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How did you find out about UFO? Im just asking cause i found it in a weird way


I was with my brother wen i was about 12 (im 16 now) walking around in comet or some place and i was looking in the budget section and this game caught my eye (i have never heard of it before then) it was UFO i looked at the back and i was really excited and behind the copy of UFO was TFTD and thought this looks a cool game anyway wen i got it home and the geoscape came on i wondered what the hell do i have to do, so i found the intercept button then clicked on the interceptor and watched it go from 1 spot to another and i thought it was a missile or something waiting for it to blow up (and then i read the manual) and thats when the X-COM world dragged me in 4eva


So thats how i found out about UFO, how did n e 1 else find out about it?

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When I started University the lab had some gleaming hot new '486s and one of them had game demos installed - this was a year or two before DOOM appeared, and we discovered 4-way deathmatches - one of the demos was an XCOM tactical mission. In the jungle. At night. Without a manual. It was like the brick wall of learning curves. But once I figured out the red flashing box meant there was a sectoid hiding in the bushes, and successfully exploded a grenade on him, I liked it, and got a lot of replay value out of that demo.


Distracted then by schoolwork and DOOM for a few years, and didn't pick up the full version until 1997 when I spotted it in a bargain bin.

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The first I heard of X-COM was about 2 years ago, when I was reading a game reivew for a totally different game in a magazine. The game was said to be good but that it was no X-COM. I had no idea what they were talking about.


A couple of months later, it's my 30th birthday and among the 30 presents I got from my girlfriend was the X-COM Collection (not the Collector's edition). I've been addicted ever since.



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I don't remember exactly when I started playing UFO.. I know it was a long while ago, when it was somewhat new. Probably four or six or seven years ago. It was released 94 wasn't it?


A friend of mine had it on his computer so that's where I started playing. Without a manual it looked real hard. I think I stopped playing it for a while after I tried it the first time because I didn't have the patience to learn it then. But when I finally did a while later I played it a lot. :confused:

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I first heard of X-Com around late 95 or early 96 when a friend asked me if I'd like to chip in to buy some great game or other. So yeah, I went along, and it turned out to be something called Terror from the Deep. Well la-de-dah, Dune II and Doom II were still my favourites at the time so I didn't pay much attention to it.


When I did get round to looking at it, it was rather confusing. When I played it, it was hard. Hopelessly hard. Once I found the Ion Armour, I felt as if I'd become virtually indestructable. The next few missions went like a breeze and even a disrupter pulse launcher couldn't kill my best soldier (the game was just lulling me into a false sense of superiority). But near the end, I grew weary so I cheated and won the game. Woo woo, hurrah. No big deal eh? But it wasn't an honest victory, so I strived to play it all the way through again without cheating, and discovered psi for the first time.


I soon began to really enjoy the game. The underwater setting, underwater bases, submarines, everything. It was all very novel.


Then one day the same friend mentioned that there was another one. What? There's another X-Com? I hadn't thought there was a prequel to TFTD. I thought TFTD was the first.


Lo and behold, some time later I was able to acquire a dubious copy of UFO off of someone. To tell the truth, I was rather disappointed with it at first, but I soon got over the fact that you couldn't open doors. :confused:


The dubious copy didn't last long. my computer had this thing for mangling diskettes (Yes folks, this was before cd-roms ). And since it only had 120 megs of hard disk space, I used to install and uninstall games quite frequently to swap between games. This very quickly wore out the UFO disks, so I could no longer play UFO. I suppose I deserved that. You get what you pay for after all.


I later found a copy of the Unknown Terror compilation, and all was well again. I've been playing the games ever since.




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I first played it a few years ago when my older brother got the Pc Gamer classic games collection (I believe the thing had the full version of UFO Defense on it). Before I got the disc I never heard of the game and never played it before obviously, so the game was insanely hard for me since I had no manual for it. But I loved the game anyway. Unfortunatly I uninstalled X-Com when I got my fill of the game thinking that my brother bought the disc when he actually borrowed it. So pretty much I had no X-Com in my life until sometime last week. Here's the strange thing about that.

