sigget Posted December 11, 2003 Share Posted December 11, 2003 Index :9.1 Bases9.2 Biomass9.3 Dogfights Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sigget Posted December 11, 2003 Author Share Posted December 11, 2003 9.1 Bases (and borders) \strategic\configs\geosphere\listofbase.txt\strategic\configs\geosphere\Listofborders60.txt\strategic\configs\geosphere\listofweights.txt\strategic\configs\geosphere\baseownership.txt (/ baseownership_eu.txt / baseownership_as.txt) - 'listofbases.txt'This file Information about this list of bases, how they are positioned on the map and how to start off with more and such. Adding a base is very simple. Just add a new line. It is important to add lines at the end of the file. In 'listofborder60.txt' the only way to reference to the bases is by number. LEVEL_20 [boolean] Not used LEVEL_40 [boolean] Not used LEVEL_60 [boolean] Not used NAME_OF_BASE [string] The name of the base LOCATION [string] Not used (General location of the base: "south america", "India", etc.) EQUIPMENT [string] Which equipment set is contained in this base. It relates to what equipment you'll get once you capture the base. ("RUS", "EU" or "US") COORDINATES_LATTITUDE [real][string] 2 variables: first one contains the decimal degree entry for the latitude. The second indicates which axis to plot against. COORDINATES_LONGITUDE [real][string] 2 variables: first one contains the decimal degree entry for the longtitude. The second indicates which axis to plot against. TYPE [string] Type of base for starting bases. 'M' = military, 'T'= engineering, 'S' = research and 'B' = anti-biomassThe coordinates are given in 0-90 degrees n(orth) or s(outh) and 0-180 degrees e(ast) or w(est) from, respectively, the equator and the greenwich line. Example: COORDINATES_LATTITUDE 27.2548 n COORDINATES_LONGITUDE 74.9412 w - 'listofborders60.txt'Every base controls a certain area. These areas are seperated by borders. The theory of the borders is quite simple. Just draw a line around all the bases and note the coordinates of the intersections that occur. These intersections (or tricountry points, or whatever) are called 'border stones'first section: BORDER_STONE_COUNT 116 Total number of border stones BORDER_STONE 0 First border stone COORDINATES_LATTITUDE Location of the border stone along the north-south coordinate COORDINATES_LONGITUDE Location of the border stone along the east-west coordinate END_OF_BORDER_STONE End of first border stone BORDER_STONE 1 Second border stone COORDINATES_LATTITUDE COORDINATES_LONGITUDE ...... Second section: BORDER BASES B1 B2 Bases seperated by this border BORDER_STONES BS1 BS2 Start and end border stones of this border COORDINATES_LATTITUDE Extra points defining this border COORDINATES_LONGITUDE COORDINATES_LATTITUDE COORDINATES_LONGITUDE COORDINATES_LATTITUDE COORDINATES_LONGITUDE END_OF_BORDER BORDER ......B1 and B2 are the numbers of the bases. These are not mentioned anywhere else. Which base has which number is determined by the sequence in the 'listofbase.txt'. That is why it is important to only add bases at the end of the 'listofbase.txt' file. (second warning! )The file is divided in two sections. The first lists all border stones and their locations. The second part gives a set of coordinates for every border. These Borders are defined as a line between two border stones seperating two bases. A border starts at the first border stone, follows the extra coordinates and ends in the second border stone.As you can see in the file, for every Border two border stones, two bases and a number of coordinates are given.If you add a base, you have to determine what this means for the borders of surrounding bases (and of course the added base). This can mean you have to move border stones (and adjust the corresponding borders), create new borders stones (and create new corresponding borders) and smooth out all the changed/added borders by setting the (extra) coordinates for the borders.And that is a LOT of work. But it can be done. The location of the border stones can be calculated from the locations of the bases using the 'Voronoi' method. More about that later. - 'listofweights.txt'This list contains information on how bases behave. For instance, how effective a certain type of base is at research & development or biomass repulsion. FIELD The type of base BASE_MILITARY [real] how effective the base is a military functions. Either 1.0 (yes, can perform military functions) or 0.0 (nope it cant) BASE_RESEARCH [real] how effective the base is at researching (0.0 = no effect) BASE_ENGINEERING [real] how effective the base is at manufacturing (0.0 = no effect) BASE_ANTIBIOMASS [real] how effective the base is at repulsing the biomass (0.0 = no effect) - 'baseownership.txt'This file holds information on which bases you start off with. The files come in 3 flavors: baseownership, baseownership_eu and baseownership_as, one for each continental starting point in the game. For every base a "H" is given if it is a starting base and "A" if not. The starting base type is governed by 'type' entry in the 'listofbases.txt'. (This entry written by Deejax) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sigget Posted December 11, 2003 Author Share Posted December 11, 2003 9.2 Biomass Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sigget Posted December 11, 2003 Author Share Posted December 11, 2003 9.3 Dogfights When a fighter has intercepted a ufo in midair there's a dogfight. There is a fixed set of dogfights and information about them is stored in strategic\configs\dogfight\listofdogfight.txt. This file holds 75 different dogfights. There are 7 different kinds of ufos and each of them come with up to three supporting fighter crafts. The formatting of the file goes like this: LIST_OF_DOGFIGHT DOGFIGHT NAME "<name>" VIDEO_TYPE {0,2,3,4} NUM {0..4} RESULT {0..4} SUB_DOGFIGHT MARK {H,N,U} VIDEO0 "<path>" VIDEO0 "<path>" VIDEO0 "<path>" VIDEO1 "<path>" VIDEO1 "<path>" VIDEO1 "<path>" VIDEO2 "<path>" VIDEO2 "<path>" VIDEO2 "<path>" VIDEO3 "<path>" VIDEO3 "<path>" VIDEO3 "<path>" SOUND "<path>" STATUS {0..3} {0..3} {0..3} {0..3} {0..3} {0..3} {0..3} END_OF_SUBDOGFIGHT .. END_OF_DOGFIGHT .. END_OF_LIST_OF_DOGFIGHT The meaning of these fields are not fully known and needs more research. There is also a file that describes eleven different types of ufos. LIST_OF_UFOTYPE UFOTYPE UFO_TYPE {BASE_2,BASE_3,BATTLE_3,FIGHTER_0,FIGHTERS,LAB_1,LAB_2,OBS_0,OBS_1,PLANT_2,PLANT 3} VIDEO_TYPE {2..4} VIDEO_MARK {0..3} ICONS {0..7} {0..1} {0..1} 1 WRECK {0..4} END_OF_UFOTYPE .. END_OF_LIST_OF_UFOTYPE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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