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RB 6.8 trouble... first 5 missions disasters!


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After beating the game normally without mods I thought it would be fun try it with some. So far all I have done is increase the helicopter speed and downloaded the rb 6.8 rebalance mod.


So far it has not been going well. On the first 5 missions I have encounters cudgels or morelmen wielding totally insane weapons for the first mission. Sometimes they are holding a pistol of sorts that shoots extremely far and very quick and to top it off it 1 shots any of my soldiers. Others are holding rocket launchers with a massive blast radius that blows my soldiers to pieces.


Are the transgenants supposed to be wielding this kind of artilery this early in the game or did I not install the mod correctly. Please lemme know.



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Changes of the RBmod:


-Handguns and Pistols do more damage, this is intended to make them a real alternative to rifles in later game

-Pistols reload and aim a little bit faster

-Older Rifles (M4,G3,Ak47 and FN-FAL) do a bit more damage to make them an alternative to the Steyr Aug ,G11 and G36

-Their aim is a bit faster, too (not much)

-Human rockets are 25% faster

-Alien rockets are 20% slower and take more time to reload

-Health Packs have a bigger capacity, but are heavier

-Women are easier to hide, Males have more hitpoints to compensate for that

-Generally all weapons which were obliterated in the original game when their improved model appeared, have now better burst, weight than the new models, so they are still useful and you have a real choice!

-Rebalanced armours, too. Added Psi-Armours, you will get them later in the game like the other new equipment (new bases), they will NOT be available right from the start.

-Smoke Grenades now right from the start

-Added a heavy throwable charge

-Added smokegrenades for the Superstrike

-Added incendiarygrenades for the Superstrike

-Added flares for the M79

-Added Core-munition for the normal Shotgun (not for the Neostad or CAWS, so you have a reason to carry the "old" gun)

-The Scorpion is a one-hand weapon now, but is less accurate because of it.

-Added another type of munition to the Uzi (not to other MP's, to make the "old" weapon more attractive, but maybe in later versions of the mod)

-Added a Melee weapon: The Shocker! It knocks out the enemy four times longer than the PSI-Stinger, doesn't need Psi-Research, BUT you have to get VERY close, this means it's a contact weapon. Muahaha that thing rocks

-Added a flashbang grenade that disables your enemies for a short time. Not as long as the Psi-Stinger but covers a area. Coool!

-Added a Berserker-Armour. It withstands a great deal of fire and you can even run in it, but it is heavy as hell , you can't heal anybody inside AND you can't use GYRO-Weapons in it, despite the look!! Go bust'em!!

-Most of the new equipment is NOT available from the start, it shows up later in the game. But maybe you can use the "allitems" cheat to take a look at it

-Alien "disabling" attacks (Chrysalis etc.) have been weakened.

-Added a heavy PSI-Controller

-Corrected the flashbang-video and -size

-Corected size of Scorpion in Equipment

-Adjusted Superstriker Incendiary Ammo

-Added the Megapol Autocannon from Xcom Apocalpse. (as i had no new model and graphics i had to reuse files already in the game).It can fire three different ammos: Normal "soft" bullets, HE-rounds and Incendiary-rounds.

-Weakened the Slimethrowers weapon a tiny bit.

-Added a Gaussgun, a very strange human weapon from those Xcom labs

-Added additional ammotypes for the M82 and the Falcon.

-Added a nanotech health-grenade, it heals units in a small area, when deployed

-Added Toxic-Gas-Grenade and Plasma Grenade (both ideas of Llama8)

-Adjusted some weapon ranges

-Added some graphics and textures for weapons

-AND added two cyborgs (1 male, 1 female) to the crewpool! They have their own sounds and skins! They still have human parts, so they can be trained and leveled-up.

-Added a new armour to the game start. It has good resistances against "earth" weapons, but none to energy weapons.

-Added some sounds.

-as the 1.3 patch finally adjusted several things i remade the weapon stats of the weapons and equipment added by the mod.

-New weapons: Xm-8, G-41, Sawnoff Shotgun, Minilauncher, Magnum Revolver, Decker-Gun (from Blade runner) , Gammashotgun and -rifle, Saiga 12 shotgun, AK-101

-Cyborgs work now, just start a game and there they are

-All new stuff has it's own icon

-The Berzerk armour has its own texture!!!

