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please Help, i'm stuck in a mission...


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Ok.... thats far enough.


In this mission there are two conditions yu must prevent, first you CANNOT set off any mines. If you shoot the TNT or explode a mine you will destroy the entire base in a chain reaction - Game over!


ALSO.... when the leader is killed/unconcious they set a self-destruct sequence going, you have 5 turns from then to finish the mission!


The way I did it was to avoid the leader entirely. I killed everyone else and just let him run out of ammo. Then, when I had doen all my looting, had all my guys ready to leave, I went in, found him, shot him, picked up his unconcious body (you need to 'use' his PK then he falls out of it and you can pick him up) and finished the mission.


I restarted that mission sooo many times before I wrote to Nival and got them to explain what triggered the destruction.

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Poor Biggles :) Didn't you get to hear the radio transmission, where the leader says if he would die, then his fellows should blow up the base so the new technology won't fall into the enemy's (read: our) hands?


Beside, is there anything worth looting? I found the AGS Universal rocket launcher which the boss drops (when you gib his body) more valuable than anything else, and if you have the swiss factory mission already you don't need to interrogate him and can kill him for it :)

A full burst from this rocket "gatling" can carry half a mountain away, or crack a hostile Panzerklein open by brute force (in a single round) :P



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Actually the scripts in this mission are a bit buggy, everytiem I have played it I've triggered different cut-scenes, and for some reason the killed leader one doesn't always play.


Anyway... I didn't complete the swiss factory. I just didnt have the firepower to take on the PKs there.

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Gah, I just encountered this mission the other night and I've been playing it over and over and over... At one point, I gave up and tried some other available missions, like the one where you defend the Axis panzerklein factory. Despite having superior numbers of soldiers(conveniently grouped together for grenade and RPG blasts), the mission was a cakewalk compared to infiltrating that Russian factory. I've tried different approaches like storming the front door, sneaking around various sides of the building, etc. I now have a saved game where I've dealt with every enemy, with the exception of the leader(who seems to never tire of firing at the rocks between me and him). Before I take him out(which initiates the destruction of the factory), I need to find something about the logistics of the factory. I've tried searching all of the floors(with the exception of the top floor, since a panzerklein battle that occurred up there sort of leveled it), but have had no luck in finding the final mission clue. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
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Ignore that last post. I found the final clue tucked away in a vault. I sort of accidentally skipped the Swiss factory and went to the final mission. I think I'm going to try again, but this time I'll up the difficulty and actually use some squad members. Maybe this time around, I'll be able to take some panzerkleins with me(every mission where I was offered them, my sole squad member had to carry a body out).
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I've got a full team but actually only 1 person do the shooting :P

The other 5 are pack mules :lol: I use them carry loot & pilot the suits back to base.


Right now my hanger is completely full :oops: Can't seem to fit any more in there...wonder if there's any mod for a bigger hanger.... :wink:

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