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perfect team?


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  • 2 weeks later...

1 - Spetznaz- Ungodly Willpower (6/7) and Speed (V.Fast WITH ARMOUR))- Berserk Armour + Hybrid Laser + 4 clips

2 - ?? - As above (5/6) (Fast - V.Fast) - Power Armour, Hybrid Laser, 4 Clips


The rest of my team follow numer 2.


Apart from Mutey...


Mutey - Enhanced Heavy Armour - Laser Gatling :blink:


The Berserk Armour weighs 25kg. That is VERY HEAVY. Around 90% of a n00bie soldier's capacity. As for Spetznaz... well... he can SPRINT in the stuff. :(

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I dunt find the bezerk armor any good, I prefer the power armor, I had a trooper all on his own in Berzerk armor, no ammo trying to outrun a couple of Chompers..





That's what you say when your fella is slow. Spetznaz can sprint in it as I said before. And no, they aren't hacked. :(


Trust me, Spetznaz could probably solo a few missions he's that good (and well armoured). But only against Transgenants. Maybe if I was feeling lucky, against the Human Raiders, but they're a pain to kill because they have about as much HP as you do sometimes. ><


Besides, the Berserk could easily hold against Chomper attack long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Unless they were Popper Chompers (the blue ones)

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  • 5 months later...

Possible team design (including levelling plan) for my restarted game:

Getting everyone's Strength and Agility to atleast "Good" is at top priority due to speed reasons. Other than that everyone carrier atleast 3 grenades and a MedKit.


Rear Team

- 1 Sniper, uses best sniper weapon, Level Willpower and Perception (2 times Willpower, then Perception, then twice Wilpower again, then Perception and Dexterity equally; later Intelligence.


- 1 Launcher, uses best rocket/grenade launcher weapon, level Strength and Willpower first and foremost; once at max level, start with Agility and Intelligence equally.


- 1 Medic, uses best pistol available and a medkit, level Intelligence and Dexterity equally, later Perception and Agility equally. Carries as many medkits as possible.


Forward Team

- 1 Grenadier, uses best pistol available and grenades, get dexterity to Good atleast ASAP to allow training, then level Strength and Agility equally; later on invest in Dexterity, then in Wilpower and Intelligence (by then he'll probably start becoming my Psi-Guy :huh:)


- 3 Riflemen, use best AR available and carry best Shotgun available in their backpacks (for use once they reach the inside of the base/UFO), invest equally in Agility and Wilpower, then equally in Strength and Perception.

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Tried it out; the Grenadier turned out far less efficient that thought before; the Launcher turned out far better (the super striker is great for carpet-bombing aliens into submission). I'm also thinking about combining the Grenadier with the Medic - pineapple in one hand, medkit in the other. Several similar stat requirements.


Also, Steyr AUGs have turned out to be the perfect rifle - long range on single shot, shotgun-style damage on burst mode.

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  • 2 months later...

1 or 2 heavy guys with Gatling Gun (or collapsible machine + waiting time to deploy)

3 or 4 snipers/assault

outside: L115AE (good range, damage, fire rate and amm.cap.)

inside: HK MP7 or Neostead or Alien warp Pistol or FN57 tactical

1 or 2 blow-it-away

outside: M79 or Rockets or L115AE

inside (& outside): Super striker


standard equipment includes medikits and grenade

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  • 4 weeks later...
whats your favorite team?


mine is 2\3 snipers, 2 with launchers and 2\3 with shotguns and assault rifles.



yep :confused: all with 1500 experiance , 6 berzerker armour, take away 1 sniper for a heavy armourd gattling gun carrier, which has the distance of a sniper but more powerful, and give a guy a BFG9000 also....vvvery nice gun ^^


i have 2 teams i use .. 1 team who i send for important missions are armed far better and i name them Alpha, Beta, Cetra, Quatro, Orion, Omega and z00L the 2nd team i leave wtv names they have. I jsut completed the game like 4 hours ago and my strongest soldier was Alpha on like 1700 experiance points ..used the flame thrower (awsome wepon) to kill the 3 main-brains..text book

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I almost never use a set team, instead, i have my primary team which keeps the same general load out(sometimes switching in plasma weapons for human weapons, then going back, then just going back), but i will always have at least one shotgun soldier, at least one sniper(usually two with back-up pistols, i used the decker) and a few long range or heavy rifle men

the problem i have, is that no matter how hard i try i cannot beat the russia mission, and i have problems on UFOs now that alien have bio armor and mind control and i haven't even captured bio armor yet....

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