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Advanced Plasma Rifle


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My first post!!!!!!!!!!!!! I first want to say excellent game. For those that don't like the instant rocket attacks remember that the chinook you are riding in is LOUD the aliens heard you coming miles away and they are prepping the LZ when you land. Standard Military tactic. Anyway, I haven't heard anyone mention the use of the Advanced plasma rifle. I use them for 5 of the 7 squad members. I think they are great. Does anyone else use it? Well great game guys and keep up the good work. Looking foward to the Mods out there and the new things you come up with. :blink:
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I don't like them - don't know why, maybe I'm just rasit against the aliens! lol Just predujest againt their tech, and like using good old fashion projectiles :blink: hehe


I mostly use the neostat for close range, or the sniper rifle with rocket troops for long range ;)


oh, and grenades are by far the best weapon early on in the game ;)



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Good heavens are grenades effective. I have a scout that runs around and peppers everything with grenades...except those damn chrysalids (the ones that freeze your troops) or whatever they're called.


Those get a lotta long-range lovin' from my snipers! :blink:

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Lets see...

1. The chinook is loud, certainly, but why couldn't our men shoot out of it while they are landing? Or how about a mounted minigun that can be used to clear the LZ before deploying?


And do you mean the Plasma RIFLE or the Plasma GUN. The Plasma rifle is great, but I have never used the plasma gun (too similar to human grenade launchers for my taste.)

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That would be great doing a gun run with the chinook. they do mount MG's on the ramp in the back and leave it half way down when dropping troops for added protection. and I did mean the rifles. The aliens go down pretty quick. I also like the sniper rifles.
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The hot LZ feel so much like in UFO unknow, when the door opens, 3-4 CyberDisic is around the corner, then one alien send one baster bomb into the mist of your troops before they even step out of the door. BOOOMMM...


oppss.. talking of UFO unknow again.


I had been playing patch 1.2 for 40 hrs now, had not encounter a single LZ mission where my guys cannot handle. Walk through Russian mission, Area 51 with one or two reload.


Rocket alien is by flavorites, run toward them and shot them with my colt or Colk17 and see them trying to walk away. Not sure what some players in these forum is complaining about.


Weapon I feared is Advance Plasma gun (not the normal Plasma gun)

I do have a chances to run out of the damage zone.


Alien Microslug Accelerator and warp weapon does so much damage instantly.

:blink: wish i have a tank to take those damage instand of my troops.

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  • 1 month later...

I use Plasma Rifle. They are good if your team have a mixture with Alien Laser Rifle. Plasma Rifle seems to be damn slow(rounds per second). Some times I do use Grenade launcher. This are the combination I use if I ever take on the KILL ALL Transgenant Mission in a urban terrain. ( All this happens before I even go into Russia Area 51 ) so I have change my combination with using all sorts of BOMBING ( GRENADE LAUNCHER ) , and those Alien Bombing device( I forget the name(it's in the heavy category weopon, and I think it's one of those plasma device)), and em .... some alien laser rifles and gattling guns !!. ( This is for terrain fighting ). For UFO Base.. SHOTGUNS and Alien Machine guns( Slug guns ), and the Flamethrower are the best bet. As for human Base attacks , just get your guys equip with one of those PSI Projectors ASAP.... and Gattling guns and stay put in the RANDOM location they put u. As for the AREA 51 in US and Russia... I finish the IN BASE mission in just mere 5 minutes. There is a trick(safe corridor) to go through. I can't really describe it now. But it have to do with the lane or room on the right (facing north) of the FILE CABINET room ( where the room of the items you are suppose to pick up.) before you reach that lane u have to go through a STORE room and a LAB before you go to the lane. The only problem you will face is some 2 aliens at the store room. Just gather 6 guys are the door facing the store rooom ( which is quite near to the starting point ( the lift ) )than get your fastest guy (reckon ) to rush straight out through the lab and go run straight through the path that I have pointed out. You get back safely for sure. As for the TERRAIN fighting b4 you get into the base ... I think there are comments from the other guys facing some Rocket Launcher issue. All I do is to kill all those alien at the Far corner ( the bushes ) which holds only the laser guns.and stay put there for a while and send out my fastest man out to the road going towards the main gate of Area 51 ( Russia ) where I will be kind of like being spoted by Launcher Aliens. I will use my reckie to run left and right to dodge the Launcher, and while doing this my 3-4 squad member will be armed with laser rifle and plasma to go to the far end of the road to go near the alien. While the remaining of the squad will armed with Smoke, Acid, Incidiary grenade to sneak towards the Alien Area ( Gate and the road side and just throw hell out of it and while not to forget to distract the launcher. By this time you should be able to kill all the launcher with the laser rifle squad. Maybe I was lucky to have 1 Launcher Alien and 2 Rifle alien at the Gate. The rest of the dumb alien is staying at the back of the Wall ( Near the booth)and was because I flank to the left of the map at the first place and never even gone near the gate. After taking down the 3. I just bomb and grenade the aliens at the back of the wall ( I bomb the wall down and saw the Alien after I save the game and reloaded ( cheated ) hahaha ... anyway , it works. )




Oh ya, After all this typing, What does the damn PLASMA SHOTGUN DO ???? I can't even kill a Fly with it !!!!

