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Head grenade


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I've been playing about trying to make an in game trailer sequence and this is my 2nd attempt. It didn't turn out quite like what I had in mind cos I was going to add voices, sound effects and maybe music. Maybe I'll spend more time on the next one :) .

Anyway, I thought it would be quite funny to swap the frag grenade model for a head... so that's what I did :) . Then I built on that and came up with this lil movie sequence. I should probably say it might not be for the faint hearted :)


The new head grenade technology wasn't too popular with the new recruits...

Download Head Grenade Movie 4.8MB (Requires DivX codec, 5.0.5 or higher)



... Well I thought it was pretty funny anyway :):)


PS. I just did it for a laugh, but just incase anyone wants the head grenade mod, let me know :)

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thanx for the advise....okey i edited all i wanted to....no how do i implomented....and this is a back up copy.....


and if u can change the skin of a nade....can u change a skin of a gun....maybe even place in a new model...and make new guns????

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and boks i have one more thing to ask of u...can u do this for me...change the soldier closthes...to black at least or some urban type???...i'm trieng to learn theis tools...but all i'm suksiding is being frustrated...untill i know how to do it my self plz help
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and boks i have one more thing to ask of u...can u do this for me...change the soldier closthes...to black at least or some urban type???...i'm trieng to learn theis tools...but all i'm suksiding is being frustrated...untill i know how to do it my self plz help

I'm not much good at graphics, so I'd be able to do it... but it would look crap ??? . Someone else would probably be better off doing it and I'm sure they'd make a better job of it than I could :)


Fulby made a good tutorial on how to make ALPine plugins here. The docs in the Official Modding Tool should help you quite a bit and is the best place to start :)

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I got the video but my mediaplayer under XP won't play it. It tried to download a codec, but failed with the error: Error# C00D11CD. What are the rest of you using to play this video?


Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for the link and the head grenade video! Hilarious!


Did you use a mod to get that perspective? I can't seem to zoom in as much as I'd like in the unmodified game and it won't go all the way down to ground level. Is this normal (or is it me <grin>)?

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