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How to use teleport cheat?


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i'm at work, so I can't test anything, but here is what i would try.


Select a unit.

open the console

type: Teleport = 1

close console and click where you want to teleport to


it may not be that easy, but give it a try.

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I've tried teleport on & teleport (insert any number here)

So far I can't seem to get it to work

If I type teleport on, then type teleport again, it'll show

teleport string = "on" float = "0.000"

If I type in any number, say a, then type teleport again, it'll show

teleport string = "a" float = "a"

Clicking doesn't seem to do anything


Would you mind trying it out after work when you have time? :oops:

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Uhm, I use teleport quite regularily :)


It is not a cheat. I do that when my soldier gets stuck (and repeatedly get invalid path.. try again) and the thing won't fix by itself, then the "teleport" command forces a re-calculation of the pathfinding, transitions (like ladders, exits) and such.

So when you are in the middle of a broad street and suddenly can't move a millimeter, and you get "invalid path" and it won't stop, then type teleport, wait a few seconds and everything is fixed properly again.


The name "teleport" is probably bad chosen, but then again: think about it! You are stuck, no obstacles in sight but still can't move, and you are cursing life and what not.. then you just want to get away from there and just continue playing somehow. So of course, teleport will catch your attention. But instead of teleporting, it fixes the sticky pathfinding :roll: what just was, what you needed. That's how I stumbled over the teleport command, too :) Really clever, ain't it ? :P




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