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Any black guys in the game?


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Hi all,


I've been playing for a while now and have about 15 troops (no casualties). Every single one of them is white (about 10 male, 5 female).


Is everyone in this game white? Or do you only get black troops when you start the game in Africa (I began in Europe).


It just looks a bit odd to me - I'd rather have a mix of people.

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hey, i got a black guy in my team. he started at 4th level with good handgun, cap, rifle and psi stats. also, an indian woman and what looks like an arabian guy.


also, i just found out i' playing at the default level...which is HARD! no wonder i've been struggling! i tried resetting it but there were no options in-game.



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I haven't come across a single one yet... It's like on television though - no program is complete without at least (or in most cases at most) on token cultural minority figure.


Had a couple of Indian people though...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Because blondes are too stupid to sign up to the CoE and fight for their existence (boom-boom).


I apologise for that very blondist joke, but I thought I'd get it out of the way before someone else did :rolleyes:


they read CoE and all ended up joining the Church of England.


Maybe there's a whole team of blonds praying for victory.


If any blond ready this, I'm sorry, it's not your fault your blond.



As far as multiculturalism goes,

well, I have blacks, whites, and shades of Greys.


(greys, as in the aliens, d'ya see what I did there, hah, I crack myself up)

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I got one black in my easy game, been there almost since the beginning, and he is about the best shooter, and all around soldier. I got two ladies, and one is a blond, and she will cut you to ribbons, from a 1000 yards out, so to say. They are dangerous, and my best soldiers. She is now even Level 8, and Malcolm, and Michael, are close to level 8, while Margaret is gaining also. My two ladies will cut down any alien even near them, and perhaps, a few men on this Planet also.



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  • 2 months later...

If you have fun with magnets (on someone else's monitor!), Malcolm ends up looking seasick and Brian turns a charming shade of puce.


Seriously though, I think it is a little unrealistic when there is no coorelation between the accent/skin colour of a new recruit and the regions you control, such as when you start a new game in Asia and you get nothing but Americans.

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OMFG, did you just infer that Americans look or talk a certain way? Dude, have you no idea what mass immigration does to a country?




Yea, maybe you thinking of Malcom. He's redneck all the way.




Burninating all the peasants, burninating all the people.




No seriously, you cannot stereotype Americans into just 1 type. You need at least 4 stereotypes for each skin color here, otherwise you're not properly prepared.


Also, Canucks are an inferior "race" <laff>haha</laff> compared to their southern neighbors der Americanos.

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