Last June my older brother Andy came barging in the door saying that he had something REALLY cool that he was saving for my birthday (September 10) but it was so cool that he couldn't wait. But I wanted to wait, I could do that. He then said that it was so cool that we couldn't wait I should just ask for it now. Eventually I gave in and he pulled out a box with big letters saying X-COM. I literally gasped in disbelief. It was the X-COM Collector's Edition!! But when I tried to install it didn't work! So for a few months I thought that I couldn't do anything about it, untill September when I found out that this site has a forum. I went there and found out that the problem with the instalation was that I have Windows Millenium Edition. No big deal just download that patch. Problem is I don't understand any of the instructions for the patch. So I just gave up. Andy didn't though. He decided to try installing it again and somehow it worked! :confused: He says that he just followed the instructions!

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My first encounter with the wonderful world of X-Com was the PC Gamer demo of X-Com: Terror From The Deep. I was about 14 at the time. I played that mission until I could beat it with no losses. After saving my allowance for a bit, I finally managed to get a copy of TFTD. After playing it nonstop for quite some time, I found the original X-Com. I also remember being very upset about not being able to open doors. I also got quite irritated that the aliens would reaction fire on your soldiers when they threw a grenade. That didn't happen in TFTD. At any rate, I've been playing the X-Com games for many years now. 11 years if my calculations are correct.
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i can't remember when i first got into x-com... but i remember that it started with a ufo demo... that i could get to work. *fastforward a year or so* then i found an apoc demo, which i played, until i beat it, thoroughly. then i got the game free when i subscribed to pc format....


and then a while later i found the collectors edition (after running through buying original ufo, and interceptor seperately), and got it.

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wheni was around7/8 i used to go shopping with my mum at Tescos and i always used to check the budget £5 games on sale on day Ufo: enemy unknown caught my eye and i thought it looked good, wasn't too good at it didn't play much, then i got rid of my old pc and i couldn't play it anymore (not compatible with new pc) then recently i remembered and thought "i wish i had that now cause its actually quite good" found it on the net and bought last sunday 'bout 14/9/02
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I saw it being played on a laptop, by a friend back at my fourth school. My dormitory was closed due to lack of staff, so I had to sleep in the Senior Domitory. That night, I saw a senior pupil, pull out a laptop and load UFO. I was amazed by the game, as I had never seen it before, but I watched as he guided his soldiers around a Terror Site map. I jumped when one of his soldiers died. That was how I came across UFO, though I didn't get the Collector's Edition until early-2000. :confused:
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I first saw X-Com (UFO: Enemy Unknown) in an Amiga mail order magazine (it was a strategy game with aliens, whats not to like?) anyway i order and a few weeks later its at my door. Played it ever sence. (I bought Apoc on e bay and im "borrowing" TFTD).


-PSY GUY- :confused:

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:confused: I must've been about eight and I'd got my first family PC. In a small computer shop I found UFO and thought wow aliens. So I bouyght it and loved it but was pretty awful at it as well. With a lot of help from my older brother I finally completed it and then for a while it was neglected. Then I suddenly started playing again and realised that now I was older, wiser and was a god of turn based combat tactics the game was absolutely no problem at all! I completed it straight the way through on easy then borrowed TFTD of a friend (by now in college=Yank high school)

I full installed it and gave back the cd, so this is a bit of a dodgy acquisition but it was another great game and was harder than UFO. So again I played through this game and completed it as well.

Then there was interceptor which, despite some of the reviews it got and the occasional monotony of the game, I still absolutely loved for the storyline and the research! I played it for a while in German and then completed it after I got an English cd from Hasbro. You have to love the end game movie (there's two of them! XCom never had such a huge choice!)

So then I was onto Enforcer and I was let down a lot by this one... The research was dodgy and although the actual gameplay wasn't that awful the whole thing just didn't absorb me into the world it created... Also it ruined the UFO timeline for me with all of the pointless aliens and the concept of the Enforcer in a terror mission...

