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how to kill a cryssalid


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From experience, there are a few of ways to safely apply the stun rod.


If a recent scan of the area with a motion scanner shows a large blip where an alien is standing, well, it's exhausted. Feel free to walk up to it and prod it with your shockstick.


Alien has no time units = Alien can't reaction fire! :confused:


The second, and by far the safest, is actually very similar, but makes use of a mind probe. Have someone in a secure area (Skyranger for example) weild a mind probe and scan the alien first to see if it's exhausted, then you walk up to the alien and start tucking it in to bed.


If you're like me, and leave at least one soldier on the transport in case a strategic evacuation is necessary, this actually gives the soldier something else to do beside thumb twiddling. :D


Weak aliens should crumble after one poke, but aliens with more health might need an extra whack. Although one soldier close to the quarry is normally enough, a co-ordinated attack with two or more soldiers is best if you have some distance to cover between you and the alien.


Coincidentally, the above works well for TFTD's vibroblades too, although, you can inflict far more pain with them due to their low-low TU usage costs.



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It's been a long time since I've seen Chrysallids, probably 1998 in fact, when the last survivor of a botched terror site response managed to take out 4 in 5 turns with heavy plasma autofire before a lucky snake got him.


But I managed to run into them again last night as a plasma tank and two soldiers were sweeping the south end of a snakebase. Two actually. The first was spotted heading into a watchtower and all 3 guns were quickly directed towards the door. He didn't make 2 steps when he re-emerged, thanks to two autofires from heavy plasma. "OK, everyone breathe again."


The second one was glimpsed scurrying across a hallway as my point man paused beside an archway and the plasma tank moved up to the adjoining room. He re-appeared the next turn, sprinted *past* my sphincter-clenching point man and ripped half of the tank off with his claws. Before we could react, though, a snakeman popped out, shot at the tank, and killed the black scary thing by accident.


:confused: I like this game.

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the super-human/begginner bug is fixed with the 1.4 patch, right? right?

Actually, no, it doesn't fix this bug even though it claims to. At least it never did whenever I tried it. I had to install the XComutil patch to fix the difficulty bug.


It appears to be fixed in the Collectors Edition, since it's difficulty seems to be consistent with what difficulty level you select.



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I got two 486's. My X-Com is secure. :bomber:


Laser rifles rock, but they lack the accuracy and damage of plasma. So I use both. :confused:


Of course, that should mess my aim up too, but anyway. :D


Chysallid culling. Superhuman + plasma = dead chysallid.


SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?! :dontgetit:

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What's fun about the swp option is the fact that you can keep playing as the aliens and still save your troop carrier by the end of the mission. Only it'll fly back empty.


It's even more interesting in two or three parter missions. I actually like the idea of having an army of lobstermen raid the Ancient's chamber... :confused:



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You may not like to bum around to destroy them Chryssalids, but you need to consider how tough these mongrels are. After a bit of experimenting, I discovered that Chryssalids are weak against Incendiary and stun weapons. You may not want to stun them for the fact that they may come back into conciousness eventually. So consider burning them :devil:.


Depending on how you are playing the game (e.g; Human weapons only OR using all weapons) depends how you approach it. If you are playing the way I am playing (Human weapons only, and it's fun!), consider the trusty rocket launcher. An incendiary missile causes 90 damage (on impact I believe). With that damage area, it's kind of small but not enough time to cook the sucker. So you may want a soldier(s) who can fire a couple rockets around the original impact site, increasing the fire area. Hopefully the Chryssalid will catch on fire. It's risky but has worked for me.


If you are playing with all weapons, that's where the Psi-Amp comes in. Take over the Chryssalid, and just keep him still while beating the buggery out of him. Boring way, but oh well. BUT if you want to use stunning, stun the creature first with a Small Launcher but once it's knocked out, throw a grenade at it's carcass and BOOM! bye bye buggie.


Hope that helps. :confused:

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Using only non-researched weapons, I'd suggest electro-batons. Stand your guys nearly within dashing distance and the daft bastards usually charge straight up and stop. Get three guys to close the gap and let 'im 'av it!! If you're worried about him getting up again, kill it or have a rookie with a baton baby sit it.


I have never used stun stuff on zombies, so goodness knows how that'd go. Fortunately the zombies are <basically> harmless until they transform, so just blast away, maybe a rocket and/or grenade too!


BTW: Losing 6 civvies to a single Chrys? Owch!

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ok ok okokok... How can u go wrong with pistols? Ok so here's what I'd do in that situation...


First I'd go get a tux, then I'd march in there Will Smith style and say somethgin cheesy, yet snappy. Then I'd walk right upto the alien and pull out my nine and BUST A CAP IN HIS IZASSSSSSS!




At least that's what would happen in MY world...

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While I advocate the use of the standard pistol in X-Com UFO, there are some aliens you really do not want to use pistols with.


Chryssalids being one of these aliens you want to avoid. [1]


It's just not practical.


Now, a laser pistol, yes, most definitely. It has plenty of stopping power and is fast, and I'd highly recommend using one against anything but Sectopods. But since that's not on the list above, it's a rather moot point.


Now, after reviewing the above weapons (via a recent UFO campaign) the weapons I now recommend for killing a chryssalid would be: Large Rockets, High Explosives and Heavy/Autocannon with AP shells.


The Large Rockets and high explosives are obvious. Big bang. Hard to lug about. Chryssalids don't take as much explosive damage (almost like the Lobstermen in TFTD), but these particular explosives can still dish out plenty of damage. If it doesn't crumble, it'll at least be severely crippled.


As for why I recommend the AP shells for the auto and heavy cannons rather than the better and more practical HE shells: HE shells just don't kill them as fast as AP shells can. Try it some time and see for yourself.


N.B: consider using incendiary weapons to kill the zombies. The interesting bit is, if you kill them with fire (the killing blow must be caused by flames or an 'incendiary' explosion), the Chryssalid will hatch dead. Good crowd control, if I do say so myself.




[1] Reapers are killable, but need two or three full pistol clips. Cyberdiscs and Sectopods? Bwahahaha! I'd much rather risk using a stun-rod. Even that can kill a Sectopod. Pistols are better for the unarmoured aliens like snakemen and sectoids. Scale your weapon to your enemy.

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