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How Do You Use Medikits?


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Apologies if this is not in the right section.


How do you use the Medikits in the game?.


I go to the inventory screen, and drag the Medikit to the soldiers hand, and it stays there, but when I go back to the game screen, it doesnt appear anywhere, and he seems to be holding his weapon again.


Is there a "hot key" for the use of medikits, or am I just going about it the wrong way?.


BTW, great game!!!. Just got it and I'm hooked within the first 5 mins.

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It takes a few seconds for the soldier to get the medikit out of the backpack and into his hand. Once you've given the orders in the equipment screen, let the game run for a few seconds. Your soldier will then say that he has completed your order and the medikit will appear in his hand.


If you are on the tutorial mission, you are probably wondering how Malcolm can revive Brian. Get Malcolm to stand right next to Brian, select the medikit, then click on Brian. It will take several seconds for Brian to become concsious, and you may need to give him more than one dose. If you want, you can restore Brian's health to maximum with more doses. The controls are similar to when you used a gun to shoot that danglefly.


To get Malcolm to use the medikit on himself, click on the medikit and then click on Malcolm. Remember that you only get ten doses with each medikit.

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Thanks for your help, I've got it worked out now.


Another question, is it at all possible to have your squad in a formation of some sort?. Its most annoying when they are moving to a destination, and one of them fires at an Alien and hits the troop in front of him.

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I have had soldiers in a line right after one another, and none of them have ever shot their other selves. Never, and they are on top of one another shooting at an alien. You have to watch the hourglass timer in the soldier's portrait below, to know how long an action is going to take. You must be attacking your own soldiers due to how you are playing the game.

This is like real-time, and actions take a certain amout of time, listed next to the hourglass, so once you get use to it, they respond fluidly, according to the Commander's wishes.

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So far, I've never had any problems with friendly fire, except for a slight mishap with a grenade when one of my soldiers was too close to the target area. However, it is possible to accidentaly order one of your soldiers to fire on a comrade.


As for moving soldiers in formation, if you think it's tough now, wait until you are trying to move seven soldiers down a narrow corridor. Two will do as they are told, two will tell you that it's impossible and the other three will go on the longest possible route to the destination and get ambushed.

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