-New enemy : The Deepone from TFTD

-Added the BFG9000, a knife, and the OICW! TheBFG9000 will become available after the research of the Warp resonator and then win a new base. With a bit of luck you'll get one.

-Adjusted some damages (e.g. Flare has a damage now, albeit a small one. )

-Added an icon for EVERY ammotype! That was some work i can tell you!

-completely redesigned the BFG9000, now it's more like the original one from Doom

-added the NUKER, a small tactical nuclear weapon.

-Added another ammo type for the SLAW

-OICW sounds changed.

-adjusted armor-stats, made the BERZERK armor easier to get.

-added a Laser-sniper-rifle. VERY accurate, relative small damage

-added a Warp-Sniper-rifle with small-range-burst-mode.

-Changed one ammo-icon for the OICW.

-Added depleted uranium rocket for the RPG7, which harms an area with radiation for some seconds. (Be careful where you wander, radiation is invisible)

-Changed several icons.

-Uzi is a singlehand weapon now, too. A bit less accurate therefore.

-Added the laser gatling (ideas, graphics etc. by fnurg)

-A bit more ammo and range for the BFG9000.

-Nuker covers a bit larger area

-New weapon added: Warp destroyer II. Better range, more shots, BUT less damage.

-SAWNOFF accuracy improved.

-Shocker has now range comparable to shotgun, but has 10 shots only and decreased duration (still plenty enough)

-Changed icons for ammo of Autocannon a bit.

-Added burst mode to Plasmashotguns to make them stronger (most later aliens have high resistance against Plasma so they weren't really useful)

-Nanotech and Shocker size corrected (smaller now)

-Weight of decker-magazin corrected

-C4 size corrected.

-OICW works now correct.

-Magnum and Decker gun adjusted.

-Changed texture for advanced heavy armour.

-Added a powerful new pistol for the later missions: The Needler.

-Changed M4 to M4/grenade launcher combo.

-Changed some of the new icons to keep the general UFO:AM style

-Added a Gun similar to the one used by the soldiers in Alien2, it has a flamer and a minigun. The flamer fires VERY longlasting ammo, ideal to block corridors etc. The minigun has an VERY high accuracy , but limited range. (to reflect the auto-aiming device). As this weapon is very strong, you'll need a heavy armour to use it.

-Added hypnogas-grenade, this will break PSI-control of own soldiers and hypnotize (psicontrol) reticulans (NOT TESTED!!!!!)

-Several weapons improved (a2gun (small damage was due a typo!), bfg9000, WardestroyerII, nanotech, gaussgun, knife)

-Added the BFG4500, a pistol version of the BFG9000, you'll like it

-Change icons for m4 and Ak47 a tiny bit. And textues for the Ak47.

-Made Browning pistol a silenced weapon. (small issue: at the impact area a small column of smoke appears for ~2 seconds)

-Added the Hoverrocketlauncher. It fires a VERY slow projectile, that let's you enough time to take cover. Which you will need, as it's damage is incredible

-Added the PSI-Burner (It does NOT fire through walls like other psi-weapons)

-Added the Lurkergun

-Changed the SAW to appear in the Handgunsection, this way you won't get 60+ of them

-Corrected icon size for the Magnum and the silenced Browning pistol

-Made the smoke grenade available from the start. (infinite)

-fixed the icon for the second rpg7-ammo

-removed the deepone !!!!

-Made the conventional armour have a different texture in the tactical missions.

-Corrected a feature skipped by Altar (due to time-shortage): You can now see difference betweend regular and advanced alien weapons in the 3dview during missions. They used to have the same texture.

-Corrected some minor issues (sizes, weights etc.) e.g. the icon of the Minilauncher

-Added Halfretis (with own voice), Cyborgs and soldiers with camo-painted faces to the crew-pool. (cyborgs will NOT longer replace the tutorial guys !!) You will not see too many of them the new crewmembers are only ~12 and the whole crewpool exists of ~120 units, so the probability is about 10% tha a new unit is one of them.

