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Slow Speed with Enhanced Heavy Amor


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I have the following problem:

once i have equipped my troopers with the new enhanced heavy amor they move like snails- even though their speed says good.

bug or feature?

if its a feature then its extremely unbalanced item- ok if ur wearing a heavy amor u cant move like a sprinter, but that speed is ridiculous and the result is that u cant use that piece of amor.

same with those deployable weapons- to have to deploy them for every shot is stupid too- most of the time ur dead by the time u have deployed them coz u can only deploy them when targetting an enemy- no way u can add some tactic thoughts where and when to deploy...

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Just for note. There are two different speed stats on the caracter cheet.


The normal one somewhere along with hitpoints and the other skills, and the one in the lower part of the cheet that tells you the actual speed depending on encumberance, how much you carry, capasity...

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And it depends ont eh armour type too. Heavy Armour says it slows you down, so a speed of "good" means that you move like a slightly quicker snail, yet still really slowly.


I do enjoy having three guys standing there with gatling guns though. Most pleasing when they spray the enemy :withstupid: They can also take a LOT of enemy fire, and if you've got a scout or two running about out in front, they draw the fire away, and can draw off the rocket shots easily without ever staying in one place long enough to get hit.


Don't try what I originally tried and sit there with a whole squad in enhanced heavy armour... you'll just get wasted quicker.

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The reason why you are so slow with the heavy armor is that the game doubles the weight of the armor when you are in a mission. In the outfit menu you give your soldiers stuff till they are at 100% capacety. But on a mission your soldiers have to carry much more. So it is a bug.
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When you are using heavy armor you can't run, which is the default option. You are still moving at the indicated speed. You are just walking...

And hey, It seems like you actual can sneak on to enemy while walking.


(I used the cheat codes to see the enemies and ther plans. When i walked i was able to get pretty close to them, witout having them noticing me. When i ran they noticed me from long distances. And shooting and blowing things up gets there attention from afar...)

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Yup Mooses - If you walk around on later missions it makes it so mich easier. If you've got a quickly walkng scout with good observational skills, it's even easier.


That's why it's always good to have a few different groups of people trained differently and pair them up into three sub-groups on your keyboard (check the manual if you don't know how). Also save you trying to fit seven men through a door al at once :withstupid:

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Yup Pete walking is much better, enables u to see them much farer than just running around. Only time i need to run is when in a bad position i leg it round corner an set up an ambush.


AN yup again Pete, ALT 8-9-0 creates 3 different groups. Thing is this KEEPS through to the next missions, so if u create a group of close range say group 8 then move ur troopers around in ur sqaud when u press 8 on next mission it will select the colors fromthe last 1 an if its not all close range anymore then its whatever it is.

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