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Those Chryssalids!

The Demi-Godly One

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I just thought I'd say that I know how to get a cryssalid on your team(Only for

the battle though).If you get it and keep it to the end of the battle you get your

unit back, but I don't know what happens if it was a civillian. Anyways what you

do is:

1. Find a zombie

2. Take it over

3. Shoot it so it is a cryssalid(it will say it is a enemy but ignore that)

4. Wait a turn

That's it, the only problem is when it picks up a weapon it somehow gets really

short range. Also I just thought I'd mention that when an alien picks up a human

weapon, lets say a laser rifle, it will know how to use it but amazingly it will actually

so it carrying that weapon, without any graphic errors.

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I posted something about this on the old forum, I think. Intersting stuff really.


Pity you can't use its impregnation attack. Instant kills all the way.


It's funny when Chryssalids are firing lasers. Gives you the impression that lightning bolts are being emitted from their teeth. A killing smile for sure. :confused: (ting). The bastards!


Arm them with laser pistols. They're fast and very cheap on TU consumption, and when used up close, even 0% accuracy means little.


Grenades don't even need to be accurate to work, so converted chrysslids make great grenadiers too.


Stun rods! Your shock sticks don't need no stinking accuracy modifier!


One more interesting trait about converted Chryssalids is that they get turned into Zombies when attacked by other Chryssalids. Ordinary Chryssalids under mind control will just die when attacked by their companions.


A rather interesting way of rejuvinating your Chryssalid, although each time its zombified, it counts as losing one X-Com unit and your troops will suffer morale loss. Heh, you'd end up arriving at a mission with 10 soldiers, only to leave with 9 soldiers and 6 casualties.



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  • 2 months later...
That works, most of the time. I once had a line up like that, except with Heavy Plasmas... my weopon of choice. A 2 Cryssalids snuck up behind my guys and zombified my good soildier's, mind you I restarted my game because I was lucky enough to save after every turn, expecially in a Cryssalid fight. Just saying that Cryssalids always have a funny way of laughing in your face and bitting you in the ass. I say kill em all, and let the Brain sort them out!!!! :)
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I don't remember the exact calculation, but it's based on one square being one meter and an average soldier being able to move 60/4=15m per turn. Working that backwards to figure out how long a turn is and then applying that speed to the Chrysalids 120(?) tu.
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Hi. I'm new to these fourumns but not to UFO defence and TFTD. I seem to have found a very efective way to deal with Chyssalids! This also works on TFTD's lobster men. All you need to do is get psionic capabilities or hand to hand combat weapons. These will kill the thing in one turn. :) Weaker monsters are sometime not affected by it though... :)
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Bravery does not affect how susceptible any unit is to psionics. It affects how quickly they start panicking when comrades are killed or when they are hurt. But apart from that, only psi-strength protects vs. psionic attacks.


I'm not sure, but bravery may effect morale drain for panic attacks, but this generally just means one or two more panic attacks to break a unit's morale. Not much, but hey, every little bit counts eh?


Chryssalid's don't exactly have very much psi strength, so, yay!


Better still. Fly and watch the poor buggers run about in confusion! Doesn't apply to TFTD, of course!



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Bravery does not affect how susceptible any unit is to psionics. It affects how quickly they start panicking when comrades are killed or when they are hurt. But apart from that, only psi-strength protects vs. psionic attacks.

I'm not sure about that... it happened to me a LOT of times that I've much more difficulty in mind controlling a chryssalid than a Snakeman for example, and the difference in bravery seems to make the difference.... ditto for the other alien "tanks"

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Most of the aliens have ridiculously high bravery ratings anyway, but I've only ever had difficulty using psionic attacks against aliens with high psi strengths, like the sectoids and ethereals. Terror units are rather easy in comparison.


Looking at your own soldiers, very high bravery doesn't stop psi attacks from working anyway.


As for the chryssalids being more resistant.... do we know what the chryssalid's and the snakemens' psi strengths are? Mind control and mind probes don't reveal these stats. I'm a bit stumped at how to find this out at the moment.



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Well, the success of a psi attack is related to the skill of the user against the psi strength of the target. Not sure how exactly it's calculated, but there you have it. This goes both ways, for you and for the aliens.


Most of the ordinary aliens have 80 bravery. The terror units have braveries ranging from 100 to 110.


Chryssalids have 100 bravery, but a soldier with 45 psi skill can easily mind control one with one or two mind control attacks. A zombie or even a cyberdisc with 110 bravery cannot be mind controlled by the same soldier. Now, an ethereal commander, who only has 80 bravery (but with psi-strength 65 and skill 50 --- these are revealed oddly enough) has to be attacked two or more times before the 45 skill soldier can mind control it. A muton or a snakeman with 80 bravery gets mind controlled with the first try.


These were done on the 'experienced' difficulty level. I switched over to superhuman and got an ethereal commander with 75 psi strength and 50 skill, but it still had 80 bravery. The 45 skill soldier couldn't mind control it at all.


From this, I believe the terror units just have higher psi-strength stats than the usual aliens, and that's why they're generally slightly little tougher to mind control. The high bravery's just there to make them ruthless killers that won't cower quickly even though most of their buddies are cut down.



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