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Need Help! Two Questions...


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1) I read that the resolution can be up to 1280X1024 yes when i run "Launcher.exe" the only option is 1024X768.

I have a top of the line ccomputer (P4) w/ a top of the line graphics card (Geforce FX uUtra) and the latest drivers(Det. 52.16). Am I missing something?


2) Director's cut: If I understand right this saves replays of all th action of a mission. Where does one access this?



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shrapnel where did u read that the res can be changed from 1024x768??

Probly some dumb ass that does'nt know wtf there on about.

And like Skeelo says the directors cut does'nt save replys, all it does is spin around the aliens when u see them an weird stuff like that.

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