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Plasma Rifle + Shotgun problem


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For some reason the Plasma rifles and shotguns I developed don't seem to do any damage. Now keep in mind, I did cheat when I developed them using the FINISHRD cheat. But I don't see how using that would have anything to do with the weapons not doing any damage. I let my soldiers (5 of them) all unload entire clips from their Plasma shotties, and rifles into a grey, and it didn't do a sliver of damage. Yet when I switched to say a Plasma launcher, it worked fine, as well as any of the other weapons. It's just the plasma rifle and shotgun in particular that won't do damage. What's wrong?
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well if i recall plasma doesnt do jack against firebeatles due to their nature. however ive noticed the utter crappyness of plasma weps due to the ultra crappy range/fire time. it is by far not worth useing them(havent ttried the advanced ver of the yet though so that might be different)
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has ANYBODY noticed that when you develop Advanced Plasma Shotgun, then you actually get Advanced Plasma Rifle and vice versa?


and i dont like plasma weaps too... but that above is a liitle simple bug.

Tested it several times.... now my storerooms are filled with useless plasma weapons :rolleyes:

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How can you say such things shame on you! my plasma rifles down grays in the right armour with one shot. It seems that you need to be good at rifles to use them corectly but since my guys are super heroic thats not a problem... i did enconter some problems early on with my first plasma rifle.
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has ANYBODY noticed that when you develop Advanced Plasma Shotgun, then you actually get Advanced Plasma Rifle and vice versa?


and i dont like plasma weaps too... but that above is a liitle simple bug.

Tested it several times.... now my storerooms are filled with useless plasma weapons :rolleyes:

yeah right! that confused the hell outta me for a minute! ???

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I must actually admit I like the plasma weapons. Or one that is. The enhanced plasma rifle is pretty ok. Have a decent range and does 750 dmg I think. I had four guys using those weapons. And one shot from the group of four was enough to usually drop an alien. However, the reload time and the low lvl of charges was not so good. So the weapon is not good when fighting many enemies, but it worked great when running around inside bases, atleast for me...
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i've got another problem related to plasma rifles and human laser weapons

i just got 10 packs of ammo for the first laserrifle and nothing for adv. LaserR

or plasmarifle so i guess i would soon run out of ammo if i used them

anybody with a similar problem or a solution ?

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