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Oh, and why are all the girls blond?  No dark-haired, green-eyed beauties in the lot!  I am not blond!   :hmmm:

Nit-picky time! My favourite time of the day!


While female soldiers with only Kevlar/Personal Armour in XCOM all have blond sprites, check their equipment screen, when you take the granade off of their soldier. There are different bodies with different hair colours, for males and females! There are blond women, yes, but also brown-haired women, black-haired women, and many, many more (A whole one more) !

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The later at night (or earlier in the morning :confused: ) I play X-COM the stranger the names get. Like the time i had the idea to rename the commander SHODAN and call all the rest cyborg 87-Y3 or somesuch varient. the second best got called Edward Diego.


Oh, and of course i almost always name a femal soldier 'Sygorney Weaver' I even go so far as to team her up with "Ellen Ripley" :D once they all got Aliens SE names. hehe, the black guy called Apone even got promoted to Sarge, would you believe it? :cry:

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Pfft. I can just imagine XCOM Command telling your regular sergeant not to use guns...


XCOM: Okay, no using the bullet rifles!

Igor Zhandovich (your sergeant): What're we supposed to use, harsh language?

XCOM: Just use the flame units...

Zhandovich: But we don't have flame throwers!

XCOM: Oh...well, use your stun rods!

Zhan: We don't have them! We could only fit eighty things on the ship...

XCOM: ...

Zhan: Help! Command! Come in! I can't move unless you order me to!

XCOM: ....how much harge language do you know?

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Kurt Russell has done a fair bit of action


Big Trouble in Little China

The Thing :cry:

Escape From New York

..and a hijack movie, Executive Decision or something


So XCOM seems a logical career move. :confused: Reincarnated the name, he's now alongside Samuel L Jackson. Steve Buscemi (Reservoir Dogs) is there too, but in a high-risk position.


Most soldiers still have their original names. I've always meant to try the Aliens:SE names, but then their fates would seem a little pre-destined. I've renamed a few female soldiers, but with the exception of Ellen Ripley, they get named after FHM totty :D

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I name them after my friends. Although I give them middle-name nicknames too if they do something crazy or stupid. I once nicknamed a trooper "Legless" after he _somehow_ survived having the floor blown out from under him and falling through, which I didn't think was possible.


Does anyone else ever shoot their own troopers when they do something unforgivably stupid or panic far too often? Heh, I often end up using the Starship Troopers creed: "If you don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself." Perhaps I'm just plain mean, but hell, I can't stand it when they panic. Death to wusses!


My best mate names troops after his friends as an incentive to minimise casualties, as whenever someone dies he's like "Daniel?! NOOOOOO!"


Ah, the melodrama.

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Survived having the floor blown out from under him? Heh, I did that once, my Commander

got the Alien Brain with a blaster. The (admittedly damaged) ground underneath him got

destroyed from halfway across the room, he ended up on the ground underneath, with

like 12 health and four fatal wounds I'll admit, but c'mon he wasn't even wearing armour!

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Oh, of course I don't shoot EVERYONE who panics, just the multiple re-offenders. The ones who put everyone else at risk! I don't think I'm totally heartless, I just can't stand it when someone drops their weapon and whimpers for like the fifth time in a week.


Ha yeah, I usually pick up the armour from corpses and hand it on to incoming rookies. True, you could just manufacture newies, but I prefer imagining the look on the face of the rookie who is told that his armour previously belonged to an unfortunate former trooper who had his brains sucked out from his skull.


Ah okay... I didn't think it was possible to survive a fall through a floor, because all my other guys who fell died regardless of strength, armour or shields. I thought the survivor might have been a slight program glitch, although he was so badly injured I just had him drop everything and run off the map, rather than take the four medikits and sizable length of time it would've taken to heal him. Plus, hell.. he deserved an exit after that!

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My wife thinks this is the dumbest naming system, and she can't stand it. I put a lot of thought into the naming of my soldiers. Criteria includes all the basic stats, but I also look at sex, skin color, and hair color. From there I go to the internet movie data base and select a movie star or character that fits that soldiers description.


For example. One soldier I had was male, strong, and much endurance so I named him "The Rock". Another example is the fine dark-skinned dark-haired female with excellent accuracy and movement. Her name "Lara Croft", and she packs two laser pistols...


Other soldiers names are Puff Daddy, The Incredible Hulk, Seargent Slaughter, Pink, John Wayne, and one of my personal favs Vin Diesel!

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mine are a lot like ya'lls


Medic (high time units and stamina)<power suit

Stormtooper (seargant with 70+ firing accuracy)<power suit

Psi trooper (usually a promoted stormtrooper)<power suit

Chunks (heavy weapons)<power suit

Imperial Guard (those out of this world super dudes) usually only 1 or 2.. they are the lucky ones with flying suits.


everybody else has personal armor, but I fire the ones with less than 60 firing accuracy..... :)

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