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Big questions regarding special abilities


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Some abilities I am just not sure what they do. Take Sinpper's abilities for example:


Faster Shots

w/o cost for shot preparation.


I tested it but can't figure out how it saved AP when shooting.


Aim before shot:

Allow you zero-in on a target as if they had already taken one shot at the target previously.


Again, I can't see the benefits clearly.


Some abilities are either reduntant or I am not sure if they can stack together.


master sniper: +20% critical chance and +50% critical severity in snip mode


ambush: +20% critical chance and +50% critical severity on unawared enemy.


there are also 2 seperate abilities which give +10% critical chance and +25% critical severity respectively.


The question is: are these stackable?


More confusion is this one:

Always inflict critical on ranged attack.


I don't expect a snipper will go up close and personal, and he/she should be using a rifle (ranged attack) always, so the other abilities which grant +% in critical hit are kind of useless.


If someone (Briggles?) can help me to clear up the confusion, I would be able to start a solo game on impossible level 8)

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If you're soloing on impossible, just use scout :P

Snipers are too easily killed, not as high hiding, and you won't get a silenced sniper until midgame. Also, even silenced weapons they'll still know where you are, just won't detect your hidden character, which means they'll walk up to you until they're right beside you, at which point you'll most likely get detected anyway :roll:

Faster shots is for sniper rifles, when you aim a target it'll take 6AP. But with faster shots, you can aim without that 6AP cost.

Aim before shot will increase your first shot's accuracy. You might've noticed that after the first shot you get a higher accuracy. That ability will make the first shot have as much accuracy as your second one.

The rest I'm not sure :) But I don't think the always inflict critical is working correctly. My snipers still have times where I don't get critical hits

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Faster shots is for sniper rifles, when you aim a target it'll take 6AP. But with faster shots, you can aim without that 6AP cost.


Thanks for the advice! But is faster shots actually working? As I tested it, it seems still cost me 6AP before shooting.

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I THINK it works.. :P

I don't have to use 6AP to aim, but I'm not sure if it's from the ability :oops:


Keep in mind you just want to choose scout for the hiding :) For the first few missions I just use that to get close enough to get a good hit % before I unload my bren gun :twisted:

Once you get shirkens, you're going to be able to walk through the whole level without anyone knowing you were there.

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The throwing weapon, those ninja stars thing. I'm probably spelling it wrong though :P

I found the silenced sniper the same place for both campaign, in the mission where there's a big round launch pad behind the house.

Silenced SMGs are pretty common, I think I saw some on armed civilians.

Funny how civilians get silenced SMGs while everyone else gets the non-silenced version :roll:

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F.Y.I. it's Shuriken commonly referred to as Japanese throwing stars


I haven't really used melee weapons much at all, my scout got whacked too many times. They don't seem safe unless you have a backup sneaker with enough ap's for an smg burst. Scouting inpairs seems silly though.




"No... they are not "civilians", but underground resistance "


or black marketeers

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Up until around level 5 don't expect your scout to be sneaking up on anyone for melee unless you are crawling directly behind them :P

Just crawl close enough to get about 70% or so accuracy for a full auto MG burst :twisted: Kill, hide, run like hell, repeat as needed :)

Melee would probably best used in midgame, before you can get shuirkens and after using MGs :)

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I love those little throwing stars. At only 5 AP to throw, you can do hella damage with them (my scout was getting over 100 on some hits). cheap, silent, highly effective. The only drawback is the range (so you do need to have very good hide to use them).
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