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New 'feature-bug' In 1.2


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So far I have only two things to bicker about in 1.2, and they are related to when you accept a mission.


1. As soon as you click the button the squad screen pops up. Totally unnecessary in my opinion. Everyone keeps their squad fully equipped at all times so this is only irritating.

2. As soon as you leave the irritatingly-popped-up squad screen the game decides that the time doesn't need to be paused anymore. This means that if you had the fastest speed selected before the pause your chopper might be half way to the destination before you have time to react.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The game kinda forces you to equipt your troops when they get back to base. I pops up a menu with "chopper has arrived at base" or something and the options are "squad" and "carry on" if you choose carry on, you'll lose time and if you choose squad the equipt screen will be useless when you send your troops on a mission because you've already equipped them.


bottom line: give me a "stop" button on the chopper returned to base event or leave out the 2nd equip screen

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