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how to kill a cryssalid


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Remember me... no guess not well i only posted 19 times within 6 months.


now back on subject. i have compeleted the game with no reloading on superhuman and compeleted it with only human weapons allowed on beginnier.


now i am doing utimate test of 1337ness compeleting the game on superhuman with no reloading and with only humanoid weapons (no laser).


So yestaday i started... i was doing ok only losing 1 or 2 guys on every mission untill i reached junes terrorsite.


"hmmm wonder what aliens we be fighting now" i said to myself...


well soon i founded out that was fighting the snakemen and crysillias.


i thought this be easy prey, well i was wrong.


this is what i had...


1 Cannon tank (rocket tanks are bad on superhuman as theres alot more aliens and you run outa ammo nearly on 6th turn).


6 soldiers (1 rifle, 2 ammo, 2 nades, 1 AP ammo (these are also my hvy weapon ammo guys) each)

4 soldiers (1 auto cannon, 1 HE ammo, 2 nades each)


ok... at the begining turn it was pretty easy the snakemen took only a few shots to kill and there aim wearnt all so good. i cleared nearly the whole level expect for a big factory (you know the one with alot of boxes and barrels in) and i was thinking "where all those Chrysalid?"


i surrounded the building like i normaly do when theres a last building to check and then i looked through one of its windows. i saw a lonnnng red boxes on the bottom right of my screen [6] enemy zombies.


"this not very very good so thats where 3/4 of the civilans were"


one zombie took 9 HE ammo to kill thats 3 soldiers auto firing ALL hitting and there were 6 of em and i knew there were more as i only saw 3 civilans on the map before entering the factory.


i saved and quit so i can get some answers on "how to kill a Chrysalid with humanoid weapons"


and dont bother saying rocket launcher because i tried that on a old save game it took around 2-3 rockets to take it out. thats nearly how much 1 ammo man carries for me.


the only way i can find to kill them is to attack and fall back with enough action points to attack while its the enemy turn as it seems that the enemy run and hide if you shoot in the enemy turn instead of suicide rushing zombiving all your men.


so tell me whats the best weapon to kill a cryasliis with a humaniod gun?


tell me how many shoots on avrg to kill it as well.

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i been testing a few weapons.


i find the rocket launcher the best but.... because of its weight you need around 3 soldiers to carry ammo and 1 soldier to carry the launcher.


but to kill a Chrysalid takes well... 2-3 shots sometimes im lucky and kills in 1 but very unlikely.


i dont like carrying rockets around as it really slows my avancement to the enemy.

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Out of the weapons on the list I would say the AP ammo for the autocannon is your best bet. Of course you need a good marksman to use it but a few autoshots can usually do the trick.

An extra tip would be that if you arm up the two guys at the very back of your ship with autocannons and give one HE and one AP, you have a perfect force. When the time comes for chryssalid crushing the two guys pop out with their autocannons. Aim up the guy with the High Explosive ammo and shoot at it once. Then the AP guy does two rounds of auto and that should take it out.

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yes i must say that the Autocannon AP is good but theres 3 things bad about it...


1) The Autocannon may not be really heavy but its ammo is a real pain to carry.

2) Autocannon clips have 14 ammo + there heavy which means you run outa lead fast.

3) Very unaccurate weapon


other then that the autocannon owns sectiods, floaters and snakemen and chryssalid if you got elite soldiers with good aim.


Another thing is, is the autocannon HE. one bad miss with this can kill all your troops. just what i experienced while attacking a muton base right now lmao.

>8-| Damn AP bullets cant hurt the damn mutons. i have to mostly relay on my 2 rocket tanks (got advanger now just need a commander to win!) they got 33% acc and even if you miss your likely to hit near them.

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My only complaint about autocannon is the weight really. It eats up tons of TU's just to carry the thing around. Still, it's one of the few really powerful weapons that you can count on at a terror site early in the game. Rocket launchers have the same problem and the ammunition is even more of a headache. Let's don't even talk about that other useless heavy weapon. I always take at least one or two autocannons, especially on those early terror missions. I usually try to find the guy a good vantage point and not run him all over the map, though.
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Do you have hovertanks yet? When you do get them if you don't have them already be sure not to build any of the fusion ball launnchers. They eat up elerium so fast that I had to decomission all of mine shortly after construction and replace them with plasmas. My avengers now contain two hovertank plasmas and 18 elite psionically trained soldiers. (I have six of the beauties now dotted all over the world and all but one of my squads are equipped with flying suits. Poor Russia, will they ever catch up?)
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yes but im playing with humonoid weaponary only in the whole game!


the only techs your allowed to research are the to the techs to get the advanger, Cydonia or bust and medi kit and motion tracker.


my last terrorsite was againist etherials (bad bad spellings)


i find that there robotic sidekicks are very weak againist HE ammo.

speicaly rocket launchers.

theres a tip for you!

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*And as I mentioned earlier somewhere, Sectopods can die instantly from stun-bomb attacks. Hurrah! Although that's alien tech, so never mind*


Sadly, of all the weapons listed, the Chryssalid is resistant to all of them. AP bullets of all things too. Took me ages to kill one with pistol bullets or the rifle (seeing as they're only 4 points apart, there's not much of a difference really). Explosives don't do as much damage either.


It's funny though, I find they're a lot easier to kill with the laser pistol (including Mutons too).


Consider the heavy cannon. Its AP shells can puncture power armour! Sure it's heavy, and it's slow, but it is quite powerful. If you get a soldier with 50 to 70 strength, toss in the heavy cannon and give it a spin. It complements the autocannons very well.


