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Another 1.2 Bug


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I'm currently very early in my 1.2 game and only have the two first soldiers.

Now to the problem:

Whenever I've completed a tactical mission my second soldier (the guy with the UZI you get in the tutorial) gets his kit reverted back to the original one (UZI+ammo+grenades). It might happen for the first soldier (Malcolm) as well but since I have him carrying the shotgun anyway it doesn't show (and I don't have the patience to go through a tactical mission just test this.. :withstupid:).

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I tested these scenarios:


saving exclusively on:

- existing savegames

- new savegames

- quicksave

- no savegame


The bug occured in all scenarios.


I started all tests from a global map save with the chopper already on its way to the mission.


This is what happens:

During the mission all is well but once the chopper returns to base both soldiers get their kits reverted to the original state.

BTW, the kit is normal (ie the one I specified before leaving the base and used during the mission) during the flight back to base but changes once the chopper has landed.

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The equipment you give to your soldiers before they leave in the chopper for the mission is their standard equipment. Then they go to the mission and you may pick up new weapons from the dead aliens, etc. However once they go back to base and land, their standard equipment gets reloaded.

You need to reassing new equipment to them.

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No, you misunderstood me. By "reverting back to their original kits" I mean the loadouts that the two soldiers had after the tutorial mission. One had a shotgun, some shells and a medpack while the other had an UZI, some clips and grenades.

Those are the kits that they revert back to when coming back to base, regardless of what weapons I had equipped them with in the squad screen before sending them off in the chopper.

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Sounds like it's not saving a part of the save file properly (dead good guesswork there :withstupid:).


Tried a surface scan of your hard disk?


Not overly helpful, but it just seems odd that nobody else is getting this error.


Might be worth reinstalling and applying the patches again too if you haven't already.

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I applied the 1.2 patch on a clean install of UFO:AM.

I don't have any errors according to scandisk.

Besides, I didn't have this problem in 1.1, only in 1.2. It seems as if some new bugs were created when the old ones were fixed. :withstupid:

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