainakin karttan tekoa monimutkaisemmista aiheista. Ja itsellänikin on toinen peliprojekti meneillään, mutta don't count me out. Seurataan kommuunin kehitystä ja pidetään idea mielessä.


Kannatan mieluummin hallittuja lyhyitä sarjoja. :)


Briefly in english:

Let's see how community evolves and keep this idea in mind. Hoping to see some great tutorials in future.

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I prefer if these forums remain in English, or at least keep the posts bi-lingual.


But.. if this mod is going ahead, and the group doing it speak finnish then I'm happy to create a forum area to discuss this mod and give you guys control. in that case I really wouldn't mind if you had finnsih only stuff... it would be up to you.

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Hi all, this is my first post.


I just got to say that this idea sounds great! Just the other day I was thinking about something like this to Silent Storm and then I nothiced this poll.


A couple of ideas for the mod:


Characters: As sniper Simo "valkoinen kuolema" Häyhä is a MUST. Here's some info about him (written in Finnish) https://guns.connect.fi/gow/hayha.html



As the Finnish sniper rifle "pystykorva" with scope and without it, for Simo here.


And as for map ideas, Raatteen tie is also a MUST. Although we will need tank models for this.


I realy hope that people will make this mod some day. And if this looks like it's gonna happen I will try to help as much as possible. I've been only testing the editor so far so I can't help with that (yet), but I do like the juicy idea of the Winter War. So c'mon people let's get our wise heads together and make this happen!!

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I decided to do some reading on this Simo Hayha, as my interest had been picqued. He actually used an iron-sighted Mosin-Nagant Model 28, and was credited with over 500 kills with it over a 9-month period (apparently this is still an unmatched record).


And here's some info on another Finnish sniper during the same conflict:

Suko Kolkka. Finland, 1939 - 1940.

During 105 days of combat Suko was credited with 400+ enemy kills as a sniper in the Winter War (30 November 1939 14 March 1940). He used an iron sighted Mosin-Nagant rifle. He often took the war to the rear of the Soviet lines, causing much fear and frustration as this area was supposedly safe. In addition to the kills he made as a sniper, Kolkka also was apparently quite fond of the submachine gun as he made an additional 200 kills with it during this same time frame. Hunted often by the Soviets, he outlasted them all, killing the sniper sent to hunt him at 600 yards with a single shot after a running duel of several days. Like Simo Häyhä, Suko Kolkka exhibited the hard determination and skill that kept Finland a sovereign nation even after its inevitable defeat. At the end of the Winter War a Soviet General is said to have quipped, "We gained 22,000 square miles of territory. Just enough to bury our dead".

Wow. (The Russians apparently lost 1 million men out of the 1.5 million-strong invading force. :shock: The Finns, on the other hand, lost only 25,000 men).

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I think there is no reason to put raatteentie in any way in mod. It was huge fight and there is no way to do it with S^2. I think the story should be telling about "kaukopartiot" (longrange patrol) cause the worked behind enemylines and made many different jobs: sabotage missions, recon missions etc etc. I think those guys can be qualify as special forces.
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