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How the heck do I capture bases?


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I always was a huge fan of X-COM series, since the 1st one, and of course I was (and am) excited with this new UFO game.

There I was playing, when my first Capture Base mission appeared. I killed the aliens, and I moved into the green square to end the mission. But it doesn't end. I tried opening the base door and walk inside. Tried walk outside again. Tried searching for aliens I could have missed. But nothing work. The mission just doesn't end. What do I have to do? :dontgetit:

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1. On the surface, get to the base and the green square.

2. Doesn't matter how many you kill/do not kill (other than experience/weapons).

3. To the right of the End Mission button is the Go to Next Level (or similar) button.

4. Click on that :rolleyes: .

5. Kill X aliens in the base. A dialgue will pop up.

6. Either accept the end or hunt the last alien(s). At any time after the dialogue has appeared you can click End Mission.


lol. beaten to it.

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