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Save game bug


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I'm somewhat far into the game I guess and the saving process has always been painless up until now.

Suddenly the save games have a set position in the list as opposed to before when the latest save game automatically was positioned at the bottom of the list.

This is quite a nuisance since I use many save files and often forget what the last save game was, so I'm forced to look at the dates of each and every one of the save files to find out what the latest is.

Is there a quick fix for this?

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Yup, they're in alphabetical order, though when you get so far into the game it might have been more useful to put the most recents saves at the top.


Not technically a bug, but a real pain when you've got a lot of save games and you need to go back several to get around something like... oh, say, having four of your bases annihilated by biomass :withstupid:

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If so it's a very weird alphabetical order...


The beginning of my list currently looks like this:







Alphabetical my 455...


It wasn't like this from the beginning that's for sure. Up until now the latest save has always been positioned at the bottom of the list.

This bug came out of nowhere and I really need to solve it pronto since it messes up the gameplay. Spending up to a minute trying to find the right save game everytime I need to load is not my idea of fun...

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Oh... it's alphabetical in my list at any rate, so keep your shirt on :withstupid:


I *have* noticed that if you look in the save games folder outside of the game, then filenames similar to the above are in the folder, and don't seem to be on my list inside the game. Most odd. Must check them again to see exactly what they're called...

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They may be saves that the game makes before you quit out of the program. If you go back into the game and simply press the Play button instead of Load Game, you start where you left off. Not sure if it simply reads the last save though :withstupid:
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Hmm...and when happen this mishmatch with saves...after 50% of the game?


My saves work normally, mean when im in save menu my last save stay bottom of the list.But i have only 3-4 save possitons.Maybe u use more slots and that is the problem? :o

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Sounds like it's just after Area51... that's when those sattelite photos usually happen (like we would still have sattelites in orbit?! :withstupid:).


Haven't heard of this before, though that doesnt help you much. I'd suggest backing up your profile with your saves in for this game, delete all the saves but your current one (externally - the filenames are the same outside of the game) and see if any saves after that come up with errors like this.

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I tried deleting all saves except for the latest one like you said, and it seems to have solved the time/date problem, but the problem with the list that doesn't sort itself properly is still there I'm afraid.

It doesn't matter much anymore though. I've learned to cope with just a few save games now so remembering the last one is easier than when I had 15. :withstupid:

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