-Fixed the size of the SLAW-ammo

-Fixed the production-"bug"

-Made Hover a bit faster

-Made blue and red armours color a bit "milder" in the inventory screen

-Redid the colour of the "standard" armours to make it look more realistic, more "military"

-Added different eyes for cyborgs and a small easteregg or two

-Gave the SNIPER more ammo and a tiny bit more damage

-Made the Lurkergun a bit weaker (Lurker will hate me for that, but it REALLY was too strong)

-Made the psiblaster a bit "blue-ish" to make it look similar to the psiburner's style

-Gave the GammaParticleThrower more ammo

-Made the Hover have more range and speed

-The Autocannon has more range now and isn't as heavy as before

-Changed the Lurkerguns animation

-Removed the bug which made some equipment unable to appear.

-The Ak101 is stronger now and has more range. And is a bit faster.

-Remade the armours texture (again )

-Made radiation of the depleted uranium ammo for the RPG7 last much longer.

-Gave Railsniper a bit more ammo

-Psi-Burner has more ammo now and a burst-mode

-Reworked the graphical effect of the Hover explosion (better framerates)

-Changed icon for one of the A2Gun's ammos

-Gave Warp Destroyer double ammo, a very fast 2-shot burst mode, a bit more range and another animation. Reduced it's damage a bit.

-Gave Warp resonator more ammo and better accuracy in burst mode.

-Corrected the warpmedipack-video (Thx, Manus!)

-Added Mutons to the crewpool with voices (Beware: Their armour is living tissue and dies when you take it off, so you can't put it on other troops!!!) I tried to include the same weaknesses the armour had in the original Xcom-games (AP+laser+psi+stun) and the same strengths (Soft ammo, incendiary etc.)

-Added the Popper from Xcom Apocalypse (beware it has bite attacks, which it will use for single units and an explosion attack for groups). Clever AI, wow. It will be identified by the game as a Chomper, but you will recognize it It is a bit more vulnerable than the Chomper, but deadlier, too.

-Added the Spitter from Xcom Apocalypse. It will be recognized by the game as Cudgel, but you will recognize it by it's skin and sounds

-Added sectoids from Xcom. Well, one and a half Mr. Slooz is replaced by a sectoid , and there is a hybrid in your crewpool.

-Changed armour stats for the muton armour (thx Lurker) and those for the sectoids and greys.

-Corrected typos and unused entries (big thx, Manus)

-Added Pancor Jackhammer

-Added Molotov cocktail

-Added a power armour similar to the Berzerk armour, but a bit weaker.

-Added toxingrenade for the M79

-Changed some icons and textures to make it easier to recognize thta weapons (BFG9000, WarpDestroyerII, Lurkergun) Thx, Lurker!

-Removed the Nuker from the alien loadout as a graphical glitch made it "crawl" on the floor

-Removed the RPG-7 from the alien loadout due to a bug (thx Lurker)

-Fixed the Superstriker, Autocannon, Flamethrower as their burst mode didn't work correctly (Big thx, Kret and Chenjesu!)

-Raised reload time on M4 and OICW (thx for the tip, Najera)

-Weakened BFG4500 a tiny bit, Strenghtened the BFG9000

-Changed Lurkergun to have a burst- and aimed-fire mode.

-Added a new reticulan enemy, he has either a very good meleeweapon or a HEAVYPSI. This guy is extremely tough. (his weaknesses are his small numbers and his small resistance against fire.)

-Improved accuracy for burstmode of Lurkergun.

-Added an advanced lurkergun, called LURKERGUNII with a camo-texture and the stats of the first ever released lurkergun (v.5.6).

-Changed the look of the Railsniper to something "Zebra"-like.

Changed the damage, capacity and ammo for the PlasmaShotgun and the advanced Plasmashotgun to make them more powerful (thx Kret for the calculations and tips)

-Changed GammaFlakGun in a similar manner

-Added the WarpTargetDesignator and the TNT from Fulby ! (Big thx for that Fulby!)

- include edited RBmod weapon models and the Spitter.

-The powerarmour and the Berzerkarmour will come later in the game, the first will be a tiny bit weaker.

-Some other weapons were tweaked, the lasergatling has more ammo, the Bfg9000 is less powerful. (not much)



Slaughter if i get one more user which has questions like this, because of the missing readme, you'll owe me a BIG beer :)

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Yes, this is the nature of RB 6.8. Very tough to win, so you have to develop whole new tactics.


For the first ten missions or so, I personally found that it was best to skip the missions that were in open fields and only do the city missions. I let the COE do or auto-resolve the wilderness missions.