Anyway then I finally found Apocalypse to buy after I'd seen one of my friends get repeatedly slaughtered at it! Needless to say I'd finely honed my turn based skills by now so the real time option went out the window and I beat the game with a very large sock full of a lot of bricks! Being the completer that I am I inisted on being the largest, richest and most powerful organisation in the city so I then sold on manufactured equipment to fund my expansion until the whole city was at my mercy. And so Alien War 4 was a decisive victory.

That's how I found them played them and completed them!

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I saw UFO in a PC book... With several friends we decide to buy it (I was 17 and 26 now)... We try it and all enjoy it... We made several copies :confused: to be able to discover the game at the same time...


Every 2 days, we go at one of us house with a copy on disc of ur savegame to show to the others ours progress, the stats of ur soldiers.. etc...

I was not the first to discover Cydonia, but i was the first to finish the game... And the lone to continue to play at this wonderful game... :inlove:


When i go in England, I see TFTD in a Game shop, i bought it and install it on my father's PC when i go back in France (4 weeks later... )...


I start it in surhuman level (cause i already win easily at this lvl in UFO)... What a mistake... I loose the game in 3-4 months (too many soldiers killed, not able to protect civilian...)...


I restart it at middle level and finally finished it... I decided to not restart the game (too long for me..)...


I dont play XCOM apo when it appear... It try the demo and dont love the real time mode and the graphics of the game...


I start to work (in 98), and bought my 1rst PC... And Xcom interceptor (I am a fan of Wing commander game too)... I never finish it cause i not able to kill any alien...


2 years ago, one of friends tell me to start Xcom apoc... I finally started it and finished it.... It was fun but i really dont appreciate the graphics...


I just finished (for the 100th time) ufo this summer (platinium), and I play at TFTD for now... (Almost finish.. I just want to clear the earth before attack the lost city :D ).


now, i am 26, and i waiting for the next UFO game...


Umbriel Xcom veteran

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First time I saw it I found it rather boring!


Don't worry, I can explain :D my friends were trying to play the disk version sans manual, and thus couldn't pass the copy protect. In the end they gave up.


Much later, I found the CD version. My eyes lit up, and I quickly converted it to a "hardrive version", where it has remained ever since. (How many years is it now? :cry: :inlove: )



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When browsing on a german shareware cd, I found the Beta version of UFO. The Laser Rifle was called Laser Gun and had some weird splashy effects. That was my first contact.

The actual buying came when I bought a gamebundle with 2 games in it,

Syndicate and UFO: Enemy Unknown. I actually bought the box cause of the Syndicate game, not realizing that I played UFO before on that demo disc.

I played some Syndicate and then decided to try out UFO. I was so happy and addicted at that time. I was quite young and slowly began to understand the game. I remember that I was always asking my dad to translate the UFOpedia for me :confused:

I remember that I was sometimes frightened in the Tactical part of the game when suddenly a Chryssalid ( yes, that block of pixels was really scarey :cry: ) came out to zombify my men.

Also some alien interruption scenes with exploding grenades made me scared and my heart was pounding like hell.

After 3 month's of play I gave up cause I just couldn't win against the aliens. I tried it again, a year later. Still couldn't beat them. Damn base attacks.

And then after many years I played it again, and now I'm on Mars, ready to face the alien horde :devil:


Wow this is quite a long story :D

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Heh... I hope you got around to playing through Syndicate y/n?


Yes ofcourse, great game but hard. I liked Syndicate Wars better. I was always blowing the whole level to pieces with Nuclear Grenades. That was fun :D

Shame it didn't had multiplayer support :confused:

I was always hoping for a new Syndicate but it never came.


Does anyone remembers the game Gene Wars ? Now that was a great game with the crossbreeding and stuff. Damn, why isn't there a new part of it.

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The american revolt was the add on for the original syndicate: it gave you some hard (:confused:) maps, a clone shield a'la syndicate wars, an airstrike weapon ( :D ), and multiplayer support :D


Syndicate wars I found much harder, and it also had multimode. However, you generaly need to computers in the same room and some cables to get it going.


Genewars was OK, but I haven't finished it yet. I'm suprised we haven't seen more games like it.


Note that both Syndicate and Genewars were made by good old Bullfrog :cry:

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