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Whats your favourite x-com game?


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I Have put this poll in this forum because I don't know where to put it., if you have to move it sumwhere else then I don't mind, anyway


Vote for ur favourite X-COM Game (I was gonna put ALL OF THEM in the vote but that wud be 100% probably) Mine has to be UFO!! (Even though I love them all)

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as much as i like all of them it was really only a choice of ufo and apoc.


ufo cause its the origional & best (gotta love that game :inlove: )

apoc, cause its the most up to date & bug free of the classic style x-coms (tbs)

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That was easy for me. UFO all the way. I haven't played TFTD much actually because I didn't like it the first time I tried it years back (yeah, I know I should've tried it more.. :confused:) and I don't really like Apoc. Not sure why.. probably because I didn't like the real time and it took way too long in tb (especially the slums.. :hmmm:)
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I must go with UFO on this one. Apoc is nice and i love real time but there was too much unfinished stuff and i didn't like the enemies. UFO on the other hand was well structured plus the enemy are well rounded and they are more realistic plus its easier to understand who they are and what they want. UFO has that old school feel (the feel of a well planed and organized game that doesn't seemed rushed or "overstressed") which today's games desparately need. (Personally i hate it when computer game reviews say a new game is the "best game ever" aka Half Life, The Sims etc etc. They won't last the test of time unlike UFO which will be #1 FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


-PSY GUY- :confused:

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I voted for UFO because I've only played UFO and Email X-COM (which I really like and play quite a bit). Amazingly enough I've had TFTD, Apoc and Interceptor for over 2 years and I haven't even tried them once! Never started them up. That's because I intend to complete them in the right order and I'm only just about to finish UFO. :confused:


Understandably I'm not eagerly awaiting an X-COM sequel since I already have 3 in line.


Cazbol :D

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I completed them all in the right order. Except of course if you count enforcer that should be completed at the same time as UFO... Which as well as being impossible is complete rubbish.

If these Enforcer robots could be built then why have I just sacrificed the lives of 9 human soldiers???

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I went for UFO.


TFTD was too buggy and, I felt, limited in scope re:land missions. I didn't really dig the whole ultra futuristic world either.


Apocalypse was a big disappointment for me. In "updating" the series, the graphics, gameplay, and plot somehow ended up in the toilet. One of the things that bugged me was the way that your guys were such bad shots! Even the guys with the better stats missed too much for my liking. These are meant to be quasi-professional soldiers, and they aim worse than an average farmer's kid.


I haven't played Interceptor or Enforcer, and don't particularly care.


What is the email one like? I've never heard of it!

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I'd totally have to say Apoc, It's got the best of all the games. It's got UFO and TFTD, but better graphics and such, it has Interceptor cause u can manual control vehicles(which I do frequently). Plus I say it's got the best strategic depth to it.



I'd also like to add that Interceptor is good for killing, the strat part isn't tht good, but flying is real fun, and the AI is done real well. Also you can't beat multiplayer!

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UFO:EU handsdown


Even with all it's bugs and flaws (that are now easily fixed) it was my first xcom game and the best


TFTD was fun but basicly i found it a replica with some fixed bugs, it is more challenging though, but some things just really make me like UFO:EU way better.

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UFO DEFENSE. Nothing beat getting the original box, reading the book for 'tactical' advantages, having to enter in the codes. Every research project is phenomenal, I'm pretty sure i got annihilated first few rounds of battle. Oh, and Cydonia? That warranted a final phonecall to my brother to get home right away, it was Time! The game came on Floppy disks.
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