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Yeah the Plasma Shotgun sucks....even the enhanced one which does well over 1000 damage. If you want a short range weapon use the Warp Resonator (if u have it).....7500 dmg at a similar range to the Neostead without the potential of frying yourself alive like with the Flamethrower is definitely an added bonus ;)


Personally I love the Enh Plasma Gun. More damage than a Grenade at pretty decent range is definitely a nice touch. Usually I have 2 or 3 of my squad lined up with them. They can kill some of the nastier transgens in 1 shot. Don't get me wrong I like the Advanced Alien Laser Rifle too due to it's immense accurancy and pretty good RoF but for me it doesn't pack enough OOMPF (There I included OOMPF in a post ;) ) for me towards the end of the game. You want stuff to die in 1 or 2 shots at the most before they can blow your head off with one of their stupidly powerful guns.


Rest of the the config is usually one guy with the Heavy Warp weapon which straps to armour, a Warp Resonator or two, 2 Psi's with backup Rifles and the rest with Enh Plasma Rifles....all in Bio Armour or EHA of course ;)


If I have ammo for a Microslug that's always an added bonus as are the Alien Rocket launchers but i generally only use those when REALLY needed (I suspect they will be for the final missions)


Still there's the potential to get mulched but i think that's the best config I've come up with so far...Psi feels so much like cheating :blink:

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Speaking from soley an "easy" perspective since I ain't started Medium or Hard yet due to this lousy night job not ALL the Retty's even in the final missions have Bio Armour. On the moon's surface I think i even saw some REALLY crappy armour (not even Sun Armour) or that could have been my lappy's monitor confusing me. Generally for me anything in Bio Armour got Psi'ed immediately as that generally means BAD stuff about to happen.


The armour config seems a bit randoms since I've had my base invaded by ALL Bio Armour Rocket Launcher/Microslug/Warp Rifle/Psi Projector toting nasties, which I fought off with more than a couple of casualties ;) and then when they attacked again in was Advanced Laser Pistol/Plasma Gun/Sun Armour wearing wusses.......wierd, what a waste of a Psi shot ;)


At the close quarters I found the EPG useful but not as useful as the Double barrelled machine gun :) (3 Rettys in Bio Armour w/o getting killed...now that's funny...thank god none of them had Microslugs, they cut through Heavy armour (well any armour) like it's butter.


Not much is good vs Bio armour I'm afraid but I'm still a fan of the EPG as a non-wall destroying combat weapon since the sniper rifle just doesn't get it done indoors due to slow reloading time (although I'm not sure what the reload on an EPG is, can't imagine it's much better apart from using the REbalance MOd where the Plasam is 5 times faster than some of them ;) ), the Heavy armour stuff REALLY wrecks maneuverability which sucks when rockets are flying (Or deathbellows are in the area but you shouldn't be wearing Heavy armour vs transgenants anyway), although I do like the "Stuff defence it's who can take the most damag wins" mentality, and all the other guns get you a bit too close for my liking. Really apart from Psi there's no perfect solution vs "Ultimate" reticulans....well maybe warp resonator ;) ...but even that runs out of ammo and can't be reloaded ugh. (7500 one)


Just get your own Bio :blink:

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I only find the advanced plasma rifle useful in urban combat against transgenants. Their stopping power is excellent when a transgenant waddles round the corner and starts firing or vomiting at my squad. Plasma rifles don't have the range in wilderness combat against a Morelman with a sniper rifle or rocket launcher.


I don't even bother with any plasma or laser weapons against the Reticulans. Their armour is too good for me to kill them before they can get a shot off. However, even Reticulans with bio armour are vunerable to a combination of hard rounds and psi projectors.

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I love the (enhanced) plasma rifle. :inlove:

The only targets that are relative immune to the plasma rifle are bio-armoured reticulans and car-crabs. For the first category the psi-projector is the solution and car crabs are nicely vulnerable to snipers. ;)


The only problem I have with the plasma rifle is in "capture transgenant" missions. They die to quickly. :blink:

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