There are walls and lots of cover in cities, and in a city it is possible to win against superior weaponry by setting up ambushes. You might have to save and reload to get your tactic perfected. I have used a soldier as bait to draw the aliens into range of other soldiers hiding behind walls with grenades, in order to kill the aliens with superior weaponry and thus get their weapons to use myself in the next missions. After about five or ten missions, then you are the one who has a good weapon in every soldier's hands, and then you can start doing wilderness missions and slug it out in open fields.


Here's the thread on the Altar forum where we talk about Rebalance tactics:



Others had tactics for the rebalance, but I don't know where those threads are. They used smoke and stun and other things to put the aliens out of commission temporarily while you clean them off. We each have different ways of trapping and skinning the animal.

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It looks as if Slaughter and I pointed to the same link on the Altar Forum.


And when imnotcoolthnx gets a few tactics that are working for him, he needs to come back and report how he got it to work, either here or at the Altar Forum.


It takes some adjustment to get through the first five to ten missions of the Rebalance.

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Hopefully BlackAlmaz doesn't make the same mistake i did with the RB-Mod, i forgot to include a readme :)


Slaughter, make sure he does one, otherwise i'll be complaining every day, this is a promise :):)


BlackAlmaz included lots of new stuff, i wonder if new tactics will emerge from them, too ? Especially the new enemies will be interesting.

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The new Combo Mod V2 hasn't been uploaded for download someplace yet, has it? I'll definitely be downloading and giving it a try when I have a link to download from. Please keep us posted, especially if there is a link where we can download it and give it a try.


And, yes! It will be very interesting to see the new balance or new feel and play of the new V2 combo-mod, as it does indeed sound like there will be a lot of interesting changes.


I hope that somebody will drop Fulby's Etherial into the Combo Mod for me at some point. It would be fun to have one of those in the crew or as an enemy to fight against.

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I haven't any links yet, the only person who can provide that is BlackAlmaz. But i think he is VERY close to give us the new mod. And don't forget to install the Camera_mod (the second one) which will enable you to see the awesome details in the new models! This will be a MUST for that mod.
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Yes, just last week or so, I downloaded and used the V2 Camera_Mod, and I was finally able to see how you guys get all of those nice looking screen shots that you provide.


I particularly got in close and had a close-up look at some of the new weaponry. Some of those new models in the original Combo Mod were very impressive and detailed and colorful as well.


I hope the new Models for the LurkerGuns will end up in one of the mods. BlackAlmaz was saying last Spring 2004 that he had new LurkerGun models for me to try, and I have been waiting for them to show up in a game mod that I can actually play. Maybe they did make it into the original Combo Mod, but I didn't get as far into that one, because I switched back to the RB6.8 so that I could have some saved games to play with. I have got some captured LurkerGuns in RB6.8.


I have also been waiting and hoping that some of BlackAlmaz's Aliens and Predators would end up in a Combo Mod so that we can give some of them a try as well. And, of course, I'm wanting Fulby's Etherial to someday make it into the Combo Mod.


But, these changes can come in Version 3 and Version 4 and Version 5 of the Combo Mod. BlackAlmaz needs to set a target or a goal or a limit and deliver Version 2 of the Combo Mod. And, then while we are playing and giving feed back on Version 2, he can go on with Version 3 and include some of the other things that we want or that he wants included. I think feedback from Version 2 would also be helpful in the development and planning of Version 3.


But, yes, in Version 3 or Version 4, I would like to see some of BlackAlmaz's Aliens or Predators, or Fulby's Etherial, or TYR's Stargate work end up in a Combination Mod, so that all of this hard work isn't lost or wasted and so that players are actually able to play with it and enjoy it inside an actual tactical mission.


However, BlackAlmaz has to first deliver Version 2.0 of the Combo Mod to serve as the foundation. That's as I see it.


The future Combo Mods should be a combination or a sharing of what everyone has done so that more can get into them. They should be a combination or a sharing from all those willing to share and contribute. Then they would be ultra interesting to experiment with and play and to see as well for the eye candy. The more the merrier as I see it where the Combo Mods are concerned. Then none of the work will be lost and everybody's hard work will be seen and used in actual tactical games.

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I think BlackAlmaz will have all the time in the world for mods after version 2, simply because the new Combomod will keep you entertained VERY long. Especially if you use the Tough-Mod to give you some headaches :) This will be a very exciting experience!
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