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Biomass sample


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NOTE: Planters WON'T hold Bio Node Material if you haven't got and researched the sample.

I have had the node for some time and still have no sample it is hard to find i think they do this on purpose if you could get rid of it soon as it appeared it would be pointless then wouldn't it? Samples a real bugger to get though. I done loads of missions on biomass.

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Please help,


i found biomass sample research it. I have downed roughly 30 planters, finished them, do all the missions on biomass. I checked for the special mission for biomass nodes but couldn't see any. I have 5 bases left and I can't last a month.


Am i missing something?

Please help me, i'm attaching my research & development screens and the globe view.








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by the way I wonder, which part of the world was covered with biomass in your games? mine was Africa, and that's funny cause I got the sample the first time I had a mission on it

For me the Biomass starts in Antartica and Australia, so no real loss there then. :blink:


As to the which came first question, I personally aquired a node from a planter long before I finally got a mission on the biomass that gave me a Sample. I would suggest that as soon as the CoE sends the message that they have detected the biomass both items are available, and its just down to chance as to which you get first.

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Personaly I think that the biomass issue should be handled differently in the game. At the moment you first have to get a sample from the mass itself, and then get the node it started growing from from the planter. Getting the sample itself is the part i have a problem with. I've lost 'bout 10 bases to biomass growth before i got my first mission in it. Why can't i as a badass military leader tell my troops to go hunt for a sample before a high level government idiot comes and tells me its time to go bughunting. Why cant i just get a biomass-mission the moment the first biomass blotch is spotted on the globe? The damn message about a biomass spot beeing spotted could be triggered to the first planter making a succesfull run.
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