Also consider incendiary shells (rockets are okay, but too cumbersome). You need a couple of turns for the flames to kill its target, but it does provide a consistent drain on the target's health. Better than uselessly plinging at it with a pistol. :confused:


Played a campaign with squads kitted only with rocket launchers and heavy rockets. Really gets you thinking, since ammunition is scarce. Had more than one tactical retreat because I'd wasted my rockets with snap-shots.



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There is of course the cannon tank. I does have more ammo than the missile tank. You may also be forced to save the rockets for groups of enemies, rather than expending such ammo on a single target. If you've got 6 zombified civilians standing close to each other, then it doesn't matter much that it takes 2 or 3 rockets to kill each one, since you'll be hurting the whole group with each rocket.


A tank without ammo can still be useful as a decoy against the cryssalids.


If you want to cluster the cryssalids before firing a rocket at them, send someone fast up the stairs in the warehouse (factory) and blast the stairs. Allow the cryssalids to assemble beneath him. Bring in the rockets, the grenades, and the HE ammo. Even better if the soldier on the first floor has high explosives.



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Sadly, of all the weapons listed, the Chryssalid is resistant to all of them. AP bullets of all things too. Took me ages to kill one with pistol bullets or the rifle (seeing as they're only 4 points apart, there's not much of a difference really). Explosives don't do as much damage either.

Conspicuous by its absence is the lowly stun rod. I realise that only the depths of desperation could get troppers to attempt to close with a chysalid, but has anyone tried?

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*raises hand*


I have. It stinks!


No, really, it's okay. Creeping up to the Chryssalid and actually having enough TU's to stab it a couple of times, now that's the tricky bit. Otherwise, it's quite effective.


When the Chryssalid is unconscious, even the humble grenade can kill it with surprising ease.



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If you can, and this works best on both alien and human bases, not terror missions, set up a fire lane, and let the enemy come to you.







heres a bad representation. If your base, in an alien retal mission, for example, is set up right, the cysalids have to charge up one end to get your troops at the other. have men hiding in the closets. the cysalids wont make it down to the end of the fire lane in one turn hopefully, but your men wont kill it in one round from that far away. with any luck tho, its only 3 spaces away from the closet. Get one of your men to run out and either insert a Heavy cannon shell into its forehead, or riddle it with automatic rifle fire.


Terran weaponry. The only way to play (The third time :confused: )

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You'll also want to riddle the lane with proximity mines too. Gives them a nasty shock, ifyouknowwhatImean.


An injured Chryssalid is a lot easier to kill with pistol or rifle bullets.



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I'll skip reading this stuff, so don't complain if I repeat. :D


Anyone tried tazers? Anyone remember those?

I only mention them 'cause stun bombs work very well on Loby Men, who have big heap armor and health, much like, uh, Chrysalids. And they go down to stun bombs. Which you don't start with: but you DO get tazers. :confused:


My first Chysalid encounter.


"What's that, erm, tall Sectoid thingy? Looks harmless."

*fires rocket*

"Well that's the end of that then."


And that, was that. :bomber:

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)Meh, the first time i ran into those things was on a daytime terror mission way back when I was a UFO noob :confused:


he was way down the street running up, a *long* street, took him two turns to get up there, and with four crouching guys auto-shooting at him, it was kinda like the sentry guns outta Aliens (Yes, any excuse :D )


In hollywood style, he collaped right at the feet of the soldiers after absorbing about 15 rounds.


Carlos said "Holy...."


Carlos started Laser research as soon as he got back to base.

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Favourite weapons? Hmm, after playing the game for so long, I don't have one anymore.


See, they're all good in their own ways.


Heavy plasmas for their ability to cut through walls and to generally mow down anything in their way. Also a good be-all-and-end-all weapon for those who really just don't care about what guns you use. Oh, and they are your cash-cow.


The plasma rifle for having the most accurate snapshot in the game ( 0.86 (snap acc.) x 1.15(kneeling modifier) x 1.02 (soldier accuracy) = 1.008 (100.8% accuracy. Not too shabby eh? ) ).


Lasers for their speed and being well rounded weapons.


The heavy laser since it's human tech that almost rivals the heavy plasma in stopping power, alas it's too slow and unaccurate to really catch on. Good in close quarters though.


Grenades for being ... well, a different method of inflicting pain that does not require straight lines.


Incendiary shells for providing an indirect, slow and steady method of killing aliens.


Any pistol for being fast and one handed.


Rifles and rocket launchers for being very accurate 'sniper'-like weapons in the early game. The rocket launcher with heavy rockets is also the most powerful hand-held weapon that you can buy, which rivals even the heavy plasmas in stopping power on a per-shot basis.


Tazers, the 'laser' of the of the stun inflicator category.


Stun bombs for... well being insta-kill devices for all large terror units including the Sectopod. Well, it might not kill reapers, but it sure knocks them out for good. Since its an area effect weapon, it can knock out multiple large terror units at a time, which is rather impressive.


Heavy & Autocannons, stun bombs and rockets for their amazing ability to kill right through ceilings.


The blaster launcher, being the most unbalanced weapon in the game, so everyone loves it as long as it's not used against them. :confused:


Psi-amps, which really is a way of telling the aliens that you've won the game.


Etc, etc.


Variety is nice. No wonder I like the game so much.



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clearly because they were all brutally murdered and impregnated by the tall sectoidy thing right Blokey?

Actually the tall Sectoid thingy fell over and did not get up again. :hmmm:


Otherwise I'da used another rocket :D


And NKF, you remembered the stun rod! Everyone forgets the stun rod. It's the Thermic Lance of UFO. :confused:


Well, nearly, anyway... :cry:

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